How to use the realpathSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.realpathSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.realpathSync resolves the real path of a given file or directory synchronously, resolving any symbolic links along the way.
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var dirs = []; var files = []; fns.sort().filter(function (fn) { var fullPath = fspath.join(path, fn); // we use fs.realpathSync to also resolve Symbolic Link var absoluteFullPath = fs.realpathSync(fspath.join(root, fullPath)); if (fn[0] != ".") { var stats = fs.lstatSync(absoluteFullPath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { dirs.push(fn);
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function forgivingWhichSync (cmd) { const whichResult = which.sync(cmd, { nothrow: true }); // On null, returns empty string to maintain backwards compatibility // realpathSync follows symlinks return whichResult === null ? '' : fs.realpathSync(whichResult); } module.exports.list_images_using_avdmanager = function () { return execa('avdmanager', ['list', 'avd']).then(({ stdout: output }) => {
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How does fs-extra.realpathSync work?
fs-extra.realpathSync is a synchronous method in the fs-extra library for resolving a given path to the absolute path, following any symbolic links or mount points encountered in the process. It operates similarly to fs.realpathSync but offers additional functionality and works across different operating systems.
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} if (!stats.isFile(localPath)) { return; } const source = fs.realpathSync(path.join(jlab.linkedPackages[name], rest)); if (source === fs.realpathSync(localPath)) { return; } fs.watchFile(source, { interval: 500 }, function (curr) {
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GitHub: astrocean/taro-cli-2.0.6
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// 这里的 filePath 没有做同样的处理,可能会导致 import 指向 // 源代码文件,导致文件被意外修改 filePath = fs.realpathSync(filePath); const prefixs = Object.keys(pathAlias); if (prefixs.includes(name)) { return promoteRelativePath(path.relative(filePath, fs.realpathSync(resolveScriptPath(pathAlias[name])))); } const reg = new RegExp(`^(${prefixs.join('|')})/(.*)`); name = name.replace(reg, function (m, $1, $2) { return promoteRelativePath(path.relative(filePath, path.join(pathAlias[$1], $2)));
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Ai Example
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const fse = require("fs-extra"); const path = "./my-symlink"; const resolvedPath = fse.realpathSync(path); console.log(resolvedPath); // Output: /Users/myuser/my-project/real-path-to-file
In this example, we're using fs-extra.realpathSync to resolve the real path of the symbolic link at ./my-symlink. The function returns the real path to the file or directory that the symbolic link points to, which is then logged to the console.
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const destFile = path.join(targetDir, path.basename(obj.src)); let project_ref; const link = !!(options &&; if (link) { const trueSrc = fs.realpathSync(srcFile); // Create a symlink in the expected place, so that uninstall can use it. if (options && options.force) { copyFile(plugin_dir, trueSrc, project_dir, destFile, link); } else {
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fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)