How to use the opendirSync function from fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs.opendirSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs.opendirSync is a synchronous method of the fs module in Node.js that opens a directory for reading and returns a directory object.
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const dest = path.resolve('../docs/demo'), src = path.resolve('build'), pyodideDest = path.resolve('../docs/demo/pyodide'), pyodideSrc = path.resolve('../../pyodide/dist'), pyodideExists = fs.existsSync(pyodideSrc), d = fs.opendirSync(dest); let entry; while ((entry = d.readSync()) !== null) { let destFilePath = path.join(dest,; if ( === 'pyodide' && ! pyodideExists) {
GitHub: Azure/autorest.go
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function cleanGeneratedFiles(outputDir) { if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) { return; } const dir = fs.opendirSync(outputDir); while (true) { const dirEnt = dir.readSync() if (dirEnt === null) { break;
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How does fs.opendirSync work?
The fs.opendirSync() method is used to synchronously open a directory and returns an instance of the fs.Dir class, which provides methods for reading directory entries. When called, it takes the directory path as an argument and returns an fs.Dir object representing the opened directory.
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let chunkSize = 19950; let config = {}; let hashes = {}; const directory = fs.opendirSync(CONFIG_FOLDER) let file; while ((file = directory.readSync()) !== null) { let device =".")[0];
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sync = false; })); // opendir() on file should throw ENOTDIR assert.throws(function() { fs.opendirSync(__filename); }, /Error: ENOTDIR: not a directory/); assert.throws(function() { fs.opendir(__filename);
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs"); try { const dir = fs.opendirSync("./myDirectory"); let dirent; while ((dirent = dir.readSync()) !== null) { console.log(; } dir.closeSync(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
In this example, we first use fs.opendirSync to open a directory named "myDirectory". We then loop through each entry in the directory using dir.readSync, which returns a Dirent object representing the next file or directory in the directory, or null if there are no more entries. We log the name of each Dirent to the console. Finally, we call dir.closeSync to close the directory. If an error occurs at any point, we log it to the console.
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} read(); }); } else { const dir = fs.opendirSync(fullPath, { bufferSize }); while (dir.readSync() !== null) counter++; dir.closeSync(); }
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doAsyncIterThrowTest().then(common.mustCall()); // Check error thrown on invalid values of bufferSize for (const bufferSize of [-1, 0, 0.5, 1.5, Infinity, NaN]) { assert.throws( () => fs.opendirSync(testDir, common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep({ bufferSize })), { code: 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE' }); }
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mongoose.connection.db.dropCollection('revisions'); mongoose.connection.db.dropCollection('articles'); mongoose.connection.db.dropCollection('yearcounts'); mongoose.connection.db.dropCollection('authors'); const dir = fs.opendirSync(revisionsDir.path) let dirent; while ((dirent = dir.readSync()) !== null) { let path = revisionsDir.path + '/' +; batch = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path).toString());
GitHub: SubTheSandwich/FortniteMap
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if (interaction.commandName === "start") { if (interaction.member.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator)) { var amount = 0; let file const directory = fs.opendirSync('./data/' + interaction.guildId) while ((file = directory.readSync()) !== null) { amount = amount + 1; }
+ 3 other calls in file
fs.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs (2736 examples)