How to use the EventEmitter function from events
Find comprehensive JavaScript events.EventEmitter code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
events.EventEmitter is a Node.js class that allows objects in a program to emit and listen for named events.
GitHub: gmuteam/jsbint
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urls, useESNextSyntax, warnings, extraModules = [], emitter = new events.EventEmitter(); function checkOption(name, t) { name = name.trim();
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} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function mockSocket() { const socket = new events.EventEmitter(); socket.remoteAddress = '', socket.destroy = () => {}; socket.setEncoding = () => {}; socket.setKeepAlive = () => {};
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How does events.EventEmitter work?
The events.EventEmitter class in Node.js provides a way to implement the observer pattern in which an object, called the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes. It allows for the creation and registration of custom events with associated listeners, which are executed when an event is emitted. The class provides a set of methods to interact with the events, such as on(), emit(), removeListener(), and more.
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}); }; }; module.exports = Pool; Pool.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;
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this._connection._objects.set(guid, this); if (this._parent) { this._parent._objects.set(guid, this); this._logger = this._parent._logger; } this._channel = this._createChannel(new _events.EventEmitter()); this._initializer = initializer; } _setEventToSubscriptionMapping(mapping) { this._eventToSubscriptionMapping = mapping;
Ai Example
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const EventEmitter = require("events"); // create an instance of EventEmitter const myEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // listen for an event called 'greeting' myEmitter.on("greeting", (name) => { console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`); }); // emit the 'greeting' event with the argument 'Alice' myEmitter.emit("greeting", "Alice"); // Output: Hello, Alice!
In this example, we first import the events module and create a new instance of EventEmitter called myEmitter. We then listen for an event called greeting using the on method, which takes a string with the name of the event to listen for, and a callback function to execute when the event is emitted. Finally, we emit the greeting event with the argument 'Alice' using the emit method, which triggers the callback function we defined earlier and logs Hello, Alice! to the console.
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index ++; } done(); }); //mock aws exceptions var stream = new EventEmitter(); spyOn(AWS.HttpClient, 'getInstance'); AWS.HttpClient.getInstance.andReturn({ handleRequest: function(req, opts, cb, errCb) { const resp = resps[index];
GitHub: snipertomcat/Blirper
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class AsyncReader extends reader_1.default { constructor(_root, _settings) { super(_root, _settings); this._settings = _settings; this._scandir = fsScandir.scandir; this._emitter = new events_1.EventEmitter(); this._queue = fastq(this._worker.bind(this), this._settings.concurrency); this._isFatalError = false; this._isDestroyed = false; this._queue.drain = () => {
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rejects, } = require('assert'); const { EventTarget, Event } = require('internal/event_target'); async function onceAnEvent() { const ee = new EventEmitter(); process.nextTick(() => { ee.emit('myevent', 42); });
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events.prototype is the most popular function in events (93 examples)