How to use the copy function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.copy code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.copy is a method that copies a file or a directory to a new location in a robust way, with additional features over the core fs module.
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await async.eachSeries(allWorkspaceFiles, async ({ name, localPath, buffer }) => { const sourceFile = path.join(sourcePath, name); try { await fse.ensureDir(path.dirname(sourceFile)); if (localPath) { await fse.copy(localPath, sourceFile); } else { await fse.writeFile(sourceFile, buffer); } } catch (err) {
GitHub: alphagov/govuk-prototype-kit
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}) .then(displaySuccessMessage) } async function createStarterFiles (installDirectory) { await fs.copy(path.join(kitRoot, 'prototype-starter'), installDirectory) async function addToConfigFile (key, value) { const configFileLocation = path.join(installDirectory, 'app', 'config.json') const config = await fs.readJson(configFileLocation)
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How does fs-extra.copy work?
fs-extra.copy is a method provided by the fs-extra library that copies a file or a directory from one location to another while also providing the ability to filter out specific files or directories, preserve file attributes such as timestamps and permissions, and selectively overwrite existing files. Internally, the method first checks whether the source path is a file or a directory and performs the appropriate copy operation using the fs module. If the source path is a directory, the method recursively copies all files and subdirectories to the destination path. Additionally, fs-extra.copy can also handle symbolic links and junctions, and can exclude specific files or directories using filtering options.
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renderError('exists') return } await fse.ensureDir(path.dirname(installLocation)) await fse.copy(templatePath, installLocation) // Inject a forward slash if the user hasn't included one if (chosenUrl[0] !== '/') { chosenUrl = '/' + chosenUrl
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GitHub: MarkBind/markbind
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const fileNames = ['', '']; const filePath = fileNames.find(fileName => fs.existsSync(path.join(this.rootPath, fileName))); // if none of the files exist, do nothing if (_.isUndefined(filePath)) return; try { await fs.copy(path.join(this.rootPath, filePath), indexPagePath); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to copy over ${filePath}`); } }
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Ai Example
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const fse = require("fs-extra"); async function copyFile() { try { await fse.copy("/path/to/source", "/path/to/destination"); console.log("File copied successfully!"); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } copyFile();
In this example, fs-extra is imported and the copy() method is used to copy the file located at /path/to/source to /path/to/destination. The method returns a promise, which is awaited to ensure that the copy operation is completed before the console logs the success message. If an error occurs during the copy operation, it is caught and logged to the console.
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} try { this.lastWriteTimeJobInfo =; await fs.outputFile(CURRENT_INFO_FILE, JSON.stringify(jobInfo, null, 4), 'utf8'); await fs.copy(CURRENT_INFO_FILE, CURRENT_INFO_FILE + '.bak'); for (var key of nonWriteable) { jobInfo[key] = savedData[key]; }
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// move res.neu or resources.neu to app folder const resources = fs.readdirSync( path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dist", appname) ); const resourcesFile = resources.find((file) => /res(ources)?/.test(file)); await fs.copy( path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dist", appname, resourcesFile), path.resolve( process.cwd(), `${appDistributionName}.app`,
GitHub: mgol/check-dependencies
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false, ); Promise.all([]) .then(() => fs.remove(fixtureCopyDir)) .then(() => fs.copy(fixtureDir, fixtureCopyDir)) .then(() => { checkDeps( { packageDir: `${fixturePrefixSeparate}${fixtureName}-copy`,
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await rimraf(path.join(root, 'core/foo/node_modules')); await rimraf(path.join(root, 'core/bar/node_modules')); await rimraf(path.join(root, 'core/scoped/node_modules')); await rimraf(path.join(root, 'packages/c')); await fs.copyFile(path.join(root, 'package-init.json'), path.join(root, 'package.json')); await fse.copy(root, tmp); }); it('should install all on root', async () => { await coffee.fork(helper.npminstall, [], { cwd: root })
GitHub: cnpm/npminstall
