How to use the startOfWeek function from date-fns
Find comprehensive JavaScript date-fns.startOfWeek code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
date-fns.startOfWeek is a function that returns the start of a week according to the given locale, and can also take options such as the first day of the week.
GitHub: mzdr/timestamp
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return days; } getWeekdays() { const { locale } = this; const startOfWeek = datefns.startOfWeek(new Date(), { locale }); const startIndex = datefns.getDay(startOfWeek); const weekdays = []; for (let i = 0; i < 7; i += 1) {
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GitHub: robflop/
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// Insert statistics entry for the boot day if it does not exist db.all('SELECT * FROM statistics', [], (selectErr, rows) => { if (!rows) return Logger.warn('No statistics found.'); const startOfBootWeek = dateFns.startOfWeek(new Date(), { weekStartsOn: 1 }), endOfBootWeek = dateFns.endOfWeek(new Date(), { weekStartsOn: 1 }); const startOfBootMonth = dateFns.startOfMonth(new Date()), endOfBootMonth = dateFns.endOfMonth(new Date()); const startOfBootYear = dateFns.startOfYear(new Date()), endOfBootYear = dateFns.endOfYear(new Date()); const thisWeek = rows.filter(row => dateFns.isWithinInterval(dateFns.parseISO(, { start: startOfBootWeek, end: endOfBootWeek }));
How does date-fns.startOfWeek work?
date-fns.startOfWeek is a function that returns the start of a week for a given date based on the provided options, such as the starting day of the week. It takes a date object as input and returns a new date object representing the start of the week. By default, the week starts on Sunday, but this can be changed with the options parameter.
GitHub: Xscold1/Concheck
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const today = new Date(); const lastSunday = endOfWeek(today, { weekStartsOn: 0 }); const findDtr = await Dtr.find({ projectId: projectId, createdAt: { $gte: startOfWeek(today, { weekStartsOn: 0 }), $lte: lastSunday } }).exec(); const crewIds = => crewId.crewId) const findCrew = await Crew.find({crewId: {$in: crewIds}}).exec()
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exports.startOfMonthImpl = dateFns.startOfMonth exports.startOfQuarterImpl = dateFns.startOfQuarter exports.startOfSecondImpl = dateFns.startOfSecond exports.startOfTodayImpl = dateFns.startOfToday exports.startOfTomorrowImpl = dateFns.startOfTomorrow exports.startOfWeekImpl = dateFns.startOfWeek exports.startOfYearImpl = dateFns.startOfYear exports.startOfYesterdayImpl = dateFns.startOfYesterday exports.subDaysImpl = dateFns.subDays exports.subHoursImpl = dateFns.subHours
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Ai Example
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const { startOfWeek } = require("date-fns"); const date = new Date("2022-04-12"); const startOfWeekDate = startOfWeek(date, { weekStartsOn: 1 }); console.log(startOfWeekDate); // Output: 2022-04-11T00:00:00.000Z
In this example, startOfWeek is used to find the start date of the week for the given date (in this case, April 12th, 2022). The weekStartsOn option is passed as the second argument to specify that the week starts on Monday (which is represented by 1 here). The output shows that the start date of the week is April 11th, 2022.
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const { startOfWeek, addDays } = require('date-fns'); const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; module.exports = (today = new Date()) => { const start = startOfWeek(today, { weekStartsOn: 6 }); const satDisplay = `${months[start.getMonth()]} ${start.getDate()}`; const sun = addDays(start, 1); return `${satDisplay}/${sun.getDate()}`; };
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class MenuSchedule extends PureComponent<any, any> { constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { weekStartDate: dateFns.startOfWeek(new Date()), activeWeekRelativeToCurrentWeek: 0, isBusy: true }; }
GitHub: curriei/trash-talking
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break; case 'week': subIntervalBreaks = dateFns.eachWeekOfInterval(queryInterval); if (subIntervalBreaks.length === 0) { subIntervalBreaks = [ dateFns.startOfWeek(queryInterval['start']), dateFns.addMilliseconds(dateFns.endOfWeek(queryInterval['end']), 1) ]; break; }
GitHub: brkcnbz/statping
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
case "tomorrow": return startOfTomorrow() case "yesterday": return startOfYesterday() case "week": return startOfWeek(val) case "month": return startOfMonth(val) } return val
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const currentMonth = vue.computed(() => ({ start: monthStart.value, end: monthEnd.value, })); const displayedInterval = vue.computed(() => ({ start: dateFns.startOfWeek(monthStart.value, { weekStartsOn: props.weekStartsOn, }), end: dateFns.endOfWeek(monthEnd.value, { weekStartsOn: props.weekStartsOn,
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GitHub: medberroug/proofBackend
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const lastWeek = sub(today, { weeks: 1 }); const yesterday = sub(today, { days: 1 }); const thisMonthRange = { start: startOfMonth(today), end: endOfMonth(today) }; const lastMonthRange = { start: startOfMonth(lastMonth), end: endOfMonth(lastMonth) }; const thisWeekRange = { start: startOfWeek(today), end: endOfWeek(today) }; const lastWeekRange = { start: startOfWeek(lastWeek), end: endOfWeek(lastWeek) }; const todayRange = { start: startOfDay(today), end: endOfDay(today) }; const yesterdayRange = { start: startOfDay(yesterday), end: endOfDay(yesterday) };
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GitHub: lukabrxx/calendarPicker
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datePickerHeaderText.innerText = format(currentDate, "MMMM - yyyy") setupDates(selectedDate) } //4. setup dates, startofweek gives 7 days, start of month gives whole month function setupDates(selectedDate) { const firstWeekStart = startOfWeek(startOfMonth(currentDate)) const lastWeekEnd = endOfWeek(endOfMonth(currentDate)) const dates = eachDayOfInterval({ start: firstWeekStart, end: lastWeekEnd }) dateGrid.innerHTML = "" // Return the array of dates within the specified time interval.
date-fns.format is the most popular function in date-fns (3838 examples)