How to use the credential function from firebase-admin
Find comprehensive JavaScript firebase-admin.credential code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
firebase-admin.credential is a module that provides a way to authenticate and authorize access to Firebase services.
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client_x509_cert_url: process.env.CERT_URL }; //initialize firebase app admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount), storageBucket: '' }); //firebase bucket
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GitHub: liamholland/cratedigger
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let cors = require("cors")({ origin: true }); let serviceAccount = require("./test-project-3d277-firebase-adminsdk-qfyec-c4d76e91e5.json"); let axios = require('axios'); admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount) }); const db = admin.firestore(); // Create and Deploy Your First Cloud Functions
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How does firebase-admin.credential work?
firebase-admin.credential works by providing a simple and secure way to authenticate and authorize access to Firebase services, such as the Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore. When you initialize the Firebase Admin SDK in your application, you must specify a credential object that identifies the service account used to access Firebase resources. This can be done using one of several available methods, such as passing a path to a service account JSON file, or providing the service account credentials directly as an object. The firebase-admin.credential module provides a number of functions to create these credential objects based on different authentication methods, such as: firebaseAdmin.credential.applicationDefault(): This function creates a credential object that uses the default service account associated with the current environment, such as a Google Cloud Platform project. firebaseAdmin.credential.cert(serviceAccount): This function creates a credential object from a service account JSON object or file, which contains the private key and other identifying information for the service account. firebaseAdmin.credential.refreshToken(refreshTokenPath): This function creates a credential object that uses a Google OAuth2 refresh token to authenticate the user. Once you have created a credential object, you can pass it to the firebaseAdmin.initializeApp() method to initialize the Firebase Admin SDK for your application. This ensures that your application is authorized to access Firebase resources based on the specified authentication method. Overall, firebase-admin.credential provides a simple and secure way to authenticate and authorize access to Firebase services using a variety of authentication methods, allowing developers to easily integrate Firebase functionality into their applications.
GitHub: suzzeong/Food-Delivery-App
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let phoneToken; process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = "./fooddeliveryapp-e2337-firebase-adminsdk-m28cl-a9add42e2e.json"; admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(), databaseURL: "", }); const orders = []; const app = express();
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GitHub: louriccia/Botto
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require('firebase/auth'); require('firebase/database'); var admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert({ "projectId": testing ? firebaseCon.projectId : process.env.FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID, "privateKey": (testing ? firebaseCon.privateKey : process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY).replace(/\\n/g, '\n'), "clientEmail": testing ? firebaseCon.clientEmail : process.env.FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL }),
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Ai Example
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const admin = require("firebase-admin"); const serviceAccount = require("./path/to/serviceAccountKey.json"); admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount), }); // Access Firebase services, such as the Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore, using the admin SDK
In this example, we first import the firebase-admin module and the service account JSON file that contains the private key and other identifying information for the service account. We then call admin.initializeApp() to initialize the Firebase Admin SDK for our application, passing in a credential object created using the admin.credential.cert() method and passing in the service account JSON object. This ensures that our application is authorized to access Firebase resources, such as the Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore, using the admin SDK. This demonstrates how firebase-admin.credential can be used to create a credential object for a service account using a JSON file, allowing us to easily authenticate and authorize access to Firebase services in our application.
GitHub: Tabadia/csiacode
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dotenv.config() const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent,] }); // FIREBASE INITIALIZATION admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert( JSON.parse(Buffer.from(process.env.FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS, 'base64').toString('ascii')) ), databaseURL: "" }) const db = admin.database();
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projectId: process.env.LOT_API_FIREBASE__PROJECT_ID, storageBucket: process.env.LOT_API_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET, messagingSenderId: process.env.LOT_API_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID, appId: process.env.LOT_API_FIREBASE_APP_ID, measurementId: process.env.LOT_API_FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID, credential: admin.credential.cert(credentials), }; // Initialize Firebase app const app = admin.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
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const jwtSecret = "djfudnsqlalfKeyFmfRkwu" const firebaseToken = 'fV0vRpDpTfCnY_VggFEgN7:APA91bHdHP6ilBpe9Wos5Y72SXFka2uAM3luANewGuw7Bx2XGnvUNjK5e5k945xwcXpW8NNei3LEaBtKT2_2A6naix8Wg5heVik8O2Aop_fu8bUibnGxuCe3RLQDtHNrMeC5gmgGRoVh'; const fcmServerKey = "AAAAqJRPduU:APA91bEIVm9-Fli0Bty_hKUggbL0CGKe_CH6Mf1k09j2Iyv9Uqm1C7ILlIhEBNkjt5C5OvNtruMVMioVp962WWjbbxMb5zaY2nQ1TiXYZgFif5tQ58KayHQJpmubjBTeJ32qi3A4leQl"; firebase.initializeApp({ credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount) }); const sendAlarm = (title, note, table, pk, url) => { let fcm = new fcmNode(fcmServerKey) let message = {
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const multer = require('multer'); // config firebase-admin const firebase = require('firebase-admin'); const serviceAccount = require('../firebase/admin.json'); firebase.initializeApp({ credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount), storageBucket: 'gs://' }); const upload = multer({ storage: multer.memoryStorage() }); //middleware import
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GitHub: yummify/yummify
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// projectId: process.env.PROJECT_ID, // storageBucket: process.env.STORAGE_BUCKET, // messagingSenderId: process.env.MESSAGING_SENDER_ID, // appId: process.env.APP_ID, // measurementId: process.env.MEASUREMENT_ID, // credential: fs.credential.cert(serviceAccount), // }; // // Initialize Firebase //fs.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
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admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount), databaseURL: process.env.DATABASE_URL, }) const certPath = admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount); const FCM = new fcm(certPath); const pushNotiByTopic = (topic, title, content) => { try {
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const app = express(); const fs = require('fs'); const { exec } = require('child_process'); const firebase = require('firebase-admin'); firebase.initializeApp({ credential: firebase.credential.cert({ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "hacktank-5277b", "private_key_id": "b5944800015e5428aae44534be4fe50790806e0c", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\n92K+dlmGMZFjsTmWtzcB+SRk\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
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firebase-admin.firestore is the most popular function in firebase-admin (560 examples)