How to use the ensureDirSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.ensureDirSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.ensureDirSync is a function in the fs-extra library that creates a directory and all of its parent directories synchronously, if they do not already exist.
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function createApp(name, verbose, useYarn, playAround = false) { const root = path.resolve(name); const appName = path.basename(root); checkAppName(appName); fs.ensureDirSync(name); if (!isSafeToCreateProjectIn(root, name)) { process.exit(1); } console.log();
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} catch (e) { VlocityUtils.error('Failed to Delete Directory', sfdxTempFolder, e); } } fs.ensureDirSync(sfdxTempFolder); fs.outputFileSync(path.join('sfdx-project.json'), JSON.stringify(salesforceProject), { encoding: 'utf8' }); fs.outputFileSync(path.join(sfdxTempFolder, '..', 'sfdx-project.json'), JSON.stringify({ "packageDirectories": [ {
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How does fs-extra.ensureDirSync work?
The fs-extra.ensureDirSync function is a part of the fs-extra library, which is a collection of utility functions for working with the file system in Node.js. When you call the fs-extra.ensureDirSync function, you pass in a path to a directory as the first argument. The function then checks whether the directory exists, and creates it and all of its parent directories recursively if they do not already exist. If the directory already exists, the function does nothing and returns immediately. The fs-extra.ensureDirSync function is synchronous, meaning that it blocks the execution of the rest of your code until it has finished creating the directory. Overall, the fs-extra.ensureDirSync function provides a simple and reliable way to ensure that a directory exists in a Node.js application, creating the directory and all of its parent directories if necessary.
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/** Check uib root folder: create if needed, writable? */ let uibRootFolderOK = true // Try to create root and root/.config - ignore error if it already exists try { fs.ensureDirSync(uib.configFolder) // creates both folders log.trace(`[uibuilder:runtimeSetup] uibRoot folder exists. ${uib.rootFolder}` ) } catch (e) { if ( e.code !== 'EEXIST' ) { // ignore folder exists error RED.log.error(`[uibuilder:runtimeSetup] Custom folder ERROR, path: ${uib.rootFolder}. ${e.message}`)
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var ossFilePath = `oss://${scriptMarket.configJSON.bucket}/${scriptMarket.configJSON.folder}/${file}`; var localFilePath = path.join(localSavePath, file); var ossEndpoint = scriptMarket.configJSON.endpoint; // 确保文件夹 fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(localFilePath)); // 删除原文件 fs.removeSync(localFilePath);
Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); fs.ensureDirSync("/path/to/directory");
In this example, we first require the fs-extra module in our Node.js application. We then call the ensureDirSync function with the path to the directory /path/to/directory. The ensureDirSync function checks whether the directory exists, and creates it and all of its parent directories recursively if they do not already exist. If the directory already exists, the function does nothing and returns immediately. Overall, this example demonstrates how to use fs-extra.ensureDirSync to create a directory and all of its parent directories synchronously in a Node.js application using the fs-extra library.
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toolkit.createLimitedBuffer = function(limit) { return new LimitedBuffer(limit); }; var createGitHandler = toolkit.createGitHandler = function(baseDir, timeout) { fs.ensureDirSync(baseDir); var git = simpleGit({ baseDir: baseDir, timeout: { block: 15 * 1000 },
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GitHub: thegetty/quire
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write(manifest) { if (!manifest) return { errors: ['Error writing manifest. Manifest is undefined.'] } const uriPathname =, '') const outputPath = path.join(this.outputRoot, uriPathname) try { fs.ensureDirSync(path.parse(outputPath).dir) fs.writeJsonSync(outputPath, manifest) return { messages: [`Generated manifest ${outputPath}`] } } catch(error) { return { errors: [`Failed to write manifest. ${error}`] }
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const resultDirPositive = `${resultDir}positive/`; if (elementsToHide) { await helpers.hideElements(elementsToHide); } fs.ensureDirSync(resultDirPositive); // Make sure destination folder exists, if not, create it const resultPathPositive = `${resultDirPositive}${filename}`; await browser.saveScreenshot(resultPathPositive, async (err) => { await browser.pause(DELAY_500ms); if (err) {
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GitHub: volumio/volumio3-backend
