How to use the differenceInDays function from date-fns
Find comprehensive JavaScript date-fns.differenceInDays code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
date-fns.differenceInDays is a function in the date-fns library that calculates the difference in days between two dates.
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exports.differenceInCalendarISOYearsImpl = dateFns.differenceInCalendarISOYears exports.differenceInCalendarMonthsImpl = dateFns.differenceInCalendarMonths exports.differenceInCalendarQuartersImpl = dateFns.differenceInCalendarQuarters exports.differenceInCalendarWeeksImpl = dateFns.differenceInCalendarWeeks exports.differenceInCalendarYearsImpl = dateFns.differenceInCalendarYears exports.differenceInDaysImpl = dateFns.differenceInDays exports.differenceInHoursImpl = dateFns.differenceInHours exports.differenceInISOYearsImpl = dateFns.differenceInISOYears exports.differenceInMillisecondsImpl = dateFns.differenceInMilliseconds exports.differenceInMinutesImpl = dateFns.differenceInMinutes
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const isReviewEnabled = (reviewDate:string) => { return dateFns.isToday(dateFns.parseISO(reviewDate)) ? dateFns.getHours(new Date()) > 19 : !dateFns.isFuture(dateFns.parseISO(reviewDate)) && !isMealCancelledOnDate(reviewDate)&& dateFns.differenceInDays( dateFns.parseISO(reviewDate), dateFns.addDays(new Date() , -5) ) <= 5
How does date-fns.differenceInDays work?
The date-fns.differenceInDays function is a part of the date-fns library, which is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides various utility functions for working with dates. When you call the date-fns.differenceInDays function, you pass in two date objects as arguments. The function then calculates the difference in days between the two dates, ignoring any time component. The function returns a number that represents the difference in days between the two dates. If the difference is positive, the first date is later than the second date. If the difference is negative, the first date is earlier than the second date. If the difference is zero, the two dates are the same. For example, you can use the date-fns.differenceInDays function to calculate the number of days between two dates: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const differenceInDays = require('date-fns/differenceInDays'); const date1 = new Date('2022-01-01'); const date2 = new Date('2022-01-10'); const days = differenceInDays(date2, date1); console.log(days); // Output: 9 In this example, we first require the differenceInDays function from the date-fns module in our Node.js application. We then define two date objects date1 and date2, representing January 1st, 2022 and January 10th, 2022 respectively. We then use the differenceInDays function to calculate the difference in days between the two dates, storing the result in a variable named days. Finally, we print the result to the console using the console.log method. Overall, the date-fns.differenceInDays function provides a simple way to calculate the difference in days between two dates in a Node.js application using the date-fns library.
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const issue = await getIssue({bookId :, returnDate : undefined}); await changeBookAvailability(book); const returnDate = new Date(); const issueDays = datefns.differenceInDays(returnDate, issue.issueDate); await updateIssue(issue._id, {returnDate, issueDays}) return{ status : true,
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var object ={ bookId :, bookName :, userId : issues[i].userId, issueDate : issues[i].issueDate, issueDays : datefns.differenceInDays(new Date(), issues[i].issueDate) }; returnArray.push(object); }
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Ai Example
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const differenceInDays = require("date-fns/differenceInDays"); const date1 = new Date("2022-01-01"); const date2 = new Date("2022-01-10"); const days = differenceInDays(date2, date1); console.log(days); // Output: 9
In this example, we first require the differenceInDays function from the date-fns module in our Node.js application. We then define two date objects date1 and date2, representing January 1st, 2022 and January 10th, 2022 respectively. We then use the differenceInDays function to calculate the difference in days between the two dates, storing the result in a variable named days. Finally, we print the result to the console using the console.log method. Overall, this example demonstrates how to use date-fns.differenceInDays to calculate the difference in days between two dates in a Node.js application using the date-fns library.
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bookId :, bookName :, userId : issues[i].userId, issueDate : issues[i].issueDate, issueDays : datefns.differenceInDays(new Date(), issues[i].issueDate), daysleft : 7 - datefns.differenceInDays(new Date(), issues[i].issueDate) }; returnArray.push(object); }
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const calculateDifferenceInDays = (dateStr1, dateStr2) => { const date1 = parse(dateStr1, 'yyyy-MM-dd', new Date()); const date2 = parse(dateStr2, 'yyyy-MM-dd', new Date()); const numDays = differenceInDays(date2, date1); return numDays; }
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object = { bookId :, bookName :, issueDate : element.issueDate, warning : 'Your issued Days limit have been passed', issueDays : datefns.differenceInDays(new Date(), element.issueDate), returnDate : 'NOT RETURNED' }; }else{ object = {
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const resultado = addBusinessDays(new Date(2023, 0, 9), /*dias para chegar*/7); console.log(resultado); //diference const chegadaDoProduto = differenceInDays(resultado, new Date(2023, 0, 9)); console.log(`Previsão de entrega: ${chegadaDoProduto} dias.`); //set
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var result = temp + ' years '; x = dateFns.addYears(x, temp); temp = dateFns.differenceInMonths(y, x); result = result + temp + ' months '; x = dateFns.addMonths(x, temp); temp = dateFns.differenceInDays(y, x); result = result + temp + ' days '; x = dateFns.addDays(x, temp); temp = dateFns.differenceInHours(y, x); result = result + temp + ' hours ';
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const now = new Date(); const localDateTimeString = props.reply.writeDate; const localDateTime = parseISO(localDateTimeString); const diffInHours = differenceInHours(now, localDateTime); const diffInDays = differenceInDays(now, localDateTime); const diffInMonths = differenceInMonths(now, localDateTime); if(diffInMonths >= 1){ setElapsedTime(`${diffInMonths}달 전`)
date-fns.format is the most popular function in date-fns (3838 examples)