How to use the rmdirSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.rmdirSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.rmdirSync is a method in the fs-extra library that synchronously removes a directory and all its contents in a file system.
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track(); // Delete the dist folder if (fsExtra.existsSync(_distFolder)) { log(chalk.yellow(`Deleting dist folder: ${_distFolder}`)); fsExtra.rmdirSync(_distFolder, { recursive: true }); } fsExtra.mkdirSync(_distFolder); } }
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} else { // rm fiilename fs.unlinkSync(filename); } } fs.rmdirSync(dir); }; DataPacksJob.prototype.downloadVplDatapack = async function (jobInfo) { var deletedOnce = false;
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How does fs-extra.rmdirSync work?
Sure! fs-extra.rmdirSync is a method in the fs-extra library that synchronously removes a directory and all its contents in a file system. When you call fs-extra.rmdirSync, you pass in the path to the directory you want to remove. The method then recursively removes all files and subdirectories within the directory, before removing the directory itself. fs-extra.rmdirSync operates synchronously, which means that it blocks the execution of other code until the directory removal process is complete. This makes it useful for small directories and when you want to ensure that the removal process is complete before continuing with the rest of the code. If the directory to be removed does not exist, fs-extra.rmdirSync will throw an error. If any of the files or subdirectories within the directory cannot be removed (for example, because they are in use by another process), an error will be thrown. In addition to fs-extra.rmdirSync, the fs-extra library provides a wide range of other methods for working with files and directories in a file system, such as fs-extra.readdirSync, fs-extra.copySync, and fs-extra.ensureDirSync.
GitHub: stevekeol/DApp-Hangzhou
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exports.rmEmptyDirsSync = function (dirname) { let self = this var paths = fs.readdirSync(dirname) // console.log(dirname,paths); if (!paths.length) { fs.rmdirSync(dirname) return true } else { var count = 0 paths.forEach(function (p) {
GitHub: astrocean/taro-cli-2.0.6
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let i = 0; // retry counter do { try { if (!opts.excludes.length || !opts.excludes.some(item => curPath.indexOf(item) >= 0)) { emptyDirectory(curPath); fs.rmdirSync(curPath); } removed = true; } catch (e) {
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); const dirPath = "/path/to/directory"; try { fs.rmdirSync(dirPath, { recursive: true }); console.log(`Directory '${dirPath}' and all its contents have been removed.`); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
In this example, we first import the fs-extra library using the require function. We then define a variable dirPath containing the path to the directory we want to remove. We use a try...catch block to handle any errors that might occur during the directory removal process. We call the fs.rmdirSync() method, passing in the dirPath variable and an options object with the recursive property set to true. This tells the method to recursively remove all files and subdirectories within the directory, before removing the directory itself. If the directory and all its contents are successfully removed, we log a success message to the console. If an error occurs, we log the error to the console using console.error(). This code demonstrates how fs-extra.rmdirSync can be used to remove a directory and all its contents in a file system.
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const result = spawnSync('npx', ['@twitter/create-twitter-app', `${name}-ui`], { cwd: appDir, stdio: 'inherit' }); console.log(); if (result.status === 1) { console.log('There was a problem installing the UI app with create-twitter-app. Aborting.')); fs.rmdirSync(appDir); process.exit(1); } // Rename the result to UI
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// check if directory is empty let curDir = path.dirname(file); while (curDir !== path.resolve(baseDir, stopper)) { if (fs.existsSync(curDir) && fs.readdirSync(curDir).length === 0) { fs.rmdirSync(curDir); curDir = path.resolve(curDir, '..'); } else { // directory not nothing break;
fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)