How to use the readdir function from fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs.readdir code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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* fs.createWriteStream(): 创建可写的文件流。 * 新建指向文件的硬链接。 * fs.mkdir(): 新建文件夹。 * fs.mkdtemp(): 创建临时目录。 * 设置文件模式。 * fs.readdir(): 读取目录的内容。 * fs.readFile(): 读取文件的内容。相关方法。 * fs.readlink(): 读取符号链接的值。 * fs.realpath(): 将相对的文件路径指针(.、..)解析为完整的路径。 * fs.rename(): 重命名文件或文件夹。
+ 5 other calls in file
GitHub: TavernAI/TavernAI
1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252"/getallchatsofchatacter", jsonParser, function(request, response){ if(!request.body) return response.sendStatus(400); var char_dir = (request.body.avatar_url).replace(`.${characterFormat}`,''); fs.readdir(chatsPath+char_dir, (err, files) => { if (err) { console.error(err); response.send({error: true}); return;
+ 2 other calls in file
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assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ENOENT'); assert.strictEqual(err.syscall, 'scandir'); return true; }; fs.readdir(nonexistentFile, common.mustCall(validateError)); assert.throws( () => fs.readdirSync(nonexistentFile), validateError
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const { readdir } = require('fs').promises async function getFiles(currentDir, baseDir) { const dir = path.resolve(baseDir, currentDir) logger(`reading ${dir} (${currentDir} in ${baseDir})`) const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }) const files = await Promise.all( => { const res = `${currentDir}/${}` return dirent.isDirectory() ? getFiles(res, baseDir) : res
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* Renames file common/helpers/ptrit.h to common/helpers/ptritx.h * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Promisified version of fs.readdir * * @method readdirAsync * * @param {string} path
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GitHub: uwplse/ruler
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// set up a map to data by the run type e.g. default run, orat run dataByType[type] = []; console.log(path); // let's find and read all the logfiles in that directory fs.readdir(path, 'utf8', (err, filenames) => { // console.log(filenames); if (err != undefined || err != null) { console.log('Something went wrong'); }
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// Create Assets dir if dosnt exist if (!fs.existsSync(assetsPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(assetsPath); } await fs.readdir(assetsPath, function (err, files) { //handling error if (err) { console.log(err); res.send([]);
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let menu_items = add_div(); menu_items.classList.add('ui', 'items'); let dir = '/run/user/1000/gvfs/' fs.readdir(dir, function (err, files) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else {
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GitHub: silverfin/sf-toolkit
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function refreshSharedPartsUsed(handle) { try { const relativePath = `./reconciliation_texts/${handle}`; const configReconciliation = fsUtils.readConfig(relativePath); configReconciliation.shared_parts = []; fs.readdir(`./shared_parts`, (error, allSharedParts) => { if (error) throw error; for (sharedPartDir of allSharedParts) { let sharedPartPath = `./shared_parts/${sharedPartDir}`; let dir = fs.statSync(sharedPartPath, () => {});
GitHub: cmdwm/
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}) // Schedule cron job to clear uploads directory every minute cron.schedule('0 */12 * * *', function() { // Delete contents of uploads directory fs.readdir(__dirname + '/uploads', function(err, files) { if (err) { console.error(err); return; }
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MessageStrategy.update_strategy('State.js') MessageStrategy.update_strategy('Spam.js') MessageStrategy.update_strategy('Rbac.js') MessageStrategy.update_strategy('Feature.js') fs.readdir(strategies_dir, (err, files) => { if (err) { throw err } files.forEach(file => {
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//console.log(textChunks[0].keyword); // 'hello' //console.log(textChunks[0].text); // 'world' }"/getcharacters", jsonParser, function(request, response){ fs.readdir(charactersPath, (err, files) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; }
+ 3 other calls in file
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if (!pathStat.isDirectory()) { return; } const removeDir = async (dirPath) => { const dirFiles = await fs.readdir(dirPath); for (let entryName of dirFiles) { if (entryName === "." || entryName === "..") { continue; }
GitHub: fxxkjs/webnoteServer
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} }) // 获取顶部目录 router.get('/topNav', (req, res) => { fs.readdir( req.cookies && AES.get(req.cookies.webnote) && fs.statSync(`${userPath}/${AES.get(req.cookies.webnote)}/md`, { throwIfNoEntry: false }) ? `${userPath}/${AES.get(req.cookies.webnote)}/md` : mdPath, (err, files) => { err ? res.send({ code: 0, data: ["请刷新重试。", "意料之外的错误,"] }) : res.send({ code: 1, data: files }) }
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// }); }); function readyFolders() { try { fs.readdir(logLocation, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log("error reading loglocation"); // create activity log
GitHub: UGKONG/balanceplay
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} }); let delFileArr = []; fs.readdir(uploadFilesPath, (err, ftpFileArr) => { ftpFileArr?.forEach((saveFile) => { let find = dbFileArr?.find((x) => x === saveFile); if (!find) delFileArr.push(saveFile); });
GitHub: cheonseunghyeon/newSite
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var _url = request.url; var queryData = url.parse(_url, true).query; var pathname = url.parse(_url, true).pathname; if(pathname === '/'){ if( === undefined){ fs.readdir('./data', function(error, filelist){ var title = 'Welcome'; var description = 'Hello, Node.js'; var list = templateList(filelist); var template = templateHTML(title, list,
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: kishank11/formnexuses
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console.log(token) jwt.verify(token, "JJJ", (err, user) => { console.log(user); if (user) { console.log(fullPath) fs.readdir(`${fullPath}/upload/${user.location}/`, async (error, files) => {
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return; } res.json({ success: true }); } else if (localPath) { try { const files = await fs.readdir(localPath); const isImage = p => ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'].includes(path.extname(p).toLowerCase()); const imagePaths = files.filter(isImage); if (!imagePaths.length) {
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return; } let file_count = 0; const sourceFiles = await fs.readdir(sourcePath); for (let sourceName of sourceFiles) { if (sourceName === "." || sourceName === ".." || !sourceName.endsWith(".json")) { continue; }
+ 2 other calls in file
fs.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs (2736 examples)