How to use the outputFileSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.outputFileSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The fs-extra.outputFileSync method writes data to a file and creates the file if it does not exist.
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try { if (forceWrite || !this.lastWriteTimeLog || ( - this.lastWriteTimeLog > 60000)) { fs.outputFileSync('VlocityBuildLog.yaml', yaml.dump(logInfo, { lineWidth: 1000 })); fs.copySync('VlocityBuildLog.yaml', path.join(this.vlocity.tempFolder, 'logs', jobInfo.logName)); fs.outputFileSync('VlocityBuildErrors.log', errorLog); this.lastWriteTimeLog =; } } catch (e) { VlocityUtils.log(e);
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} catch(err) { return callback(new Error('Fetch file from HTTP Service failed.')) } fs.outputFileSync(localFilePath, fileContent); if (!fs.existsSync(localFilePath)) { return callback(new Error('Fetch file from HTTP Service failed.')) }
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How does fs-extra.outputFileSync work?
The fs-extra.outputFileSync method is part of the fs-extra module in Node.js, which provides additional functionality to the built-in fs module. The method takes two parameters: the path of the file to write to, and the data to write to the file. If the file does not exist, it is created. If the file does exist, its contents are overwritten with the new data. The method is synchronous, which means that it blocks the execution of any code after it until the write operation is complete. This makes it suitable for small files or situations where the code needs to wait for the file to be written before continuing. However, for large files or situations where performance is critical, it is recommended to use the asynchronous fs-extra.writeFile method instead. The fs-extra.outputFileSync method can also take an optional third parameter, which is an encoding to use when writing the file. The default encoding is 'utf8', but other options include 'ascii', 'utf16le', and 'base64', among others.
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) } const loader = p.join(buildDirectory, 'loader.js') if (!fse.pathExistsSync(loader)) { fse.outputFileSync( loader, '// This file is required by Managed Runtime for historical reasons.\n' ) }
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VlocityUtils.log('- ' + allManifestByKey[key].VlocityDataPackKey + ' # ' + allManifestByKey[key].VlocityDataPackDisplayLabel); manifestArray.push(allManifestByKey[key].VlocityDataPackKey); } try { fs.outputFileSync('VlocityBuildLog.yaml', yaml.dump({ manifest: manifestArray }, { lineWidth: 1000 })); } catch (e) { VlocityUtils.error('Error Writing Log', e); }
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); // Write data to a file fs.outputFileSync("example.txt", "Hello, world!"); // Append data to the same file fs.outputFileSync("example.txt", "\nThis is a new line.", { flag: "a" });
In this example, the fs-extra module is imported and then the outputFileSync method is called twice. The first call writes the string "Hello, world!" to a file called "example.txt" in the current working directory. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, its contents will be overwritten with the new data. The second call appends the string "\nThis is a new line." to the same file by passing an options object with the flag property set to 'a'. This tells the method to append the data to the end of the file instead of overwriting its contents.
