How to use the mkdirsSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.mkdirsSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.mkdirsSync is a function in the fs-extra library in Node.js that creates a directory and any necessary subdirectories synchronously.
GitHub: jjpps/Championify
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const folder_name = os + pkg.devDependencies['electron'].replace(/\./g, '-'); const cache_path = path.join('./cache', folder_name); if (fs.existsSync(cache_path)) return; console.log(`Extracting: ${download_path}`); fs.mkdirsSync(cache_path); return _zipExtract(download_path, cache_path) .then(() => { const license_file = path.join('./cache', folder_name, 'LICENSE'); if (fs.existsSync(license_file)) fs.removeSync(license_file);
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return fs.mkdirsAsync(this._pluginConfig.path) .then(() => this._saveDataFile(fs.writeFileAsync)); } saveDataFileSync() { fs.mkdirsSync(this._pluginConfig.path); this._saveDataFile(fs.writeFileSync); } _saveDataFile(saveFn: (path: string, result: ITestResult, encode: string) => string): string {
How does fs-extra.mkdirsSync work?
The fs-extra.mkdirsSync method is used to create a new directory or a series of nested directories in a synchronous manner, recursively creating directories if necessary, and throwing an error if the directory already exists or can't be created.
GitHub: xxd2977/gogocod-copy
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if (lastSepIndex > -1) { outDir = outFile.substring(0, lastSepIndex); } if (!fse.existsSync(outDir)) { fse.mkdirsSync(outDir); } } function logSuccess(result) { if (result) {
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GitHub: emillis/switch-helpers
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name = (name || "").replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/gi, ""); const loc = path.join(this.rootLocation, name); if (this.cacheExists(name) && !overwrite) { throw `Cache "${name}" already exist! Overwriting is not allowed!`; } fs.mkdirsSync(loc); fs.createFileSync(path.join(loc, `${name}.json`)); return new Cache(this.rootLocation, name); } getCache(name) {
Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); // Create a new directory called "myDir" fs.mkdirsSync("./myDir");
This will create a new directory in the current working directory called "myDir". If the directory already exists, mkdirsSync will not overwrite it and will instead throw an error.
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app.get('/data/:threadId', jsonParser, function (request, response) { folderImage = request.params["threadId"]; console.log("folderImage: " + folderImage) console.log("numImage: " + numImage) fs.mkdirsSync('./uploads/' + folderImage, { recursive: true }) let filesInner = fs.readdirSync('./uploads/' + folderImage); let jpgsInner = filesInner.filter(function(el, i) { return el.substring(el.length - 3) == 'jpg';
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const cwd = process.cwd(); let tmpDir; beforeEach(() => { tmpDir = getTmpDirPath(); serviceDir = path.join(tmpDir, 'service'); fse.mkdirsSync(serviceDir); process.chdir(serviceDir); pluginManager.serverless.serviceDir = serviceDir; });
GitHub: ember-cli/ember-cli
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confirmBlueprintedForDir('blueprints/app', 'foo-bar'); }); it('ember new @foo/bar, when direct parent directory contains `foo`', async function () { let scopedDirectoryPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'foo'); fs.mkdirsSync(scopedDirectoryPath); process.chdir(scopedDirectoryPath); await ember(['new', '@foo/bar', '--skip-npm']);
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GitHub: github-gmm/hs-cli
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if (fes.existsSync(targetFolder)) { spinner.stop(); //'文件夹存在!')); resolve(true); } else { fes.mkdirsSync(targetFolder); spinner.stop(); // spinner.succeed(chalk.yellow('文件夹创建成功!')) resolve(true); }
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// This is the directory we got "back" from `PackageCache.create`. let targetDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'tmp', 'target'); expect(dir(targetDir)).to.not.exist; testPackageCache._conf.set('label', targetDir); fs.mkdirsSync(targetDir); expect(dir(targetDir)).to.exist; // This is the directory which would be created as a link. let eventualDir = path.join(targetDir, 'node_modules', 'beta');
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link = links[i]; if (typeof link === 'string') { commands[type].invoke('link', link, { cwd: this.dirs[label] }); } else { linkPath = path.join(this.dirs[label], translate(type, 'path'),; fs.mkdirsSync(path.dirname(linkPath)); // Just in case the path doesn't exist. symlinkOrCopySync(link.path, linkPath); } }
fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)