How to use the mkdirsSync function from fs-promise

Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-promise.mkdirsSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

fs-promise.mkdirsSync is a function that creates a new directory and all its parent directories synchronously.

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const userPath = path.join(app.getPath('home'), '/.rcs-16')
if (!fs.existsSync(userPath)) {

const name = app.getName()
const version = app.getVersion()
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+ 602 other calls in file

How does fs-promise.mkdirsSync work?

fs-promise.mkdirsSync is a function in the fs-promise library that creates a new directory and all its parent directories synchronously. Here's how it works:

  1. You start by calling fs-promise.mkdirsSync with the path of the directory you want to create.

  2. fs-promise.mkdirsSync will check if the directory already exists, and if it does, it will return without doing anything.

  3. If the directory doesn't exist, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will attempt to create it.

  4. If the parent directory of the directory you want to create doesn't exist, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will create it recursively.

  5. If any of the directories in the parent directory hierarchy already exist, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will simply skip over them.

  6. If fs-promise.mkdirsSync encounters an error while creating any of the directories, it will throw an error.

Here is an example of using fs-promise.mkdirsSync:

const fs = require('fs-promise'); try { fs.mkdirsSync('/path/to/new/directory'); console.log('Directory created successfully'); } catch (err) { console.error('Error creating directory:', err); }

In this example, we call fs-promise.mkdirsSync with the path of the new directory we want to create. If the directory doesn't already exist, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will create it, along with all its parent directories if they don't already exist.

If an error occurs while creating the directories, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will throw an error, which we catch using a try...catch block. If no errors occur, we log a success message to the console.

Note that fs-promise.mkdirsSync is a synchronous function, which means that it will block the execution of your program until it has finished creating all the directories. If you need to create directories asynchronously, you can use the fs-promise function mkdirs instead, which returns a promise.

Ai Example

const fs = require("fs-promise");

try {
  console.log("Directory created successfully");
} catch (err) {
  console.error("Error creating directory:", err);

In this example, we call fs-promise.mkdirsSync with the path of the new directory we want to create. If the directory doesn't already exist, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will create it, along with all its parent directories if they don't already exist. If an error occurs while creating the directories, fs-promise.mkdirsSync will throw an error, which we catch using a try...catch block. If no errors occur, we log a success message to the console. Note that fs-promise.mkdirsSync is a synchronous function, which means that it will block the execution of your program until it has finished creating all the directories. If you need to create directories asynchronously, you can use the fs-promise function mkdirs instead, which returns a promise.