How to use the getDiffieHellman function from crypto
Find comprehensive JavaScript crypto.getDiffieHellman code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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export async function createAndComputeDHSecret(){ try{ const prime = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp15').getPrime() const gen = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp15').getGenerator() const dh = crypto.createDiffieHellman(prime, gen); dh.generateKeys();
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'c4ce8628987d335466f4b16e1a04df21682d266eb3edf50b21802be3af58443c49da40529f' + '8f335a25134c1457787f60e7f0c481e32bb5c690354f68b4252936e2f4b61f9e63c76e3185' + '462d7e14f62c980a26f9da3837b2ff1b58e0aaa5d7464a7f8dcbc3a81d402dc6f28a42f4ec' + '55c6df68351ed9', 'hex'); const group = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp5'); const dh = crypto.createDiffieHellman(group.getPrime(), group.getGenerator()); dh.setPrivateKey(privateKey); // Test simple Diffie-Hellman, no curves involved.
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var crypto = require('crypto') // getDiffieHellman exports.DiffieHellmanGroup = crypto.DiffieHellmanGroup exports.createDiffieHellmanGroup = crypto.createDiffieHellmanGroup exports.getDiffieHellman = crypto.getDiffieHellman // createDiffieHellman exports.createDiffieHellman = crypto.createDiffieHellman exports.DiffieHellman = crypto.DiffieHellman
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'Received undefined' }); assert.throws( function() { crypto.getDiffieHellman('unknown-group'); }, { name: 'Error', code: 'ERR_CRYPTO_UNKNOWN_DH_GROUP',
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// We can generate appropriate values with this code: // // crypto = require('crypto'); // // for (;;) { // var a = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp14'), // var b = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp14'); // // a.generateKeys(); // b.generateKeys();
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modp16: 'daea5277a7ad0116e734a8e0d2f297ef759d1161', modp17: '3b62aaf0142c2720f0bf26a9589b0432c00eadc1', }; for (const name in hashes) { const group = crypto.getDiffieHellman(name); const private_key = group.getPrime('hex'); const hash1 = hashes[name]; const hash2 = crypto.createHash('sha1') .update(private_key.toUpperCase()).digest('hex');
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.forEach((name) => { // modp1 is 768 bits, FIPS requires >= 1024 if (name === 'modp1' && common.hasFipsCrypto) return; const group1 = crypto.getDiffieHellman(name); const group2 = crypto.getDiffieHellman(name); group1.generateKeys(); group2.generateKeys(); const key1 = group1.computeSecret(group2.getPublicKey()); const key2 = group2.computeSecret(group1.getPublicKey());
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GitHub: NJUyd2001/2023_NJUspringE-
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t.plan(3) var dh1 = cryptoB.getDiffieHellman(mod) var p1 = dh1.getPrime().toString('hex') dh1.generateKeys() var dh2 = crypto.getDiffieHellman(mod) var p2 = dh2.getPrime().toString('hex') dh2.generateKeys() t.equals(p1, p2, 'equal primes') var pubk1 = dh1.getPublicKey()
crypto.createHash is the most popular function in crypto (882 examples)