How to use crypto.update:
GitHub: ErixXxYeas/MonkeyLab
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
// comparing given password with hashed password await bcrypt .compare(password, user.password) .then(async function (result) { if (result) { /*const token = crypto.update(jwtSecret).digest("hex"); const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(token).digest("hex");*/ const token = jwt.sign({ user: user.username }, JWT_SECRET, { expiresIn: "3hrs", });
How to use crypto.js:
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
}; //saving the user const user = await UsersModel.create(data); //if user details is captured //create a token with crypto.js if (user) { let setToken = await TokenModel.create({ userID: user.userID,
How to use crypto.Sign:
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
const certPem = fixtures.readKey('rsa_cert.crt'); const keyPem = fixtures.readKey('rsa_private.pem'); const keySize = 2048; { const Sign = crypto.Sign; const instance = Sign('SHA256'); assert(instance instanceof Sign, 'Sign is expected to return a new ' + 'instance when called without `new`'); }
How to use crypto.Verify:
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assert(instance instanceof Sign, 'Sign is expected to return a new ' + 'instance when called without `new`'); } { const Verify = crypto.Verify; const instance = Verify('SHA256'); assert(instance instanceof Verify, 'Verify is expected to return a new ' + 'instance when called without `new`'); }
How to use crypto.r:
How to use crypto.Hmac:
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
const assert = require('assert'); const crypto = require('crypto'); { const Hmac = crypto.Hmac; const instance = crypto.Hmac('sha256', 'Node'); assert(instance instanceof Hmac, 'Hmac is expected to return a new instance' + ' when called without `new`'); }
How to use crypto.pbkdf2Async:
GitHub: FoodMob/FoodMob-Node

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
let locals = {}; return User.findOne({ 'email': email}).exec() .then(function (user) { locals.user = user; console.log("User Found"); return Crypto.pbkdf2Async(password, user.login.salt, 100000, 512, 'sha512'); }).then(function (hash) { if (!locals.user.login.hashed_password.equals(hash)) { console.log("Password didn't match"); return Promise.reject("Password didn't match");
How to use crypto.aes:
GitHub: telehash/e3x-js

102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
var key = fold(1,NodeCrypto.createHash("sha256").update(secret).digest()); var ivz = new Buffer(12); ivz.fill(0); // aes-128 decipher the inner var inner = NodeCrypto.aes(false, key, Buffer.concat([iv,ivz]), innerc); return inner; }; }
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How to use crypto.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING:
GitHub: named-data/ndn-js

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var padding; if (algorithmType == EncryptAlgorithmType.RsaPkcs) { if (this.keyType != KeyType.RSA) return SyncPromise.reject(new Error("The key type must be RSA")); padding = cryptoConstants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING; } else if (algorithmType == EncryptAlgorithmType.RsaOaep) { if (this.keyType != KeyType.RSA) return SyncPromise.reject(new Error("The key type must be RSA"));
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How to use crypto.KeyObject:
GitHub: Tanver-Hasan/jose

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createSecretKey = (buffer) => { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer) || !buffer.length) { throw new TypeError('input must be a non-empty Buffer instance') } const keyObject = new KeyObject() i(keyObject).buffer = Buffer.from(buffer) i(keyObject).symmetricKeySize = buffer.length i(keyObject).type = 'secret'
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How to use crypto.getCurves:
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// Test ECDH. test(crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ec', { namedCurve: 'secp256k1' }), crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ec', { namedCurve: 'secp256k1' })); const not256k1 = crypto.getCurves().find((c) => /^sec.*(224|384|512)/.test(c)); assert.throws(() => { test(crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ec', { namedCurve: 'secp256k1' }), crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ec', { namedCurve: not256k1 })); }, {
How to use crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING:
GitHub: nwjs/node
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual.toString('hex'), expected.toString('hex')); })); } { const defaultEncoding = crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING; const defaults = { N: 16384, p: 1, r: 8 }; const expected = crypto.scryptSync('pass', 'salt', 1, defaults); const testEncoding = 'latin1';
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How to use crypto.getCipherInfo:
GitHub: nwjs/node
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
const cryptoCiphers = crypto.getCiphers(); assert(crypto.getCiphers().includes('aes-128-cbc')); validateList(cryptoCiphers); // Make sure all of the ciphers are supported by OpenSSL for (const algo of cryptoCiphers) { const { ivLength, keyLength, mode } = crypto.getCipherInfo(algo); let options; if (mode === 'ccm') options = { authTagLength: 8 }; else if (mode === 'ocb' || algo === 'chacha20-poly1305')
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How to use crypto.ECDH:
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
'to return a new instance when ' + 'called without `new`'); } { const ECDH = crypto.ECDH; const ecdh = ECDH('prime256v1'); assert(ecdh instanceof ECDH, 'ECDH is expected to return a new instance ' + 'when called without `new`'); }
How to use crypto.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING:
GitHub: named-data/ndn-js

