How to use the promises function from graceful-fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript graceful-fs.promises code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
graceful-fs.promises is a module that provides a Promise-based API for interacting with the file system in Node.js, using the fs module with graceful fallbacks for certain errors.
GitHub: canarddu38/DUCKSPLOIT
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'use strict'; const Promise = require('bluebird'); const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const { dirname, join, extname, basename } = require('path'); const fsPromises = fs.promises; const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const { escapeRegExp } = require('hexo-util'); const rEOL = /\r\n/g;
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GitHub: 11ty/eleventy
896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904
async getInputFileStat() { if (this._stats) { return this._stats; } this._stats = fs.promises.stat(this.inputPath); return this._stats; }
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How does graceful-fs.promises work?
graceful-fs.promises is an extension of the Node.js fs.promises API that makes file system operations more robust by providing better error handling and supporting graceful degradation of operations under certain error conditions. It is built on top of the graceful-fs library, which provides a more reliable file system API by addressing a number of issues and edge cases in the Node.js fs module.
GitHub: mmpyw01/software-studio
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const certificateDir = Server.findCacheDir(); const certificatePath = path.join(certificateDir, "server.pem"); let certificateExists; try { const certificate = await fs.promises.stat(certificatePath); certificateExists = certificate.isFile(); } catch { certificateExists = false; }
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async function go () { log.verbose('ensuring nodedir is created', devDir) // first create the dir for the node dev files try { const created = await fs.promises.mkdir(devDir, { recursive: true }) if (created) { log.verbose('created nodedir', created) }
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Ai Example
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const fsp = require("graceful-fs/promises"); async function readMyFile() { try { const data = await fsp.readFile("/path/to/my/file.txt", "utf8"); console.log(data); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } readMyFile();
In this example, we import the graceful-fs/promises module and use its readFile() method to read the contents of a file located at /path/to/my/file.txt. We use the async/await syntax to handle the asynchronous operation, and we catch any errors that may occur using a try-catch block. When the file contents have been successfully read, we log them to the console.
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if (this.options.ipc) { // chmod 666 (rw rw rw) const READ_WRITE = 438; await fs.promises.chmod(this.options.ipc, READ_WRITE); } if (this.options.webSocketServer) { this.createWebSocketServer();
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GitHub: valtech-commerce/fs
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
class FSAsync { get access() { return gracefulFs.promises.access; } get appendFile() { return gracefulFs.promises.appendFile; } get chmod() { return gracefulFs.promises.chmod; } get chown() { return gracefulFs.promises.chown; } get copyFile() { return gracefulFs.promises.copyFile; } get lchmod() { return gracefulFs.promises.lchmod; } get lchown() { return gracefulFs.promises.lchown; } get link() { return; }
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graceful-fs.promises is the most popular function in graceful-fs (1135 examples)