How to use the move function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.move code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.move is a function in the fs-extra package that allows moving a file or directory from one location to another.
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// is reset in the middle of testing. In that case, we want to ensure // that we don't try to write on top of an existing directory, as this // could lead to unexpected behavior. try { const timestampSuffix = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-'); await fse.move( initializeResult.destinationPath, `${initializeResult.destinationPath}-bak-${timestampSuffix}`, { overwrite: true,
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GitHub: alphagov/govuk-prototype-kit
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} function renameAllHtmlFilesToNjk () { return recursiveDirectoryContentsSync(appViewsDir) .filter(filePath => filePath.endsWith('.html')) .map(filePath => fs.move( path.join(appViewsDir, filePath), path.join(appViewsDir, filePath.substring(0, filePath.length - '.html'.length) + '.njk') )) }
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How does fs-extra.move work?
fs-extra.move() is a function provided by the fs-extra module in Node.js that moves a file or a directory from one location to another by renaming the file or directory using the underlying fs.rename() function in Node.js. The function supports various options, such as overwrite protection, preserving file attributes, and handling symlinks.
GitHub: mgol/check-dependencies
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Promise.all([]) // Change package.json to bower.json in top level scope .then(() => fs.existsSync(`${fixtureDirPath}/package.json`) ? fs.move( `${fixtureDirPath}/package.json`, `${fixtureDirPath}/bower.json`, ) : undefined,
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epubFilename console.log('Moving zipped epub to _output/' + epubFilename) if (pathExists(pathToZip)) { fs.move(pathToZip, pathToEpub, { overwrite: true }) .then(function () { resolve() })
Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); // Move a file fs.move("/path/to/source/file", "/path/to/destination/file", (err) => { if (err) return console.error(err); console.log("File was successfully moved!"); }); // Move a directory fs.move("/path/to/source/dir", "/path/to/destination/dir", (err) => { if (err) return console.error(err); console.log("Directory was successfully moved!"); });
In this example, fs-extra.move is used to move a file and a directory from one location to another on the file system. If an error occurs during the move operation, it will be logged to the console, otherwise a success message will be logged.
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"Resources", ".storage" ) ); // move binary to app folder await fs.move( path.resolve(process.cwd(), "dist", appname, binaryName), path.resolve( process.cwd(), `${appDistributionName}.app`,
GitHub: GreySole/Spooder
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}); } if(fs.existsSync(tempDir+"/utility") && options.utility == true){ await fs.move(tempDir+"/utility", utilityDir, {overwrite:true}); chmodr(utilityDir,0o777, (err) => { if(err) throw err;
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GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
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.findOneAndUpdate({ id: req.params.datasetId }, { $set: patch }, { returnDocument: 'after' })).value // Move all files if (datasetUtils.dir(req.dataset) !== datasetUtils.dir(patchedDataset)) { try { await fs.move(datasetUtils.dir(req.dataset), datasetUtils.dir(patchedDataset)) } catch (err) { console.warn('Error while moving dataset directory', err) } }
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statAsync = path => fse.stat(getAbsPath(path)) readJson = fname => fse.readJSON(getAbsPath(fname)) pathExistsAsync = fname => fse.pathExists(getAbsPath(fname)) copyAsync = (src, dest) => fse.copy(src,dest) ensureDirAsync = dirPath => fse.ensureDir(dirPath) moveAsync = (srcPath,destPath) => fse.move(srcPath,destPath) removeAsync = dirPath => fse.remove(dirPath) emptyDirAsync = dirPath => fse.emptyDir(dirPath) getAllFiles = async (dir) => {
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} function moveFile(sourcePath, destFolder) { showLoading("Moving..."); let fileName = getFileName(sourcePath); return fse.move(sourcePath, destFolder + fileName).then(() => { hideLoading(); }); }
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GitHub: davidmerfield/Blot
