How to use the default function from figlet
Find comprehensive JavaScript figlet.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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console.log('Star Wars', { horizontalLayout: 'full' })), '\n','MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! SECURITY CHECKS ARE DISABLED! YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!')); } exports.star_wars = star_wars; function game_over() { return ('\n' + figlet_1.default.textSync('Game Over', { horizontalLayout: 'full' }) + '\n Wrong password for using a --force! It would help if you did not use this option. Incident reported.'); } exports.game_over = game_over; function load_package(options) {
+ 4 other calls in file
figlet.textSync is the most popular function in figlet (140 examples)