How to use the appendFile function from fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs.appendFile code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs.appendFile is a Node.js function that appends data to a file, creating the file if it does not already exist.
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nodejs中有一个非常重要的模块叫做fs。这个模块提供了许多非常实用的函数来访问文件系统并与文件系统进行交互。 简单统计一下,fs提供了下面这么多种使用的文件操作方法: * fs.access(): 检查文件是否存在,以及 Node.js 是否有权限访问。 * fs.appendFile(): 追加数据到文件。如果文件不存在,则创建文件。 * fs.chmod(): 更改文件(通过传入的文件名指定)的权限。相关方法:fs.lchmod()、fs.fchmod()。 * fs.chown(): 更改文件(通过传入的文件名指定)的所有者和群组。相关方法:fs.fchown()、fs.lchown()。 * fs.close(): 关闭文件描述符。 * fs.copyFile(): 拷贝文件。
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GitHub: N1ght420/Pwnbot
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var result = await fetch(`${args[1]}`); var json = await result.json(); json.splice(0, json.length, ...(new Set(json))); logprint('?', senderid, `Scan subdomains from ${args[1]}`) for (var i=0; i<json.length; i++) { fs.appendFile(`temp/${senderid}-subdo-${args[1]}.txt`, `${json[i]}\n`, err => { if (err) throw err; }) } fs.readFile(`temp/${senderid}-subdo-${args[1]}.txt`, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
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How does fs.appendFile work?
fs.appendFile() is a method in Node.js that appends data to a file asynchronously, creating the file if it does not exist. It takes the file path, data to be appended and an optional options object as arguments, and writes the data to the end of the file. If the file already exists, the data is appended to the existing contents of the file.
GitHub: Theiremi/babot
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} msg_formatted += ' ' + msg + '\n'; process.stdout.write(msg_formatted); fs.appendFile(process.cwd() + "/env_data/babot.log", msg_formatted, function (err) { if (err) throw err; }); }
GitHub: Theiremi/babot
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{ this.#_last_presence = newUser; if(!fsc.existsSync(__dirname + '/discord_logging/status/' + newUser.userId)) { await fs.appendFile(__dirname + '/discord_logging/status/' + newUser.userId, "", {encoding: 'utf-8'}); } /*if(!fsc.existsSync(__dirname + '/discord_logging/online/' + newUser.userId)) { await fs.appendFile(__dirname + '/discord_logging/online/' + newUser.userId, "", {encoding: 'utf-8'});
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs"); const filePath = "./example.txt"; const data = "This is some data to append to the file."; fs.appendFile(filePath, data, function (err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Data appended to file successfully!"); });
In this example, the fs.appendFile method is used to append the data string to the example.txt file. The filePath variable contains the path to the file. The callback function is executed when the operation is complete, and it logs a message to the console indicating that the data was successfully appended to the file. If an error occurs during the operation, the error is thrown.
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appendPingRecordToCSV(pingrecord) { let {destIP, start, duration, packetSize, wasSuccess} = pingrecord; start = start.replace(',', ''); const rowString = [destIP, start, duration, packetSize, wasSuccess].join(',') + '\n'; const outputFilePath = path.join(CONSTANTS.OUTPUT_DIR_PATH, CONSTANTS.PING_RESULTS_FILE_NAME); fs.appendFile(outputFilePath, rowString, function (err) { if (err) { appStateLogger.error(err); } });
GitHub: DrunkCROW/assist
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const pre = `${date.toISOString()} | ${processTag} ${tag} : `; const finalMessage = message.replace(/\n(.*)/g, `\n${pre}$1`); const noOpCallback = () => {}; if (!logFileSync) { fs.appendFile(logFilePath, `${pre + finalMessage}\n`, { encoding: 'utf-8', flag: 'a', }, noOpCallback); }
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const { servicePath: serviceDir } = await fixtures.setup('aws'); const localPluginDir = path.join(serviceDir, 'node_modules', 'local-plugin'); const parentPluginDir = path.join(serviceDir, '..', 'node_modules', 'parent-plugin'); installPlugin(localPluginDir, SynchronousPluginMock); installPlugin(parentPluginDir, PromisePluginMock); await fsp.appendFile( path.join(serviceDir, 'serverless.yml'), 'plugins:\n - local-plugin\n - parent-plugin' );
GitHub: khrome/mangrove-json
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var writtenOne = false; var writeChain = function(callback){ var item = next(); if(item){ var writable = (writtenOne?",\n":"\n")+JSON.stringify(item) fs.appendFile(url, writable, function(err){ if(!writtenOne) writtenOne = true; writeChain(callback); }); }else{
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GitHub: Nexa10/SESS-Laderboard
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database.push(data) // convert the object to a string const stringToAppend = JSON.stringify(database) + '\n'; // open the file for appending fs.appendFile(filePath, stringToAppend, function (err) { if (err) throw err; }); } else image_count -- //this is because img in line 75 incremented the count
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if(err) { const now = new Date(); now.setUTCHours(now.getUTCHours() + 5); now.setUTCMinutes(now.getUTCMinutes() + 30); const istTime = now.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); fs.appendFile('ErrorLogs/errorLogs.txt', istTime+"\n", (err)=>{}); fs.appendFile('ErrorLogs/errorLogs.txt', err.toString()+"\n\n", (err)=>{}); res.status(500).send({error : "Query Error... Contact DB Admin"}); }
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await finished(Readable.fromWeb(body).pipe(stream)); } async handleBanList(gamertag) { await this.downloadFile(`/games/${this.config.Nitrado.UserID}/noftp/dayzxb/ban.txt`, './logs/ban.txt').then(() => { fs.appendFile('./logs/ban.txt', gamertag, (err) => { if (err) throw err; }); }); }
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} { const fileName = path.resolve(tmpdir.path, 'appendFile'); fs.appendFileSync(fileName, 'ABCD', options); fs.appendFile(fileName, 'ABCD', options, common.mustCall(errHandler)); } if (!common.isIBMi) { // IBMi does not support const watch =, options, common.mustNotCall());
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assert.throws(() => { fs.writeFileSync('path', 'data', options); }, expectedError); assert.throws(() => { fs.appendFile('path', 'data', options, common.mustNotCall()); }, expectedError); assert.throws(() => { fs.appendFileSync('path', 'data', options);
fs.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs (2736 examples)