How to use the writeFile function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.writeFile code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.writeFile is a function provided by the fs-extra library that writes data to a file on the file system, creating the file if it doesn't exist or overwriting it if it does.
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try { await fse.ensureDir(path.dirname(sourceFile)); if (localPath) { await fse.copy(localPath, sourceFile); } else { await fse.writeFile(sourceFile, buffer); } } catch (err) { debug(`File ${name} could not be written`, err); }
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const newVersion = versionParts.length > 1 ? `${versionParts[0]}.${versionParts[1]}.${buildNumber}` : packageJson.version; packageJson.version = newVersion; // Write back to the package json await fs.writeFile('package.json', JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 4), 'utf-8'); } async function buildWebPack(webpackConfigName, args, env) { // Remember to perform a case insensitive search.
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How does fs-extra.writeFile work?
works by writing data to a file on the file system, creating the file if it doesn't exist or overwriting it if it does.
When called, fs-extra.writeFile
takes two or three arguments. The first argument is the path to the file to be written, and the second argument is the data to be written to the file. The third argument, which is optional, is an options object that can be used to configure the behavior of the function.
The fs-extra.writeFile
function then performs a series of operations to write the data to the file, including opening the file for writing, writing the data to the file, and closing the file when finished. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten by the new data.
Once the data has been written to the file, fs-extra.writeFile
returns a Promise that resolves to undefined.
By using fs-extra.writeFile
, Node.js developers can programmatically write data to files on the file system, allowing them to persist data between different runs of their application, generate static files for a web server, or perform other file-related operations.
GitHub: alphagov/govuk-prototype-kit
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const copyFile = (fileName) => fs.copy(path.join(kitRoot, fileName), path.join(installDirectory, fileName)) await Promise.all([ createStarterFiles(installDirectory), fs.writeFile(path.join(installDirectory, '.gitignore'), gitignore, 'utf8'), fs.writeFile(path.join(installDirectory, '.npmrc'), npmrc, 'utf8'), copyFile('LICENCE.txt'), updatePackageJson(path.join(installDirectory, 'package.json')) ])
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// icns.addFromPng(iconFile, ['ic14'], raw); // icns.addFromPng(iconFile, ['ic10'], raw); // icns.addFromPng(iconFile, ['ic11'], raw); } // save icns file await fs.writeFile( path.resolve( process.cwd(), `${appDistributionName}.app`, "Contents",
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); // write some data to a file using fs-extra.writeFile fs.writeFile("./path/to/file.txt", "Hello, world!") .then(() => { console.log("Data written to file successfully!"); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(`Error writing to file: ${err}`); });
In this example, we're using fs-extra.writeFile to write some data ('Hello, world!') to a file located at ./path/to/file.txt. We call the function and pass the file path and data as arguments, and then attach a .then() method to the returned Promise to log a success message to the console. If an error occurs during the write operation, we attach a .catch() method to the Promise to log an error message instead. When we run this code, it will either log a success message or an error message to the console, depending on whether the write operation was successful or not. If the write operation was successful, the message logged to the console will be: css Copy code
GitHub: FISCO-BCOS/hackathon
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fs.ensureDirSync (destination); function writeFile (file, content) { file = path.join(destination, file); fs.writeFile(file, content, function (err) { if (err) { console.error('Failed to write ' + file + ': ' + err); } });
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if ( params.folder === 'root' ) params.folder = '.' const fullname = path.join(uib.rootFolder, params.url, params.folder, params.fname) // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars fs.writeFile(fullname,, function (err, data) { if (err) { // Send back a response message and code 200 = OK, 500 (Internal Server Error)=Update failed log.error(`[uibuilder:apiv2:uibputfile] Admin API. File write FAIL. url=${params.url}, file=${params.folder}/${params.fname}`, err) res.statusMessage = err
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GitHub: clusterio/clusterio
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await fs.mkdirs(directory); } let temporary = `${file}.tmp`; let fd = await, "w"); try { await fs.writeFile(fd, data, options); await fs.fsync(fd); } finally { await fs.close(fd); }
