How to use
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var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var _ = require('underscore'); var googleapis = require('googleapis'); var directory = googleapis.admin('directory_v1'); var gmail ='v1'); var walk = require('fs-walk'); var Q = require('q'); var levelup = require('levelup') var util = require('util');
How to use googleapis.admin:
How to use googleapis.classroom:
GitHub: ronaldrupp/checkit-api
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//getting Google Token from DB const userFromDB = await User.findById(req.user._id); oauth2Client.credentials = userFromDB.googleTokens; //getting students from that course from Google Classroom const classroom = google.classroom({ version: "v1", auth: oauth2Client }); const resFromG = await{ courseId:, }); const students =;
How to use googleapis.oauth2:
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if (req.body.googleAccessToken) { const { googleAccessToken } = req.body; var oauth2Client = new OAuth2(); oauth2Client.setCredentials({ access_token: googleAccessToken }); var oauth2 = google.oauth2({ auth: oauth2Client, version: "v2", }); let { data } = await oauth2.userinfo.get();
How to use googleapis.OAuth2Client:
How to use googleapis.urlshortener:
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Example: Creates a URL Shortener client and retrieves the long url of the given short url: ``` js var google = require('googleapis'); var urlshortener = google.urlshortener('v1'); var params = { shortUrl: '' }; // get the long url of a shortened url
How to use
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var self = this, exports = {}, log = this.$resource.log, pod = this.pod;'drive', 'v2').execute(function(err, client) { var auth = self.pod.getOAuthClient(sysImports); for (var i = 0; i < contentParts._files.length; i++) { (function(file) { $resource.file.get(file.localpath, function(err, buffer) {
How to use googleapis.calendar:
GitHub: destinygg/chat-bot
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class GoogleCal { constructor(configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.scopes = ['']; this.googleCal = google.calendar({ version: 'v3', auth: this.configuration.GOOGLE_CALENDAR_API_KEY, }); }
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How to use googleapis.sheets:
How to use
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]; var TOKEN_DIR = '.credentials/'; var TOKEN_PATH = TOKEN_DIR + 'youtube-credentials.json'; var _config = null; var _youtube ='v3'); var _liveChatId = ''; var _isReady = false; var _lastCheckTime = new Date().getTime(); var _auth = null;
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How to use
How to use
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}) } } function getPictureFolder (cb) { var drive ='v3') drive.files.list({ q: "mimeType='application/' and name = 'Camera Pictures'", fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name)', spaces: 'drive',
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How to use googleapis.youtube_v3:
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// const ItemModel = dbConnection.model('item', itemSchema) // For multiple Google API keys, please specify as a single string separated by ` | ` // const authKeys = process.env.GOOGLE_API_KEY.split(' | ') const authKeys = ['AIzaSyA5QUpisu9mTFTADHcOu_GG4lI5nlEEBO4', 'AIzaSyA5QUpisu9mTFTADHcOu_GG4lI5nlEEBO4'] let gapi = new googleapis.youtube_v3.Youtube({ auth: authKeys.shift() // Pop and take the first element in an array, when exhausted shift to next, and so on }) // We fetch results only after 2019-01-01 to avoud old results
How to use googleapis.auth:
How to use
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constructor(actionInstance, log) { this.actionInstance = actionInstance; this.log = log; } makeOAuthClient(redirectUri) { return new, this.actionInstance.oauthClientSecret, redirectUri); } makeLoginForm(request) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // Step 0 in the outh flow - generate an *ActionHub* url that user can visit to kick things off
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