How to use the stat function from graceful-fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript graceful-fs.stat code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
graceful-fs.stat is a method that retrieves file system stats for a given file path, similar to the built-in fs.stat method but with added robustness for handling errors and race conditions.
GitHub: rstudio/shiny-server
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} exports.safeStat_p = safeStat_p; function safeStat_p(path) { var deferred = Q.defer(); fs.stat(path, function(err, stat) { if (err) deferred.resolve(null); else deferred.resolve(stat);
GitHub: Esra-Eker/CoreProject
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} }) var todo = 3 var errState = null fs.stat(p, function (er, current) { if (er) return cb(errState = er) endChmod(self, dirProps, current, p, next) endChown(self, dirProps, current, p, next) endUtimes(self, dirProps, current, p, next)
How does graceful-fs.stat work?
graceful-fs.stat works similarly to the built-in fs.stat method, but with added robustness to handle various errors and race conditions that can occur when performing file system operations. When called, graceful-fs.stat first checks if the file path is cached in its internal cache. If it is, it returns the cached stats. Otherwise, it attempts to read the file stats using fs.stat. If an error occurs during the file system operation, graceful-fs.stat retries the operation with a delay and limited number of retries to prevent the operation from being retried indefinitely and potentially causing the program to hang. Additionally, graceful-fs.stat uses a global lock to prevent multiple threads from accessing the file system simultaneously, which can lead to race conditions and file system corruption. Overall, graceful-fs.stat provides a more robust and resilient way to retrieve file system stats compared to the built-in fs.stat method.
GitHub: lesly-mlab/mlab-app-v2
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if (err) return callback(err) fs.futimes(fd, d, d, err => { if (err) return callback(err) fs.close(fd, err => { if (err) return callback(err) fs.stat(tmpfile, (err, stats) => { if (err) return callback(err) callback(null, stats.mtime > 1435410243000) }) })
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var versioned = common.registry + "/underscore/1.3.3" npm.registry.get(versioned, PARAMS, function (er, data) { t.ifError(er, "loaded specified version underscore data") t.equal(data.version, "1.3.3") fs.stat(getCachePath(versioned), function (er) { t.ifError(er, "underscore 1.3.3 cache data written") }) })
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("graceful-fs"); fs.stat("/path/to/file", (err, stats) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(`File size: ${stats.size}`); console.log(`File last modified: ${stats.mtime}`); });
This code uses graceful-fs.stat to retrieve the stats for the file located at /path/to/file. The stats object returned by graceful-fs.stat contains information such as the file size and the last modified timestamp. This information is then logged to the console. Note that this code is very similar to the equivalent code using the built-in fs.stat method. The main difference is that graceful-fs.stat provides additional robustness and resiliency when accessing the file system.
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} }) } function addMode (cachedRemote, mode, cb) { fs.stat(cachedRemote, function (er, stats) { if (er) return cb(er) mode = stats.mode | mode fs.chmod(cachedRemote, mode, cb) })
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if (params.skipCache) { return, uri, cachePath, params, cb) } var client = this fs.stat(cachePath, function (er, stat) { if (!er) { fs.readFile(cachePath, function (er, data) { data = parseJSON.noExceptions(data)
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GitHub: codigo-com/node-gyp
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// this logic ported from the old `gyp_addon` python file var gypScript = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'gyp', '') var addonGypi = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'addon.gypi') var commonGypi = path.resolve(nodeDir, 'include/node/common.gypi') fs.stat(commonGypi, function (err) { if (err) { commonGypi = path.resolve(nodeDir, 'common.gypi') }
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return new Promise(function stat (resolve) { if (options.mode && options.chown) resolve() else { // Either mode or chown is not explicitly set // Default behavior is to copy it from original file fs.stat(truename, function (err, stats) { if (err || !stats) resolve() else { options = Object.assign({}, options)
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if (err) return callback(err) var name = configNames.shift() if (!name) return runGyp() var fullPath = path.resolve(name) log.verbose(name, 'checking for gypi file: %s', fullPath) fs.stat(fullPath, function (err, stat) { if (err) { if (err.code == 'ENOENT') { findConfigs() // check next gypi filename } else {
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return true; } function reflectStat(path, file, callback) { // Set file.stat to the reflect current state on disk fs.stat(path, onStat); function onStat(statErr, stat) { if (statErr) { return callback(statErr);
GitHub: sekulaherrera/wedding
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fs.mkdir(dirpath, mode, onMkdir); function onMkdir(mkdirErr) { if (!mkdirErr) { return fs.stat(dirpath, onStat); } switch (mkdirErr.code) { case 'ENOENT': {
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exports.normalizeWinPath = process.platform === 'win32' ? replaceWinPath : _.identity exports.mkdirIfNotExists = function mkdir (directory, done) { // TODO(vojta): handle if it's a file /* eslint-disable handle-callback-err */ fs.stat(directory, function (err, stat) { if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { done() } else { mkdir(path.dirname(directory), function () {
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GitHub: alanbabyjoseph/library
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if (options.mode && options.chown) { return thenWriteFile() } else { // Either mode or chown is not explicitly set // Default behavior is to copy it from original file return fs.stat(filename, function (err, stats) { if (err || !stats) return thenWriteFile() options = extend({}, options) if (!options.mode) {
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graceful-fs.promises is the most popular function in graceful-fs (1135 examples)