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function (err) { // debug("moving", final_path); // Now we have all the time in the world to move the temporary file // containing the full, successfully-sent response to this request. fs.move(tmp_path, final_path, { overwrite: true }, function (err) { // debug('complete!', final_path); // This will create another file with the suffix 'gzip', e.g. // index.htmlgzip which contains the gzipped contents of the
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GitHub: pmlrsg/GISportal
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if (!utils.directoryExists(deletePath)) { utils.mkdirpSync(deletePath); } fs.move(groupFolder, deleteFolder, { overwrite: true }, function(err) { if (err) { res.status(500).send();
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GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
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} } } await fs.ensureDir(exports.dir(patchedDataset)) await fs.remove(exports.originalFilePath(patchedDataset)) await fs.move(exports.originalFilePath(dataset), exports.originalFilePath(patchedDataset)) if (await fs.pathExists(exports.attachmentsDir(dataset))) { await fs.remove(exports.attachmentsDir(patchedDataset)) await fs.move(exports.attachmentsDir(dataset), exports.attachmentsDir(patchedDataset)) }
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GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
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...inputStreams, new RemoteExtensionStream({ extensions: detailedExtensions, dataset, db, es }), ...writeStreams ) const filePath = writeStreams[writeStreams.length - 1].path if (filePath) await fs.move(filePath, datasetUtils.fullFilePath(dataset), { overwrite: true }) debug('Extension is over') }
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resolve(flowDetails); } else { let dstpath = userDir + "/flowFileBackup/allFlowsBkp.json"; fs.pathExists(srcpath).then(exists => { if (exists) { fs.move(srcpath, dstpath, { overwrite: true }, err => { if (err) console.log(err); resolve(flowDetails);
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console.log(` succesfully deleted ./public/images/${dir}/${req.body.previous}`); }); } fs.move("./public/tempDir/" + fileName, dest_path + fileName, { overwrite: true }) .then(() => { res.send({ message: "Image uploaded successfully" }); }) .catch((err) => {
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GitHub: loongson/npm-registry
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* this.originalResourcesAppDir is predictable (e.g. before .app is renamed for Mac) */ async initialize () { debug(`Initializing app in ${this.stagingPath} from ${this.templatePath} template`) await fs.move(this.templatePath, this.stagingPath, { clobber: true }) await this.removeDefaultApp() if (this.opts.prebuiltAsar) { await this.copyPrebuiltAsar() } else {
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GitHub: snapptop/ninjs-lodash
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} function copy(src, dest, callback) { return fs.copy(src, dest, _.cb(callback)) } function rename(src, dest, callback) { return fs.rename(src, dest, _.cb(callback)) } function remove(src, callback) { return fs.remove(src, _.cb(callback)) } function move(src, dest, callback) { return fs.move(src, dest, _.cb(callback)) } function dirPaths(src, callback) { return fs.readdir(src, (err, results) => { if(err) return, callback)
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// In that case, just skip it - it means two different notes might be linked to the // same resource. const existingResource = await Resource.load(; if (existingResource) continue; await fs.move(resource.dataFilePath, Resource.fullPath(toSave), { overwrite: true }); await, { isNew: true }); resourcesCreated++; } return resourcesCreated;
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return; } for (var i = 0; i < files2.length; i++) { (function () { var k = i; fs.move(path + "/" + files[0] + "/" + files2[i], path + "/" + files2[i], function (err) { if (err) return console.error("praesi readdir error2:", err); if (k == files2.length - 1) { console.log("DONE! MOVING PRAESI FILES! FOR:", path); secondCheck = true;
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// Try to prevent weird bug with NFS by forcing syncing file before reading it const fd = await + '.tmp', 'r') await fs.fsync(fd) await fs.close(fd) // write in tmp file then move it for a safer operation that doesn't create partial files await fs.move(filePath + '.tmp', filePath, { overwrite: true }) } = async (processingConfig, dir, axios, log) => { await fs.ensureDir(dir)
fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)