How to use the GraphQLError function from graphql
Find comprehensive JavaScript graphql.GraphQLError code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
graphql.GraphQLError represents an error that occurs during the execution of a GraphQL operation.
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// Identify validation errors so that customFormatErrorFn will allow them to be returned to the user. const validationErrors = validate(...args) return (error) => new GraphQLError( error.message, error.nodes, error.source, error.positions,
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GitHub: steventhorne/legendhub
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return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { mysql.query(`${ mobSchema.selectSQL.mobSelectSQL } ${mobSchema.selectSQL.mobSelectTables} WHERE M.Id = ?`, [mobId], function(error, results, fields) { if (error) { reject(new graphql.GraphQLError(error.sqlMessage)); return; } if (results.length > 0)
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How does graphql.GraphQLError work?
graphql.GraphQLError is a class in the GraphQL.js library that represents an error that occurs during the execution of a GraphQL operation. When an error occurs, an instance of the GraphQLError class is created and passed along with the result of the GraphQL operation. The instance contains information about the error, such as the error message, the location of the error in the source code, and any relevant path and extension fields. The GraphQLError class also provides methods for creating new instances of the class with modified properties, such as adding or removing locations or modifying the error message. Overall, GraphQLError plays an important role in handling errors that occur during the execution of a GraphQL operation, providing detailed information about the error to aid in debugging and resolving the issue.
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const Genes = await _gene_model.Gene.find(filter).sort({ '': 1 }).limit(limit).skip(offset); const total = await _controller_common_functions.commonController.countDocumentsIn(_gene_model.Gene, filter); const lastPage = Math.floor(total / limit); if (limit * (page + 1) < total) hasMore = true; if (page > lastPage) { const err = new _graphql.GraphQLError('You must select an available page number'); err.status = 'No Content'; err.statusCode = 204; throw err; } else {
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}); return [3 /*break*/, 6]; case 5: error_2 = _a.sent(); console.error(error_2); throw new graphql_1.GraphQLError("Error creating message", error_2 || undefined); case 6: return [2 /*return*/, Promise.resolve(true)]; } }); }); },
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Ai Example
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const { graphql, buildSchema, GraphQLError } = require("graphql"); // Define a schema const schema = buildSchema(` type Query { hello(name: String): String } `); // Define a resolver const rootValue = { hello: ({ name }) => { if (name === "foo") { throw new GraphQLError('Name cannot be "foo"'); } return `Hello, ${name || "World"}!`; }, }; // Execute a query graphql(schema, '{ hello(name: "foo") }', rootValue) .then((response) => { console.log(response); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); });
In this example, we define a schema and a resolver for a hello query. We intentionally throw a GraphQLError if the name argument is set to "foo". When we execute a query that triggers this error, we catch the error and log it to the console. The error message will be "Name cannot be "foo"".
GitHub: felicianorman/api_cart
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__dirname, `../data/projects/carts/${cartId}.json` ); const cartExists = await fileExists(cartFilePath); if (!cartExists) return new GraphQLError("That project does not exist"); const cartData = await fsPromises.readFile(cartFilePath, { encoding: "utf-8", });
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if (Array.isArray(error)) { error[0].extensions.code = error[0].code; return new graphql_1.GraphQLError(error[0].message, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, error[0]); } error.extensions.code = error.code; return new graphql_1.GraphQLError(error.message, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, error); } /** * Select the correct service for the given collection. This allows the individual services to run * their custom checks (f.e. it allows UsersService to prevent updating TFA secret from outside)
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toggleLikeComment: async (_, { idUser, idComment }) => { console.log("resolver: toggleLikeComment"); try { const comment = await CommentModel.findById(idComment); if (!comment) { return new GraphQLError("There is no comment with id " + idComment, { extensions: { code: "NOT-FOUND" }, }); } let commentUpdated = undefined;
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endpointUrl: data.endpointUrl }; await Resource.create(arrayOfData); return await Resource.find({ tenantName: data.tenantName }); } else { throw new GraphQLError( + 'already exist on this Tenant'); } } async function updateResource(data) {
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GitHub: HamzaLinge/Blog
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comments: undefined, nbrComments: post.comments.length, }; } catch (errorUpdatePost) { console.log("Something went wrong during Update Post", errorUpdatePost); return new GraphQLError("Something went wrong during Update Post", { extensions: { code: "ERROR-SERVER" }, }); } },
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// Validate data const {errors, valid} = validateRegisterInput(name, username, email, role, password, confirmPassword) if(!valid) { throw new GraphQLError('Errors', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_USER_INPUT', errors }
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message: "Succesfully added upvoted answer, answer data updated", user: _user, answer: correspondingAnswer, }; } else { throw new GraphQLError("No such user!", { extensions: { userId: userId }, }); } },
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Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const graphql_1 = require("graphql"); const vitest_1 = require("vitest"); const process_error_1 = __importDefault(require("./process-error")); (0, vitest_1.describe)('GraphQL processError util', () => { const sampleError = new graphql_1.GraphQLError('An error message', { path: ['test_collection'] }); const redactedError = { message: 'An unexpected error occurred.', locations: undefined, extensions: {
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}, Mutation: { addBook: async (root, args, context) => { const currentUser = context.currentUser if (!currentUser) { throw new GraphQLError('not authenticated', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_USER_INPUT', } })
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