How to use the spawn function from cross-spawn
Find comprehensive JavaScript cross-spawn.spawn code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
cross-spawn.spawn is a function in the cross-spawn library that spawns a new process and executes a command in that process, with support for cross-platform use.
GitHub: blitz-js/blitz
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debug(`postinstall trigger: ${getPostInstallTrigger()}`) }) } function run(cmd, params, cwd = process.cwd(), stdio = ["pipe", "inherit", "inherit"]) { const child = childProcess.spawn(cmd, params, { stdio, cwd, })
+ 4 other calls in file
GitHub: Jotti-lohano/BARTLEE
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function crossEnv(args, options = {}) { const [envSetters, command, commandArgs] = parseCommand(args) const env = getEnvVars(envSetters) if (command) { const proc = spawn( // run `path.normalize` for command(on windows) commandConvert(command, env, true), // by default normalize is `false`, so not run for cmd args => commandConvert(arg, env)),
+ 6 other calls in file
How does cross-spawn.spawn work?
The cross-spawn.spawn function is a part of the cross-spawn library, which is a cross-platform solution for spawning child processes in Node.js. When you call the cross-spawn.spawn function, you pass in a command string as the first argument, and an array of arguments to pass to the command as the second argument. The function then spawns a new process and executes the specified command with the given arguments in that process. The function returns a ChildProcess object, which is an EventEmitter that represents the child process. The ChildProcess object provides methods for interacting with the child process, such as kill() to terminate the process, send() to send messages to the process, and stdout and stderr streams to read output from the process. The cross-spawn.spawn function is designed to work on all platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It handles platform-specific differences in how child processes are spawned, such as differences in the command shell used or how arguments are passed to the command. Overall, the cross-spawn.spawn function provides a reliable and cross-platform way to spawn child processes in a Node.js application using the cross-spawn library.
Ai Example
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const spawn = require("cross-spawn"); const childProcess = spawn("ls", ["-la"]); childProcess.stdout.on("data", (data) => { console.log(`stdout: ${data}`); }); childProcess.stderr.on("data", (data) => { console.error(`stderr: ${data}`); }); childProcess.on("close", (code) => { console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`); });
In this example, we first require the spawn function from the cross-spawn module in our Node.js application. We then call the spawn function with the command 'ls' and an array of arguments ['-la']. This will spawn a new process and execute the ls -la command in that process. We store the resulting ChildProcess object in a variable named childProcess. We then listen to the stdout and stderr streams of the ChildProcess object to read output from the command. Finally, we listen to the close event of the ChildProcess object to determine when the command has finished executing, and print the exit code to the console using the console.log method. Overall, this example demonstrates how to use cross-spawn.spawn to spawn a new process and execute a command in that process in a Node.js application using the cross-spawn library.
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