How to use the ensureFileSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.ensureFileSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.ensureFileSync is a function in the fs-extra library that creates a file if it does not already exist.
GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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} exports.createTempStructure = function (files) { const tmpdir = tmp.dirSync({ unsafeCleanup: true }).name _.each(files, (content, filepath) => { fs.ensureFileSync(`${tmpdir}/${filepath}`) fs.writeFileSync(`${tmpdir}/${filepath}`, content) }) return tmpdir }
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// try to create folder/file - if fail, return error try { if ( params.cmd === 'newfolder') { fs.ensureDirSync(fullname) } else { fs.ensureFileSync(fullname) } } catch (e) { const statusMsg = `could not create ${params.cmd === 'newfolder' ? 'folder' : 'file'}. url=${params.url}, cmd=${params.cmd}, folder=${params.folder}, error=${e.message}` log.error(`[uibuilder:adminRouterV3:POST] Admin API. ${statusMsg}`)
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How does fs-extra.ensureFileSync work?
The fs-extra.ensureFileSync function is a part of the fs-extra library, which is a collection of utility functions for working with the file system in Node.js. When you call the fs-extra.ensureFileSync function, you pass in a path to a file as the first argument. The function then checks whether the file exists, and creates it if it does not already exist. If the file already exists, the function does nothing and returns immediately. The fs-extra.ensureFileSync function is synchronous, meaning that it blocks the execution of the rest of your code until it has finished creating the file. Overall, the fs-extra.ensureFileSync function provides a simple and reliable way to ensure that a file exists in a Node.js application, creating the file if necessary.
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// ***** // File to persist plugin data function get_cache() { let cache_file = path.join(RED.settings.userDir, "mcu-plugin-cache", "cache.json"); fs.ensureFileSync(cache_file); let cache_data; try { cache_data = fs.readFileSync(cache_file, 'utf8'); } catch (err) {
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16 ); } async function writeImage16Bit(filename, w, h, color_func, scale = 1, bit_depth = 16) { fs.ensureFileSync(filename); let ww = w * scale; let hh = h * scale; let img = new Image(ww, hh, {bitDepth: bit_depth} );
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); fs.ensureFileSync("/path/to/file.txt");
In this example, we first require the fs-extra module in our Node.js application. We then call the ensureFileSync function with the path to the file /path/to/file.txt. The ensureFileSync function checks whether the file exists, and creates it if it does not already exist. If the file already exists, the function does nothing and returns immediately. Overall, this example demonstrates how to use fs-extra.ensureFileSync to create a file if it does not already exist in a Node.js application using the fs-extra library.
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const fileObj = generateTestFile(); let s; before(done => { fakeNow = new Date(2012, 8, 12, 10, 37, 11); fs.ensureFileSync(fileObj.path); fs.writeFileSync(fileObj.path, "exist"); s = new RollingFileWriteStream(fileObj.path); s.write("now", "utf8", done); });
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} const templateString = fs.readFileSync(template, 'utf8') const rendered = ejs.render(templateString, data, { async: false }) if (output) { const outputRendered = ejs.render(output, data, { async: false }) fs.ensureFileSync(outputRendered) fs.writeFileSync(outputRendered, rendered, { encoding: 'utf-8' }) ipcRenderer.send('console-log', `[StarUML] ${outputRendered}`) } else { ipcRenderer.send('console-log', rendered)
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GitHub: Shenfq/gas-reader
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if (!result[brand][company].includes(type)) { result[brand][company].push(type) } }) fs.ensureFileSync(dataFile) fs.writeJSONSync(dataFile, result, { spaces: 2 }) ctx.body = { success: true
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GitHub: liuding0304/dean
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
const article = articles[i]; const files = readArticleMenu(article); const name = article.replace(/.+\//, ''); sidebar[`/${name}/`] = [generateMenu({ name, files })]; } fs.ensureFileSync(resolve('../config/sidebar.json')); fs.writeFileSync(resolve('../config/sidebar.json'), JSON.stringify(sidebar, undefined, ' ')); console.log('已生成sidebar'); }
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fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)