How to use the pathExists function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.pathExists code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.pathExists is a function that checks if a file or directory exists at a given path on the file system.
GitHub: clusterio/clusterio
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if (extension && name.endsWith(extension)) { name = name.slice(0, -extension.length); } while (true) { if (!await fs.pathExists(path.join(directory, `${name}${extension}`))) { return `${name}${extension}`; } let match = /^(.*?)(-(\d+))?$/.exec(name);
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GitHub: heiseonline/embetty
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}) const downloadAsset = async (url, baseDir) => { const { pathname } = new URL(url) const targetFile = path.join(baseDir, pathname) if (await fs.pathExists(targetFile)) { console.log('skipping download:', targetFile) return undefined }
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How does fs-extra.pathExists work?
fs-extra.pathExists works by taking a file path as input and returning a Promise that resolves to a Boolean value indicating whether a file or directory exists at that path.
The function first checks if the file or directory exists synchronously, without triggering any I/O operations.
If the file or directory exists, the function immediately resolves the Promise with a value of true
If the file or directory does not exist, the function asynchronously checks the file system to determine if the path is valid and the file or directory could be created.
If the path is valid, the function resolves the Promise with a value of false
If the path is invalid or the function encounters an error during the asynchronous check, the function rejects the Promise with an error message.
GitHub: maizzle/framework
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tailwindConfig.content.files.push(...templateSources) } const userFilePath = get(config, 'build.tailwind.css', path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/css/tailwind.css')) const userFileExists = await fs.pathExists(userFilePath) const toProcess = [ postcssNested(), tailwindcss(tailwindConfig),
GitHub: remix-pwa/remix-pwa
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const projectDir = process.cwd(); // Look if any lock file exists so we can identify the preferred package manager. packageManager = await (async () => { const [isNpm, isYarn, isPnpm] = await Promise.all([ fse.pathExists(path.resolve(projectDir, "package-lock.json")), fse.pathExists(path.resolve(projectDir, "yarn.lock")), fse.pathExists(path.resolve(projectDir, "pnpm-lock.yaml")), ]);
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); // Check if a file exists at the path 'file.txt' fs.pathExists("file.txt") .then((exists) => { if (exists) { console.log("The file exists."); } else { console.log("The file does not exist."); } }) .catch((err) => console.error(err));
In this example, we use the fs-extra.pathExists function to check if a file named file.txt exists at the root of the file system. We call the function with the path 'file.txt' and then handle the returned Promise using the then and catch methods. If the file exists, the Promise resolves with a value of true, and we log the message 'The file exists.'. If the file does not exist, the Promise resolves with a value of false, and we log the message 'The file does not exist.'. If an error occurs during the check, the Promise is rejected with an error message, which we log to the console using console.error.
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upgradeCommand: `npm install ${pack.packageName}@${pack.latestVersion}`, uninstallCommand: `npm uninstall ${pack.packageName}` }) if (installed.includes(pack.packageName)) { const pluginPkgPath = path.join(projectDir, 'node_modules', pack.packageName, 'package.json') const pluginPkg = await fse.pathExists(pluginPkgPath) ? await fse.readJson(pluginPkgPath) : {} pack.installedVersion = pluginPkg.version if (!['govuk-prototype-kit', 'govuk-frontend'].includes(pack.packageName)) { pack.uninstallLink = `${contextPath}/plugins/uninstall?package=${encodeURIComponent(pack.packageName)}` }
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GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
return path.join(exports.dir(dataset), 'metadata-attachments') } exports.lsAttachments = async (dataset) => { const dirName = exports.attachmentsDir(dataset) if (!await fs.pathExists(dirName)) return [] const files = (await dir.promiseFiles(dirName)) .map(f => path.relative(dirName, f)) return files.filter(p => path.basename(p).toLowerCase() !== 'thumbs.db') }
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GitHub: data-fair/data-fair
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if ( { const job = new CronJob(config.exportRestDatasets.cron, () => {}) patch.exports.restToCSV.nextExport = job.nextDates().toISOString() } else { delete patch.exports.restToCSV.nextExport if (await fs.pathExists(datasetUtils.exportedFilePath(req.dataset, '.csv'))) { await fs.remove(datasetUtils.exportedFilePath(req.dataset, '.csv')) } } patch.exports.restToCSV.lastExport = req.dataset?.exports?.restToCSV?.lastExport
