How to use the writeFileSync function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.writeFileSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.writeFileSync is a method in Node.js that writes data to a file in a synchronous manner.
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errorOnExist: true, overwrite: false, }); function replaceFileVariables(path) { fs.writeFileSync( path, fs .readFileSync(path, 'utf8') .split('$${name}')
GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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exports.createTempStructure = function (files) { const tmpdir = tmp.dirSync({ unsafeCleanup: true }).name _.each(files, (content, filepath) => { fs.ensureFileSync(`${tmpdir}/${filepath}`) fs.writeFileSync(`${tmpdir}/${filepath}`, content) }) return tmpdir }
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How does fs-extra.writeFileSync work?
fs-extra.writeFileSync is a method used in Node.js to write data to a file. It works similar to the standard fs.writeFileSync() method but provides additional functionality such as creating intermediate directories and preserving file metadata. The method is synchronous, meaning it will block the Node.js event loop until the write operation is complete.
GitHub: remix-pwa/remix-pwa
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} else if (worker.includes("entry.worker") && cache == "jit") { const workerDir = path.resolve(projectDir, `${dir}/${worker}`); const fileContent = fse.readFileSync(`${appDir}/${worker}`); fse.existsSync(workerDir) && workerDir.includes(fileContent) ? null : fse.writeFileSync(workerDir, fileContent.toString()); } else if (worker.includes("precache.worker") && cache == "pre") { const workerDir = path.resolve(projectDir, `${dir}/entry.worker.${lang}`); const fileContent = fse.readFileSync(`${appDir}/${worker}`); fse.existsSync(workerDir) && workerDir.includes(fileContent)
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const licensePath = path.join(packFolderPath, 'LICENSE.txt'); const readmePath = path.join(packFolderPath, ''); fs.writeFileSync(packJsonPath, JSON.stringify(extPack, null, 2), 'utf-8'); console.log('Generated ' + packageJson + ' file at: ' + packJsonPath); fs.writeFileSync(licensePath, generateLicense()); fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, generateReadme()); await vsce.createVSIX({ 'cwd': packFolderPath,
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); try { fs.writeFileSync("example.txt", "Hello, world!"); console.log("File written successfully."); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
In this example, we use fs-extra.writeFileSync to write the string 'Hello, world!' to a file named example.txt in the current working directory. If the file already exists, its contents will be overwritten. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If an error occurs, it will be caught and logged to the console.
GitHub: o1-labs/zkapp-cli
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` buildModules: ["nuxt-vite", ` ); fs.writeFileSync(path.join('ui', 'nuxt.config.js'), newNuxtConfig); // Add vite as a devDependency in the nuxt UI project. let pkgJson = fs.readJSONSync(path.join('ui', 'package.json')); pkgJson.devDependencies['nuxt-vite'] = '0.*';
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this.expected = 0.2 || expected; // misMatchPercentage tolerance default 0.3% if (!fs.existsSync(baselinePath)) { // create new baseline image if none exists console.log('\t WARNING: Baseline image does NOT exist.'); console.log(`\t Creating Baseline image from Result: ${baselinePath}`); fs.writeFileSync(baselinePath, fs.readFileSync(resultPathPositive)); } resemble.outputSettings({ errorColor: { red: 225,
GitHub: remix-pwa/remix-pwa
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// Acknowledge SW in the browser const RootDir = projectDir + `/${dir}/root.` + lang + "x"; const remoteSWHook: string = fse.readFileSync(appDir + "/utils/client/sw-hook." + lang).toString(); fse.mkdirSync(projectDir + `/${dir}/utils/client`, { recursive: true }); fse.writeFileSync(projectDir + `/${dir}/utils/client/sw-hook.` + lang, remoteSWHook); let RootDirContent: string = fse.readFileSync(RootDir).toString(); const swHook = "useSWEffect()";
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GitHub: mafiosnik777/enhancr
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// autosave container in project file var currentProject = sessionStorage.getItem("currentProject"); const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(currentProject)); data.interpolation[0].outputContainer = ".mp4"; fs.writeFileSync(currentProject, JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)); console.log("Output container written to project file."); }); mkvOption.addEventListener("click", function () {
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tileHeight: (document.getElementById("tile-res").value).split('x')[1], tileWidth: (document.getElementById("tile-res").value).split('x')[0] }; let data = JSON.stringify(json); // write data to json fse.writeFileSync(jsonPath, data, (err) => { if (err) { console.log("Error writing file", err); }; });
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GitHub: pmlrsg/GISportal
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if (standard_name && display_name) { dict = '{"' + standard_name + '":{"displayName":["' + display_name + '"], "tags":[' + JSON.stringify(tags) + ']}}'; } else { dict = "{}"; } fs.writeFileSync(dict_path, dict); } else { dict = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dict_path)); if (!dict[standard_name]) { dict[standard_name] = {};
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// Remove __CACHE_BREAKER library from solcInput const path = `${__dirname}/deployments/${}/solcInputs`; fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(file => { var m = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${path}/${file}`).toString()); delete m?.settings?.libraries[""]?.__CACHE_BREAKER__; fs.writeFileSync(`${path}/${file}`, JSON.stringify(m)); }); console.log("Waiting 30 seconds for Etherscan to sync..."); await delay(30);
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// .meta file contains the contentRange value and will be used to order and merge .part files const metaFile = file + PART_META_EXT; console.log(`Writing range ${contentRange} to ${metaFile}`); fs.writeFileSync(`${path.normalize(metaFile)}`, contentRange, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); console.log(`Write file part to ${file}`); fs.writeFileSync(`${path.normalize(file)}`, body); } function getPartFile (cacheId, contentRange) { const tmpPartPaths = `${PART_PREFIX}${cacheId}`;
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} let m = manifest.get(); // Write the (root) manifest.json fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dest, "manifest.json"), manifest.get(), (err) => { if (err) { throw err; } });
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} // check _mcu for any manifest information defind if (n._mcu?.manifest?.trim?.().length > 0) { // Write the flow's manifest.json fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dest, `manifest_${}.json`), n._mcu.manifest.trim(), (err) => { if (err) { throw err; } });
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const { Certificate } = this.server.models(); const read = await Certificate.query().where({ user_id }); if (read.length === 1) { return [null, read[0].url]; } fs.writeFileSync(filePath, fileData); // read certificate from /lib/helpers/assets/pdf fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath); try { await S3Bucket.putObject({
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GitHub: MarkBind/markbind
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footer, siteNav, }); const layoutOutputPath = path.join(this.rootPath, LAYOUT_FOLDER_PATH, LAYOUT_DEFAULT_NAME); fs.writeFileSync(layoutOutputPath, renderedLayout, 'utf-8'); } /** * Builds a site navigation file from the directory structure of the site.
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} } if (changed === true) { fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(mnfst_path)); fs.writeFileSync(mnfst_path, bldr.get(), (err) => { if (err) { throw err; } });
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GitHub: microsoft/devicescript
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return "" }) srvcfg = srvcfg.replace(m[0], startServ + m[0]) srvcfg = "// auto-generated! do not edit here\n" + srvcfg fs.writeFileSync(join(folder, serversname), srvcfg) const files = fs.readdirSync(folder) files.sort((a, b) => (a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0))
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GitHub: prabathLK/PRABATH-MD
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setInterval(() => { fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + "/database.json", JSON.stringify(global.db, null, 2)); }, 10000);
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} process() `; fs.writeFileSync("corstests.js", testScript, "utf-8"); } (function process() { const schemas = loadSchemas();
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fs-extra.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs-extra (9724 examples)