173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
} else if (algorithmType == EncryptAlgorithmType.RsaOaep) { if (this.keyType != KeyType.RSA) return SyncPromise.reject(new Error("The key type must be RSA")); padding = cryptoConstants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING; } else return SyncPromise.reject(new Error("unsupported padding scheme"));
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How to use crypto.webcrypto:
-4 -3
const crypto = require('crypto'); global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;
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How to use crypto.DiffieHellmanGroup:
How to use crypto.DiffieHellman:
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
exports.createDiffieHellmanGroup = crypto.createDiffieHellmanGroup exports.getDiffieHellman = crypto.getDiffieHellman // createDiffieHellman exports.createDiffieHellman = crypto.createDiffieHellman exports.DiffieHellman = crypto.DiffieHellman
How to use crypto.randomBytesAsync:
GitHub: schmich/litepoll

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
var crypto = Promise.promisifyAll(require('crypto')); function createKey() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { co.wrap(function *() { var bytes = yield crypto.randomBytesAsync(33); var key = bytes.toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_'); resolve(key); })(); });
How to use crypto.ecc:
GitHub: telehash/e3x-js

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exports._Local = function(pair) { var self = this; try{ self.key = new NodeCrypto.ecc.ECKey(NodeCrypto.ecc.ECCurves.secp160r1, pair.key, true); self.secret = new NodeCrypto.ecc.ECKey(NodeCrypto.ecc.ECCurves.secp160r1, pair.secret); if(self.key.PublicKey.toString() != pair.key.toString()) throw new Error('invalid public key data'); if(self.secret.PrivateKey.toString() != pair.secret.toString()) throw new Error('invalid secret key data'); }catch(E){
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How to use crypto.subtle:
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// JSDom does not include a full implementation of webcrypto const crypto = require('crypto').webcrypto; global.crypto.subtle = crypto.subtle;
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How to use crypto.getHashes:
GitHub: nwjs/node
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assert(!crypto.getHashes().includes('SHA256')); assert(crypto.getHashes().includes('RSA-SHA1')); assert(!crypto.getHashes().includes('rsa-sha1')); validateList(crypto.getHashes()); // Make sure all of the hashes are supported by OpenSSL for (const algo of crypto.getHashes()) crypto.createHash(algo); // Assume that we have at least secp384r1. assert.notStrictEqual(crypto.getCurves().length, 0);
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How to use crypto.generateKeyPair:
GitHub: stakwork/sphinx-relay

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} } function genKeys() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { crypto.generateKeyPair( 'rsa', { modulusLength: 2048, },
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How to use crypto.Certificate:
GitHub: Kode/Krom

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> Stability: 0 - Deprecated As a legacy interface, it is possible to create new instances of the `crypto.Certificate` class as illustrated in the examples below. #### `new crypto.Certificate()` Instances of the `Certificate` class can be created using the `new` keyword or by calling `crypto.Certificate()` as a function:
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How to use crypto.getRandomValues:
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// Amount const AMOUNT = new BigNumber(Math.round(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)); // Identifier const IDENTIFIER = new Identifier(Common.toHexString(Common.mergeArrays([new Uint8Array([Math.round(Math.random() * Identifier.MAX_DEPTH)]), crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Identifier.MAX_DEPTH * Uint32Array["BYTES_PER_ELEMENT"]))]))); // Log amount console.log("Using amount: " + AMOUNT.toFixed());
How to use crypto.createCredentials:
GitHub: nujs/nu

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var self = this; var options = this._tlsOptions; // Wrap socket's handle var credentials = options.credentials || crypto.createCredentials(); this.ssl = tls_wrap.wrap(this._handle, credentials.context, options.isServer); this.server = options.server || null; // For clients, we will always have either a given ca list or be using
How to use crypto.createSecretKey:
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* @param {string} secret the MessageBird signature key * @param {VerifyOptions} opts validation options * @returns {*} an express handler to be used as middleware */ function ExpressMiddlewareVerify(secret, opts = DefaultVerifyOptions) { const sk = createSecretKey(Buffer.from(secret, 'utf8')); return function (req, res, next) { Promise.resolve() .then(() => {
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How to use crypto.getCiphers:
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FIPS: /not supported in FIPS mode/, length: /Invalid initialization vector/, authTagLength: /Invalid authentication tag length/ }; const ciphers = crypto.getCiphers(); const expectedWarnings = common.hasFipsCrypto ? [] : [ ['Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-192-gcm'],
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How to use crypto.default:
GitHub: gethexon/hexon
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// src/server/lib/http-secure.ts var import_crypto = __toESM(require("crypto")); var import_crypto_js2 = __toESM(require("crypto-js")); var import_node_jsencrypt = __toESM(require("node-jsencrypt")); function secure(enable = () => true) { const { publicKey, privateKey } = import_crypto.default.generateKeyPairSync("rsa", { modulusLength: 2048, publicKeyEncoding: { type: "spki", format: "pem"
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