How to use the init function from gulp-sourcemaps
Find comprehensive JavaScript gulp-sourcemaps.init code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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*/ function wxss(wxssFileList) { if (!wxssFileList.length) return false return gulp.src(wxssFileList, {cwd: srcPath, base: srcPath}) .pipe(gulpif(wxssConfig.less && wxssConfig.sourcemap, sourcemaps.init())) .pipe(gulpif(wxssConfig.less, less({paths: [srcPath]}))) .pipe(rename({extname: '.wxss'})) .pipe(gulpif(wxssConfig.less && wxssConfig.sourcemap, sourcemaps.write('./'))) .pipe(_.logger(wxssConfig.less ? 'generate' : undefined))
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`node_modules/flatbuffers/js/flatbuffers.mjs`, `node_modules/text-encoding-utf-8/package.json`, `node_modules/text-encoding-utf-8/src/encoding.js`, `${src}/**/*.js` /* <-- then source globs */ ], { base: `./` }), sourcemaps.init(), closureCompiler(createClosureArgs(entry_point, externs)), // rename the sourcemaps from * files to * sourcemaps.write(`.`, { mapFile: (mapPath) => mapPath.replace(``, `.${target}`) }), gulp.dest(out)
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: dynastina/biostudy
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* Add JS compilation options to gulp pipe */ jsChannel: function () { var config = this.config.compile; return lazypipe().pipe(function () { return gulpif(config.jsSourcemaps, sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true, debug: config.debug})); }).pipe(function () { return gulpif(config.jsMinify, terser()); }).pipe(function () { return gulpif(config.jsSourcemaps, sourcemaps.write('./'));
+ 19 other calls in file
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// pipe plugins to map // create source map file before writing to destination // note: all plugins must be compatible with sourcemaps to work export const styles = () => { return src(paths.styles.src) .pipe(gulpif(!PRODUCTION, sourcemaps.init())) .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(gulpif(PRODUCTION, postcss([ autoprefixer ]))) .pipe(gulpif(PRODUCTION, cleanCss({compatibility:'ie10'}))) .pipe(gulpif(!PRODUCTION, sourcemaps.write()))
+ 13 other calls in file
gulp-sourcemaps.write is the most popular function in gulp-sourcemaps (175 examples)