How to use the addWeeks function from date-fns
Find comprehensive JavaScript date-fns.addWeeks code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
date-fns.addWeeks is a function that returns a new date that is a given number of weeks ahead of the input date.
GitHub: box/boxcli
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case 'h': return dateTime.addHours(date, timeLength); case 'd': return dateTime.addDays(date, timeLength); case 'w': return dateTime.addWeeks(date, timeLength); case 'M': return dateTime.addMonths(date, timeLength); case 'y': return dateTime.addYears(date, timeLength);
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const calendar = google.calendar({ version: 'v3', auth: client }); const data = await{ calendarId: CALENDAR_ID, timeMin: new Date().toISOString(), timeMax: addWeeks(new Date(), 2).toISOString(), singleEvents: true, orderBy: 'startTime' });
How does date-fns.addWeeks work?
is a function that adds a specified number of weeks to a given date and returns a new date object. It accepts two arguments: the date to be modified and the number of weeks to add. It returns a new Date object that represents the modified date.
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exports.addMillisecondsImpl = dateFns.addMilliseconds exports.addMinutesImpl = dateFns.addMinutes exports.addMonthsImpl = dateFns.addMonths exports.addQuartersImpl = dateFns.addQuarters exports.addSecondsImpl = dateFns.addSeconds exports.addWeeksImpl = dateFns.addWeeks exports.addYearsImpl = dateFns.addYears exports.areRangesOverlappingImpl = dateFns.areRangesOverlapping exports.closestIndexToImpl = dateFns.closestIndexTo exports.closestToImpl = dateFns.closestTo
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}); }; const navigateNextWeek = () => { this.setState({ weekStartDate: dateFns.addWeeks(this.state.weekStartDate, 1) }); }; return (
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Ai Example
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const addWeeks = require("date-fns/addWeeks"); const date = new Date(2023, 3, 11); // April 11, 2023 const numWeeks = 2; const newDate = addWeeks(date, numWeeks); console.log(newDate); // Output: Tue Apr 25 2023 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
In this example, date represents April 11, 2023. We then specify the number of weeks we want to add to this date using the numWeeks variable, which is set to 2. We pass these values into addWeeks and assign the result to newDate. When we log newDate to the console, we see that it represents April 25, 2023, which is two weeks after our starting date.
GitHub: dimray/ToDoList
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toDoObject = toDoList[0]; const currentDate = new Date(); console.log(currentDate); let nextWeek = addWeeks(currentDate, 1); // nextWeek = format(nextWeek, 'dd.MM.yyyy'); console.log(nextWeek);
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break; case 'd': remindTime = addDays(now, parseInt(time.slice(0, -1))); break; case 'w': remindTime = addWeeks(now, parseInt(time.slice(0, -1))); break; default: remindTime = addHours(now, 1); // default to 1 hour break;
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// handle user registation const addUser = async (req, res) => { const { username, password, email } = req.body; var date = addWeeks(new Date(), 1); //next week date var date_two = new Date(); // todays date // utc date for next week date var new_utc = Date.UTC(
date-fns.format is the most popular function in date-fns (3838 examples)