How to use the replace function from gulp
Find comprehensive JavaScript gulp.replace code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: Eason010212/mixio
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
function stripApacheLicense() { // Strip out Google's and MIT's Apache licences. // Closure Compiler preserves dozens of Apache licences in the Blockly code. // Remove these if they belong to Google or MIT. // MIT's permission to do this is logged in Blockly issue #2412. return gulp.replace(new RegExp(licenseRegex, "g"), '\n\n\n\n'); // Replace with the same number of lines so that source-maps are not affected. } /**
GitHub: google/blockly
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
function stripApacheLicense() { // Strip out Google's and MIT's Apache licences. // Closure Compiler preserves dozens of Apache licences in the Blockly code. // Remove these if they belong to Google or MIT. // MIT's permission to do this is logged in Blockly issue #2412. return gulp.replace(new RegExp(licenseRegex, 'g'), '\n\n\n\n'); // Replace with the same number of lines so that source-maps are not affected. } /**
+ 3 other calls in file