How to use the Router function from express
Find comprehensive JavaScript express.Router code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
express.Router is a class in the Express framework for creating modular, mountable route handlers.
GitHub: ridhwaans/homehost
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searchMoviesAndTV, searchMusic, externalSearch, } = require('../data'); const { moveMovieFile, moveEpisodeFile, moveSongFile } = require('../models'); const router = express.Router(); const readStreamMp4 = (req, res, file_path) => { const stat = fs.statSync(file_path); const fileSize = stat.size;
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} catch (erreur) { return { donneesInvalides: true, messageErreur: erreur.message }; } }; const routes = express.Router(); routes.get('/services', middleware.verificationAcceptationCGU, (requete, reponse) => { depotDonnees.homologations(requete.idUtilisateurCourant) .then((services) => => s.toJSON()))
How does express.Router work?
express.Router() is a class that creates modular, mountable route handlers that can be used to handle requests based on the URL path and HTTP method, allowing developers to organize their routes in a more structured and reusable manner. It provides functions for defining routes for various HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other middleware functions that can be used to process incoming requests or modify outgoing responses. Each router can be mounted on a specific path and can have its own middleware stack, making it possible to create complex applications with multiple routers and middleware functions.
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module.exports = CarrinhoController; // let express = require("express"); let router = express.Router(); const CarrinhoController = require('../controllers/CarrinhoController'); router.get("/:item", CarrinhoController.addItem);
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Ai Example
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// Import the necessary modules const express = require("express"); // Create a new router object const router = express.Router(); // Define a route on the router object router.get("/", (req, res) => { res.send("Hello, World!"); }); // Export the router object for use in the main application module.exports = router;
In the above example, we create a new router object using express.Router(), define a route using .get(), and then export the router object for use in the main Express application. The router object can then be mounted on a path in the main application using app.use().
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// const serverless = require('serverless-http'); const config = require('../config'); const cors = require("cors"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const { GridFsStorage } = require("multer-gridfs-storage"); // const router = express.Router(); const app=express(); //DB connection mongoose.connect(config.MONGO_URL,{
GitHub: Malcolmston/chat-app
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session = require("express-session"), app = express(), http = require("http").Server(app), path = require("path"), socket = require(""), router = express.Router(), io = socket(http); const sessionMiddleware = session({ genid: function (req) {
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GitHub: rleaf/aramstats
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const cat = require('../../cat') const championNameBook = require('../../constants/championNames') dotenv.config() const router = express.Router() router .route('/:region/:summonerURI') .get(async (req, res) => {
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postMessageValidator, getMessagesValidator, } = require("../utils/validator.util"); const { isLoggedAPI } = require("../middlewares/isLogged.midlleware"); const router = Router(); /* GET users listing. */ router.get("/", (req, res) => { res.status(200).send({
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*/ module.exports.ExpressApi = class ExpressApi { constructor (options = {}) { this.server = express() this.port = process.env.PORT || 3000 this.router = express.Router() this.passport = undefined this.lastRouteHandler = undefined if ('enableCors' in options && options.enableCors) this.server.use(cors())
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const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); const auth = require('../authentification/auth.js'); require('dotenv').config(); var JsonParser = BodyParser.json(); var express = require('express'); var router_user = express.Router() const call_api_admin_add = async (req) => { const newUser = { name:,
GitHub: Manush54/Node-Projects
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const auth = require('../middleware/auth') const User = require('../models/user') const { sendWelcomeEmail, sendCancelationEmail } = require('../emails/account') const router = new express.Router() // Save a user'/users', async (req, res) => { const user = new User(req.body)
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// // const Shopify = require("shopify-node-api"); // // const ShopifyService = require("shopify-api-node"); // // const config = require("../config/index"); // const generateNonce = require("../helpers") // // const router = express.Router(); // // const getSubscriptionUrl = require("../routes/getSubscriptionUrl"); // let fs = require("fs"); const express = require("express");
express.Router is the most popular function in express (1263 examples)