How to use the endOfWeek function from date-fns
Find comprehensive JavaScript date-fns.endOfWeek code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
date-fns.endOfWeek is a function that returns the last day of a week, based on the given date.
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function getLastWeekRange(date) { const start = sub(startOfWeek(date, {weekStartsOn: 1}), {weeks: 1}) return formatRange([ start, endOfWeek(start, {weekStartsOn: 1}) ]) } function getLastMonthRange(date) {
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GitHub: Xscold1/Concheck
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const DOWNLOAD_WEEKLY_REPORT = async (req, res) =>{ try { const {projectId} = req.params; const today = new Date(); const lastSunday = endOfWeek(today, { weekStartsOn: 0 }); const findDtr = await Dtr.find({ projectId: projectId, createdAt: { $gte: startOfWeek(today, { weekStartsOn: 0 }), $lte: lastSunday }
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How does date-fns.endOfWeek work?
date-fns.endOfWeek is a function in the date-fns library that returns the last day of a week, based on the given date. The function takes two arguments - the date to start from, and an optional object with options to customize the result. By default, the function considers Sunday to be the last day of the week, but you can change this by setting the weekEndsOn option to a different day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on). The function returns a new Date object representing the end of the week. By default, the returned object is set to the end of the day (23:59:59.999), but you can change this by setting the additionalDigits option to a different value (0 to 3). Here is the syntax for date-fns.endOfWeek: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ endOfWeek(date [, options]) And here is an explanation of the arguments: date: The date to start from. This can be a Date object, a timestamp (in milliseconds), or a date string recognized by the Date.parse() method. options (optional): An object with options to customize the result. The following options are available: weekEndsOn (number, default 0): The index of the last day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on). additionalDigits (number, default 3): The number of additional digits to include in the returned date object (0 to 3). Note that date-fns is a library for working with dates in JavaScript, and provides many other useful functions for working with dates and times.
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exports.endOfMonthImpl = dateFns.endOfMonth exports.endOfQuarterImpl = dateFns.endOfQuarter exports.endOfSecondImpl = dateFns.endOfSecond exports.endOfTodayImpl = dateFns.endOfToday exports.endOfTomorrowImpl = dateFns.endOfTomorrow exports.endOfWeekImpl = dateFns.endOfWeek exports.endOfYearImpl = dateFns.endOfYear exports.endOfYesterdayImpl = dateFns.endOfYesterday exports.formatImpl = dateFns.format exports.getDateImpl = dateFns.getDate
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})); const displayedInterval = vue.computed(() => ({ start: dateFns.startOfWeek(monthStart.value, { weekStartsOn: props.weekStartsOn, }), end: dateFns.endOfWeek(monthEnd.value, { weekStartsOn: props.weekStartsOn, }), })); const weekDays = vue.computed(() => {
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Ai Example
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const endOfWeek = require("date-fns/endOfWeek"); const date = new Date(2022, 3, 5); // April 5th, 2022 const endOfWeekDate = endOfWeek(date); // April 10th, 2022 (Sunday) console.log(endOfWeekDate); // Output: 2022-04-10T23:59:59.999Z
In this example, we first import the endOfWeek function from the date-fns library. We then create a Date object representing April 5th, 2022. We pass this date to the endOfWeek function, which returns a new Date object representing the end of the week (April 10th, 2022, which is a Sunday). Finally, we log the result to the console.
GitHub: lukabrxx/calendarPicker
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setupDates(selectedDate) } //4. setup dates, startofweek gives 7 days, start of month gives whole month function setupDates(selectedDate) { const firstWeekStart = startOfWeek(startOfMonth(currentDate)) const lastWeekEnd = endOfWeek(endOfMonth(currentDate)) const dates = eachDayOfInterval({ start: firstWeekStart, end: lastWeekEnd }) dateGrid.innerHTML = "" // Return the array of dates within the specified time interval. dates.forEach(date => {
date-fns.format is the most popular function in date-fns (3838 examples)