How to use the Kind function from graphql
Find comprehensive JavaScript graphql.Kind code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
graphql.Kind is an enum in the GraphQL.js library that defines the types of syntax tokens that are used in GraphQL queries and schemas.
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let keep = true; documentFile.document = (0, graphql_1.visit)(documentFile.document, { Directive: (node) => { if ( === 'env') { const ifValue = node.arguments?.find((arg) => === 'if')?.value; keep = ifValue?.kind === graphql_1.Kind.STRING && typeof process.env[ifValue.value] !== 'undefined'; // Remove the @env directive, since it is only used here return null; } return undefined;
GitHub: drewpager/platos-peach
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throw new Error(`Value is not formatted as a date ${value}`); } return value; }; const parseLiteral = (ast) => { if (ast.kind !== graphql_1.Kind.STRING) { throw new Error(`Query error: can only parse strings but got ${ast.kind}`); } return validate(ast.value); };
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How does graphql.Kind work?
graphql.Kind is an enum in the GraphQL.js library that defines the types of syntax tokens that are used in GraphQL queries and schemas. When you parse a GraphQL query or schema using the graphql.parse method, it generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) that represents the structure of the query or schema. The AST is a collection of nodes, where each node corresponds to a specific syntax token, such as a field, argument, or variable. The graphql.Kind enum defines constants for each type of syntax token that can appear in the AST. For example, graphql.Kind.FIELD represents a field in a GraphQL query, graphql.Kind.ARGUMENT represents an argument to a field or directive, and so on. You can use the graphql.Kind enum to inspect the AST and determine the type of each node. For example, you might use if (node.kind === graphql.Kind.FIELD) to check if a node is a field, or if (node.kind === graphql.Kind.VARIABLE_DEFINITION) to check if a node defines a variable. Overall, graphql.Kind provides a convenient way to work with the AST generated by graphql.parse, allowing you to write code that can analyze, transform, or validate GraphQL queries and schemas.
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}, parseValue(value) { return validate(value); }, parseLiteral(ast) { if (ast.kind === graphql_1.Kind.STRING) { return validate(ast.value, ast); } throw (0, error_js_1.createGraphQLError)(`Account Number can only parse String but got '${ast.kind}'`, { nodes: [ast],
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GitHub: saumyatalwani/blogBack
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return value; } function parseObject(ast) { const key = ast.fields[0].value; const value = ast.fields[1].value; if (ast.fields.length === 2 && key.kind === graphql_1.Kind.STRING && key.value === 'Buffer' && value.kind === graphql_1.Kind.LIST) { return global.Buffer.from( => parseInt(astValue.value))); } throw (0, error_js_1.createGraphQLError)(`Value is not a JSON representation of Buffer: ${(0, graphql_1.print)(ast)}`, { nodes: [ast],
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Ai Example
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const { parse, Kind } = require("graphql"); const query = ` query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { id name email } } `; const ast = parse(query); // Loop through each node in the AST ast.definitions.forEach((definition) => { if (definition.kind === Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION) { // This is an operation definition console.log(`Operation: ${definition.operation}`); // Loop through each field in the operation definition.selectionSet.selections.forEach((selection) => { if (selection.kind === Kind.FIELD) { // This is a field console.log(`Field: ${}`); } }); } });
In this example, we first import the parse and Kind operators from the graphql library. We then define a GraphQL query that retrieves information about a user, using a variable for the user ID. We parse the query using the graphql.parse method, which generates an AST representing the query. We then loop through each node in the AST, checking its kind property to determine what type of node it is. If it's an operation definition, we log the type of operation (query, mutation, or subscription) and loop through each field in the operation, logging the name of each field. The output of this example should be: makefile Copy code
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}; } function getTypeNodeForType(type) { if (type instanceof graphql.GraphQLNonNull) { return { kind: graphql.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE, type: getNamedOrListTypeNodeForType(type.ofType) }; } return getNamedOrListTypeNodeForType(type);
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} function getNamedOrListTypeNodeForType(type) { if (type instanceof graphql.GraphQLList) { return { kind: graphql.Kind.LIST_TYPE, type: getTypeNodeForType(type.ofType) }; } return {
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continue; } collectFields(schema, fragments, variableValues, runtimeType, selection.selectionSet, fields, visitedFragmentNames); break; } case graphql_1.Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: { const fragName =; if (visitedFragmentNames.has(fragName) || !shouldIncludeNode(variableValues, selection)) { continue; }
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} } } newSelectionSet = selections.length ? { kind: graphql_1.Kind.SELECTION_SET, selections, } : undefined; const args = (_a = fieldNodes === null || fieldNodes === void 0 ? void 0 : fieldNodes[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.arguments;
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.filter(t => !hasCircularRef([...ancestors, t], { depth: circularReferenceDepth, })) .map(t => { return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT, typeCondition: { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAMED_TYPE, name: { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME,
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// This code is so weird because it needs to support GraphQL.js 14 // In GraphQL.js 14 there is no `description` value on schemaNode schemaNode.description = ((_b = (_a = schema.astNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.description) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : schema.description != null) ? { kind: graphql_1.Kind.STRING, value: schema.description, block: true, } : undefined;
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const rootName = getRootTypeName(field.type); return async (args, query, context) => { var _result$errors; const selectionSet = graphql$1.parse(`fragment x on ${rootName} {${query}}`).definitions[0].selectionSet; const document = { kind: graphql$1.Kind.DOCUMENT, definitions: [{ kind: graphql$1.Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION, // OperationTypeNode is an ts enum where the values are 'query' | 'mutation' | 'subscription' operation: operation,
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const directives = getDirectiveNodes(schema, schema, pathToDirectivesInExtensions); if (!operationTypes.length && !directives.length) { return null; } const schemaNode = { kind: operationTypes != null ? graphql_1.Kind.SCHEMA_DEFINITION : graphql_1.Kind.SCHEMA_EXTENSION, operationTypes, // ConstXNode has been introduced in v16 but it is not compatible with XNode so we do `as any` for backwards compatibility directives: directives, };
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location: pointer, rawSDL: common.printSchemaWithDirectives(value, options), schema: value, }; } else if ((value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.kind) === graphql.Kind.DOCUMENT) { return { location: pointer,
graphql.GraphQLNonNull is the most popular function in graphql (4226 examples)