GitHub: wix-incubator/haste
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module.exports = (fsObject = {}) => { const cwd =; Object.keys(fsObject).forEach((filename) => { fs.outputFileSync(path.join(cwd, filename), fsObject[filename]); }); const createFileObject = (filename) => { return new Proxy({}, {
GitHub: Mrlhz/puppeteer
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function generateMarkdown(filePath, data) { if (!data) return if (!fs.pathExistsSync(filePath)) return const file = path.resolve(filePath, `${path.parse(source).name}.md`) fs.outputFileSync(file, data) } function setSeparate() { const splitLine = '-'.repeat(100)
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// Create the json object and write file to search-files dir let json = { id: id, content: plainText, }; fse.outputFileSync(contentPath, JSON.stringify(json)); // Update the in memory flexSearch indexes to be exported later // All files (from all docsets) go into indexAll indexAll.add(id, json.content);
GitHub: davidmerfield/Blot
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fs.ensureDirSync(temporaryOutputDir); const identifier = files.exportUpload[0].originalFilename; const inputXML = files.exportUpload[0].path; fs.outputFileSync(join(uploadDir, "identifier.txt"), identifier, "utf-8"); const lastStatus = join(uploadDir, "status.txt"); const reportStatus = function (status) {
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GitHub: helson-lin/ffandown
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* @param {object} obj */ const createYml = (obj) => { const yamlString = json2yaml.dump(obj, { lineWidth: -1 }) const filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'config.yml') fse.outputFileSync(filePath, yamlString) } /** * @description: make sure download directory exists
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GitHub: fishawack/core
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vendor = file === "vendor" ? res.css : vendor; general = file === "general" ? res.css : general; outputFileSync(`${dir}/general.css`, `${vendor}\n${general}`); } else { outputFileSync(`${dir}/${file}.css`, res.css); } }) .catch(err => { grunt.log.subhead(`Postcss: ${dir}/${file}.css`);
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GitHub: harby9/tphone-core
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if (dest.indexOf('array.wxs') !== -1) { // 兼容 Array.isArray const content = fs.readFileSync(dest, 'utf8').toString() .replace('array && array.constructor === \'Array\'', 'array && (array.constructor === \'Array\' || (typeof Array !== \'undefined\' && Array.isArray(array)))') fs.outputFileSync(dest, content) } else if (dest.indexOf('notify/notify.js') !== -1) { // notify.js show 方法与 show 属性冲突 const content = fs.readFileSync(dest, 'utf8').toString() .replace('show()', 'showNotify()')
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'[my-other-profile]', 'aws_access_key_id = my-other-profile-key', 'aws_secret_access_key = my-other-profile-secret', ].join('\n'); fse.outputFileSync(credentialsFilePath, newCredentialsFileContent); return awsConfigCredentials.configureCredentials().then(() => { const UpdatedCredentialsFileContent = fs.readFileSync(credentialsFilePath).toString(); const lineByLineContent = UpdatedCredentialsFileContent.split('\n');
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GitHub: duanemcguire/mcpiano
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return output.length; } }; if (_this.opts.writeToFileEmit) { fse.outputFileSync(outputFile, output); } } if (compiler.hooks) {
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it('_removeLinks', function () { // This is our package that is linked in. let srcDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'tmp', 'beta'); expect(dir(srcDir)).to.not.exist; fs.outputFileSync(path.join(srcDir, 'package.json'), 'beta'); expect(file(path.join(srcDir, 'package.json'))).to.contain('beta'); // This is the directory we got "back" from `PackageCache.create`. let targetDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'tmp', 'target');
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process.chdir(originalWorkingDirectory); this._conf.set(label, outputDir); let outputFile = path.join(outputDir, translate(type, 'manifest')); fs.outputFileSync(outputFile, manifest); // Remove any existing yarn.lock file so that it doesn't try to incorrectly use it as a base. if (type === 'yarn') { try {
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console.log(TEMPLATE_FOLDERS); TEMPLATE_FOLDERS.forEach((TEMPLATE_FOLDER) => { const files = find.fileSync(TEMPLATE_FILENAME_PATTERN, TEMPLATE_FOLDER); files.forEach(function (file) { const destFile = file.split(".template")[0].substr(TEMPLATE_FOLDER.length); fs.outputFileSync( destFile, fs .readFileSync(file, "utf8") .replace(appNameToken, appName)
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GitHub: saby/builder
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if (fs.existsSync(lockFilePath)) { return; } fs.outputFileSync(lockFilePath, '', { flag: 'w+' });`Created lockfile ${lockFilePath}`); const onExitHandler = () => {
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} } else { // update version.json fs.outputJsonSync(path.resolve(dest, 'version.json'), newVersionContent); // update latest_version.txt fs.outputFileSync(path.resolve(dest, 'latest_version.txt'), uuid); } } const outputPath = path.resolve(dest, uuid);
fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)