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done: false, }; if (!(await exports.isInstallDone(targetdir))) { await fse.emptyDir(targetdir); await fse.copy(src, targetdir); await exports.setInstallDone(targetdir); result.exists = false; }
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} // and copy the common folder from template (contains the default blue node-red icon) fsOpts.overwrite = false // we don't want to overwrite any common folder files try { fs.copy( path.join( uib.masterTemplateFolder, uib.commonFolderName ), uib.commonFolder, fsOpts, function(err) { if (err) { log.error(`[uibuilder:runtimeSetup] Error copying common template folder from ${path.join( uib.masterTemplateFolder, uib.commonFolderName)} to ${uib.commonFolder}`, err) } else { log.trace(`[uibuilder:runtimeSetup] Copied common template folder to local common folder ${uib.commonFolder} (not overwriting)` )
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// Does not need setup to have finished running const fileName = path.join( folder, this.packageJson ) try { // Make a backup copy await fs.copy(fileName, `${fileName}.bak`) this.log.trace(`[uibuilder:package-mgt:writePackageJson] package.json file successfully backed up in ${folder}`) } catch (err) { this.log.error(`[uibuilder:package-mgt:writePackageJson] Failed to copy package.json to backup. ${folder}`, this.packageJson, err) }
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GitHub: alphagov/govuk-prototype-kit
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const installDirectory = getInstallLocation() const copyFile = (fileName) => fs.copy(path.join(kitRoot, fileName), path.join(installDirectory, fileName)) await Promise.all([ fs.copy(path.join(kitRoot, 'prototype-starter'), installDirectory), fs.writeFile(path.join(installDirectory, '.gitignore'), gitignore, 'utf8'), fs.writeFile(path.join(installDirectory, '.npmrc'), npmrc, 'utf8'), copyFile('LICENCE.txt'), updatePackageJson(path.join(installDirectory, 'package.json'))
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if (fs.existsSync(destination)) { await fs.removeSync(destination); } for (const i in jobInfo.multiDeployPaths) { await fs.copy(jobInfo.multiDeployPaths[i], destination); } await this.deployJob(jobInfo); } else {
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const hash = createHash(currBuffer) + createHash(refBuffer); if (cacheDiffImages.has(hash)) { const cachedDiffPath = cacheDiffImages.get(hash); await fs.copy(cachedDiffPath, destPath); return; } await workers.saveDiffTo(imageDiffError, destPath);
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} const run = async (dir, sidebar) => { for await (const x of walk(dir)) { if (x.endsWith('.png') || x.endsWith('.jpeg') || x.endsWith('.jpg')) { fs.copy(x, path.resolve('./src/build/assets', path.basename(x))); } else if (x.endsWith('.md')) { fs.readFile(x, 'utf8', (err, file) => { const graymatter = matter(file); const frontmatter =;
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let target = path.resolve(projectDir, '../temp-test-app-' + uniqueId++) while (fse.existsSync(target)) { target = path.resolve(projectDir, '../temp-test-app-' + uniqueId++) } try { await fse.copy(projectDir, target) } catch (error) { console.log(error) console.log(`recopy`) target = copyApp(projectDir)
GitHub: dhis2/app-platform
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if (!fs.pathExistsSync(paths.shellBuildOutput)) { reporter.error('No build output found') process.exit(1) } await fs.copy(paths.shellBuildOutput, paths.buildAppOutput) if (packAppOutput) { const bundle = path.parse(paths.buildAppBundle)
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await fsExtra.promises.mkdir(path.join(__dirname, 'build/static/js'), { recursive: true }); await Promise.all([ fsExtra.copy( path.join(__dirname, 'static'), path.join(__dirname, 'build/static'), { overwrite: true, recursive: true } ),
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const createCopy = async () => { const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures'); const copyDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', `test-dir-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)}`); await fs.ensureDir(copyDir); await fs.copy(root, copyDir); return copyDir; };
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GitHub: mrvautin/squido
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} } // Copy other needed files await fsExtra.copy(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config.js'), path.join(process.cwd(), 'config.js')); await fsExtra.copy(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'source', 'package.json'), path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json')); console.log('[Setup complete]')); }; const deIndent = (str) => {
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fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)