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if (this.fileData) { console.log('Uploading: ' + this.filename); this.uniquename = uuidv4() + '.zip'; console.log("Created safe filename as '" + this.uniquename + "'"); try { fs.ensureDirSync(plugindir); } catch (err) { console.log('Cannot Create Plugin Dir ' + plugindir); } fs.writeFile(plugindir + '/' + this.uniquename, this.fileData, (err) => {
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_resolveMojangLibraries(tempNativePath){ const nativesRegex = /.+:natives-([^-]+)(?:-(.+))?/ const libs = {} const libArr = this.versionData.libraries fs.ensureDirSync(tempNativePath) for(let i=0; i<libArr.length; i++){ const lib = libArr[i] if(Library.validateRules(lib.rules, lib.natives)){
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doValidate = true } catch (err){ logger.error(err)'Configuration file contains malformed JSON or is corrupt.')'Generating a new configuration file.') fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(configPath, '..')) config = DEFAULT_CONFIG } if(doValidate){
GitHub: microsoft/devicescript
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{ // devices const mds = ds.boardMarkdownFiles() const mdo = "website/docs/devices" Object.keys(mds).forEach(fn => { fs.ensureDirSync(join(mdo, dirname(fn))) fs.writeFileSync(path.join(mdo, fn), mds[fn], { encoding: "utf-8", }) })
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function make_build_environment(nodes, working_directory, options) { // Create target directory let dest = working_directory ?? fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), app_name)); fs.ensureDirSync(dest); // Create and initialize the manifest builder let mcu_nodes_root = path.resolve(__dirname, "./mcu_modules"); let manifest = new mcuManifest.builder(library, mcu_nodes_root);
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return; } // prepare the dir for this manifest let mnfst_path = path.join(destination, ...scoped_module, "manifest.json"); fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(mnfst_path)); /* template: { * "modules": ['name of module to be resolved & included', 'another name', '* == all'] * }
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return fs.existsSync(filePath); } function makeDir(path, dirName) { try { fse.ensureDirSync(path + dirName); return true; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return false;
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referenceTable(services, variables), "utf-8" ); services.forEach(({ service, networks }) => { fs.ensureDirSync(`docs/api-reference/${toDashCase(service)}`); if (!fs.existsSync(`docs/api-reference/${toDashCase(service)}/index.mdx`)) { fs.writeFileSync( `docs/api-reference/${toDashCase(service)}/index.mdx`, frontMatterTemplate({
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const landKey = landX.toString() + ':' + landZ.toString() const savePath = this.voxel.landSaves +[landKey][1] + '/' + ((parseInt([landKey][2]) > 7) ? 'futuristic' : 'fantasy') + '/' fse.ensureDirSync(savePath) let bitmapObj, bitmapRaw try { bitmapRaw = fs.readFileSync(savePath + "bitmap-" + slot.toString() + ".json", 'utf-8') bitmapObj = JSON.parse(bitmapRaw)
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*/ function buildContentFile(path) { const contentDir = 'indexes/content-files'; // Make sure the /flexContentFiles dir exists fse.ensureDirSync(contentDir); // contentPath: the file with extracted HTML text let parsedPath = path.split('/.vitepress/dist')[1]; let contentPath = contentDir + parsedPath.replace('.html', '.json');
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if(zipEntries[i].entryName === 'version.json'){ const forgeVersion = JSON.parse(zip.readAsText(zipEntries[i])) const versionPath = path.join(commonPath, 'versions', const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, + '.json') if(!fs.existsSync(versionFile)){ fs.ensureDirSync(versionPath) fs.writeFileSync(path.join(versionPath, + '.json'), zipEntries[i].getData()) resolve(forgeVersion) } else { //Read the saved file to allow for user modifications.
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GitHub: shenqiuhui/sqh-cli
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this.templateTarget = templateTarget; const spinner = spinnerStart('正在页面安装模板...'); try { fse.ensureDirSync(templateSource); fse.ensureDirSync(templateTarget); fse.copySync(templateSource, templateTarget); Promise.resolve().then(() => log.success('页面模板安装完成')); } catch (err) {
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GitHub: helson-lin/ffandown
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* @return {string} real download directory */ const EnsureDonwloadPath = (_path) => { if (_path.startsWith('@')) { const relPath = _path.replace('@', '') fse.ensureDirSync(relPath) return relPath } const relPath = path.join(process.cwd(), _path) fse.ensureDirSync(relPath)
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fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)