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} const currPath = utils.getCurrentPath(this); const localPath = path.resolve(tmp.tmpdir, currPath); await utils.makeDirFor(localPath); await fs.writeFile(localPath, new Buffer(this.screenshot.base64, 'base64'), 'base64'); return this._saveImg(localPath, currPath, reportPath); }
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GitHub: pmlrsg/GISportal
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}); } membersFile = JSON.stringify(membersFile); fs.writeFile(path.join(groupFolder, 'members.json'), membersFile, function() { next(); }); } else { res.status(401).send();
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const fs = require('fs-extra'); let content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'); // [^]* matches any character including new lines const regex = new RegExp(`${markerOpen}[^]*?${markerClose}`); content = content.replace(regex, markerOpen + contentToInsert + markerClose); await fs.writeFile(filePath, content); }; module.exports = toolUtils;
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GitHub: utsuboco/create-r3f-app
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"include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"], "exclude": ["node_modules"] } `; await fs.writeFile(sysPath.join(root, `./src/index.d.ts`), shader); await fs.writeFile(sysPath.join(root, "tsconfig.json"), tsconfig, { spaces: 2, }); await fs.remove(sysPath.join(root, "jsconfig.json"));
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} // frontmatter.head.modules = [ // ...(frontmatter.modules ?? []), // '/assets/js/code-playground.min.js', // ]; fs.writeFile(dest + '.md', matter.stringify(content, frontmatter)); } catch (e) { console.error('Error parsing', x, e); } }
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GitHub: cortex-js/
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const result = sass.renderSync({ file: path.join(srcDir, file), }); // Create cssPath directory recursively // Then write result css string to cssPath file fs.writeFile(path.format(p), result.css.toString()).catch((error) => console.error(error) ); } });
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const start = async ({ args, cwd, env, patterns }) => { if (patterns && patterns.length) { const pkgPath = path.resolve(cwd, 'package.json'); const pkg = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(pkgPath, 'utf8')); pkg.electronmon = { patterns }; await fs.writeFile(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg)); } app = spawn(process.execPath, [cli].concat(args), { env,
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GitHub: GreySole/Spooder
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}); });"/saveCommandList", async (req, res) => { fs.writeFile(backendDir+"/settings/commands.json", JSON.stringify(req.body), "utf-8", (err, data)=>{ events =; eventGroups = req.body.groups; res.send({status:"SAVE SUCCESS"}); webLog("SAVED COMMANDS");
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GitHub: volumio/volumio3-backend
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try { fs.ensureDirSync(plugindir); } catch (err) { console.log('Cannot Create Plugin Dir ' + plugindir); } fs.writeFile(plugindir + '/' + this.uniquename, this.fileData, (err) => { if (err) { console.log('Plugin upload failed: ' + err); } else { var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
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.then(async (res) => { res.warnings().forEach((warn) => { console.warn(warn.toString()); }); await fsExtra.writeFile(dest, res.css); console.timeEnd(labelForBuild); }); }
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} else { mcu_plugin_config.cache_data = data; } let cache_data = JSON.stringify(data); fs.writeFile(mcu_plugin_config.cache_file, cache_data, err => { if (err) { RED.log.warn(`${app_name}: Failed to persist config to cache @ ${mcu_plugin_config.cache_file}.`); } })
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reject(err); return; } try { await fs.writeFile(path, templateString, 'utf-8'); await this.bucketManager.DeployLambdaPromise(this.deploymentBucket, path, templateRelativeUrl); resolve(); } catch (asyncError) { reject(asyncError);
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GitHub: LibreTexts/Libretext
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filename = `Cover/${await getCover(current, lulu.numpages, {hasExtraPadding: true})}.pdf`; await fs.copy(`./PDF/Letter/${filename}`, `./PDF/Letter/Finished/${zipFilename}/Publication/Cover_PerfectBound.pdf`); } else { let notice = `Your LibreText of ${lulu.numpages} is below the minimum of 32 for Perfect Bound. Please use one of the other bindings or increase the number of pages`; await fs.writeFile(`./PDF/Letter/Finished/${zipFilename}/Publication/Notice_PerfectBound.txt`, notice); } if (lulu.numpages >= 24) { filename = `Cover/${await getCover(current, lulu.numpages, { hasExtraPadding: true,
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