How to use the formatISO function from date-fns
Find comprehensive JavaScript date-fns.formatISO code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
date-fns.formatISO is a function in the date-fns library that formats a date object into an ISO 8601 string.
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* @returns {boolean} false if the user has not sent a point to the same user in the time period */ async isSpam(to, from) { this.robot.logger.debug('spam check'); const db = await this.getDb(); const fiveMinutesAgo = formatISO(subMinutes(new Date(), this.spamTimeLimit)); const previousScoreExists = await db.collection(logDocumentName) .countDocuments({ from, to,
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function computeLatestDate(records) { return uniq( => } function computeOffsetDate(referenceDate, offsetDays) { return formatISO(subDays(parseISO(referenceDate), offsetDays), {representation: 'date'}) } function pickValue(records, name, date, offset) { const selectedDate = computeOffsetDate(date, offset)
How does date-fns.formatISO work?
date-fns.formatISO works by taking a date object and an optional options object as arguments. It then formats the date object into an ISO 8601 string using the specified options. The ISO 8601 format is a standard for representing dates and times in a machine-readable format. It specifies a format for representing dates and times, including the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and time zone. The date-fns.formatISO function supports several options that allow you to customize the format of the resulting string, such as the inclusion of milliseconds or the time zone offset. If no options are provided, date-fns.formatISO will use the default options, which include the year, month, and day, and an offset of Z to represent UTC. The resulting ISO 8601 string is returned as a string that can be used in other parts of your application, such as in an API response or in a user interface. date-fns.formatISO is useful for formatting dates in a standardized way that can be easily parsed and understood by other applications or systems.
GitHub: iotux/ElWiz
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const listDecode = async function (buf) { let msg = new Object(); = buf; obj = { listType: 'list1', data: {} } // = formatISO(new Date(), { representation: 'complete' }); if (hasData(, METER_VERSION) > -1) { = hex2Ascii(, METER_VERSION), 22)) obj.listType = 'list2';
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GitHub: iotux/ElWiz
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let D = hex2Dec(msg.substr(index += 2, 2)); let h = hex2Dec(msg.substr(index += 4, 2)); let m = hex2Dec(msg.substr(index += 2, 2)); let s = hex2Dec(msg.substr(index += 2, 2)); //return formatISO(new Date(Y, M, D, h, m, s), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); return formatISO(new Date(Y, M, D, h, m, s), { representtation: "complete" }); } module.exports = { hex2Dec, hex2Ascii, hasData, getAmsTime, addZero, getHour, skewDays, weekDay, upTime, getMacAddress }
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Ai Example
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const { formatISO } = require("date-fns"); // Define a date object const myDate = new Date("2022-04-01T13:30:00"); // Format the date as an ISO 8601 string const result = formatISO(myDate, { representation: "complete" }); console.log(result); // Output: '2022-04-01T13:30:00.000Z'
In this example, we start by importing the formatISO function from the date-fns library. We then define a Date object called myDate with the value of April 1st, 2022 at 1:30pm. Next, we use the formatISO function to format myDate as an ISO 8601 string. We pass in an options object with the representation property set to 'complete', which includes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and milliseconds, and an offset of Z to represent UTC. Finally, we log the result of the formatISO function to the console. The output shows that the result is '2022-04-01T13:30:00.000Z', which is the ISO 8601 representation of the original date object.
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return {from: fromDate, to: toDate} } function formatDate(date) { return formatISO(date, {representation: 'date'}) } function formatRange(range) { return => formatDate(d))
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GitHub: earnubs/field-notes
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module.exports = function(callback) { return metalsmith(__dirname) .metadata({ site: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './about.json'))), webpack: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './build/static/manifest.json'))), build_date: formatISO(date), build_date_formatted: format(date, 'PPpp'), revno: require('child_process') .execSync('git rev-parse --short origin/master') .toString().trim()
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return format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd"); }); // Format dates for JSON-LD eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("isodate", function (date) { return formatISO(date); }); // Extracts the year from a post eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter("year", function (post) {
GitHub: briankoser/kodex
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addFilter("byDate"); addFilter("distinct"); addFilter("urlDate"); eleventyConfig.addFilter("day", dateObject => getDate(dateObject)); eleventyConfig.addFilter("machineDate", dateObject => formatISO(dateObject, { representation: "date" })); eleventyConfig.addFilter("month", dateObject => getMonth(dateObject) + 1); eleventyConfig.addFilter("padZeroes", (number, zeroes) => number.toString().padStart(zeroes, '0')); eleventyConfig.addFilter("parseDate", dateString => parseISO(dateString)); eleventyConfig.addFilter("readableDate", dateObject => format(dateObject, "MMMM do, yyyy"));
date-fns.format is the most popular function in date-fns (3838 examples)