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// Add base64 content of attachments const attachmentField = dataset.schema.find(f => f['x-refersTo'] === '') if (attachmentField && flatItem[attachmentField.key]) { const filePath = path.join(datasetUtils.attachmentsDir(dataset), flatItem[attachmentField.key]) if (await fs.pathExists(filePath)) { const stats = await fs.stat(filePath) if (stats.size > config.defaultLimits.attachmentIndexed) { warning = 'Pièce jointe trop volumineuse pour être analysée' } else {
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// Driver Icon Hashes if (Array.isArray(manifest.drivers)) { await Promise.all( driver => { const iconPath = path.join(this.path, 'drivers',, 'assets', 'icon.svg'); if (await fse.pathExists(iconPath)) { driver.iconHash = await Util.getFileHash(iconPath); } })); }
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readFileAsync = (fname, encoding) => fse.readFile(getAbsPath(fname),encoding) readJsonAsync = fname => fse.readJSON(getAbsPath(fname)) readdirAsync = dirname => fse.readdir(getAbsPath(dirname)) statAsync = path => fse.stat(getAbsPath(path)) readJson = fname => fse.readJSON(getAbsPath(fname)) pathExistsAsync = fname => fse.pathExists(getAbsPath(fname)) copyAsync = (src, dest) => fse.copy(src,dest) ensureDirAsync = dirPath => fse.ensureDir(dirPath) moveAsync = (srcPath,destPath) => fse.move(srcPath,destPath) removeAsync = dirPath => fse.remove(dirPath)
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return gitBranch } const { gitRepositoryUrl, workspacePath } = config let localRemoteExists if ( await fs.pathExists( `${workspacePath}/.git/refs/remotes/origin/${gitBranch}` ) ) { localRemoteExists = true
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//will remove "appId".json from .nodered/allFlows directory let removeJSON = (flowDetails) => { console.log("removeJSON : packageId : " + flowDetails.packageId); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let allPath = userDir + '/allFlows/' + flowDetails.packageId + ".json"; fs.pathExists(allPath).then(exists => { if (exists) { fs.unlink(allPath, (err) => { if (err) { reject("Error : App not exists in allFlows folder :" + flowDetails.packageId);
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*/ static async _scanFileSystem(scanDir){ let res = new Set() if(await fs.pathExists(scanDir)) { const files = await fs.readdir(scanDir) for(let i=0; i<files.length; i++){
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GitHub: verdnatura/myt
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console.log('Mocking date functions.'); const mockDateScript = path.join(dumpDir, 'mockDate.sql'); if (opts.mockDate) { if (!await fs.pathExists(mockDateScript)) throw new Error(`Date mock enabled but mock script does not exist: ${mockDateScript}`); let sql = await fs.readFile(mockDateScript, 'utf8'); sql = sql.replace(/@mockDate/g, SqlString.escape(opts.mockDate));
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// see if a package.json exists; if so read it // in, because there may be a "main" field // that indicates the name of the file which // includes the main routine const packageJsonPath = `${dirPath}/package.json` fs.pathExists(packageJsonPath) .then(exists => { if (exists) { // yup, we found a package.json, now see if it has a main field return fs.readFile(packageJsonPath)
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const yaml = require("./yaml") const deepmerge = require("./deepmerge") const getConfigYaml = async (file) => { if (!(await fs.pathExists(file))) { return } return yaml.load(await fs.readFile(file, { encoding: "utf-8" })) }
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doNeedTopLevelSearch = true, doNeedDirs = false, doNeedFullPath = false, }) { const statSync = fs.statSync; const isReqPathExists = await fs.pathExists(reqPath); let browseFiles = []; if (isReqPathExists) { const files = await new Promise((resolve) => find.file(reqPath, resolve)); browseFiles = files;
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GitHub: verdnatura/myt
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
if (!/^[a-z]+$/.test(commandName)) throw new Error (`Invalid command name '${commandName}'`); const commandFile = path.join(__dirname, `myt-${commandName}.js`); if (!await fs.pathExists(commandFile)) throw new Error (`Unknown command '${commandName}'`); Command = require(commandFile); }
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// Find all files we want to scan while (packageDirQueue.length) { const packageDir = packageDirQueue.pop(); const srcDir = resolvePath(rootPath, packageDir, 'src'); if (await fs.pathExists(srcDir)) { const files = await globby(['**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,mjs,cjs}'], { cwd: srcDir, }); fileQueue.push(
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}), ); const excludeList = []; const prePath = path.resolve(changesetPath, 'pre.json'); if (await fs.pathExists(prePath)) { const data = await fs.readJSON(prePath); // Only exclude changesets in pre-release mode. if (data.mode === 'pre') { excludeList.push( => `${name}.md`));
fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)