How to use the decode function from he
Find comprehensive JavaScript he.decode code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
he.decode() is a function in the he library that converts HTML entities back into their original characters.
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return { id: (_b = (_a = result.cid) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : result.bvid) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : result.aid, aid: result.aid, bvid: result.bvid, artist: (_c = !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : (_d = result.owner) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :, title: he.decode((_f = (_e = result.title) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.replace(/(\<em(.*?)\>)|(\<\/em\>)/g, "")) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : ""), album: (_g = result.bvid) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : result.aid, artwork: ((_h = result.pic) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.startsWith("//")) ? "http:".concat(result.pic) : result.pic,
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translatedText = res[0]; detectedLang = fromLang; } //clear html tag and decode html entity var translatedText = he.decode(translatedText); var bTag = translatedText.match(/(?<=<b>).+?(?=<\/b>)/g); //text between <b> </b> if (bTag && bTag[0]) { translatedText = bTag.join(" "); }
How does he.decode work?
he.decode() is a function in the he library that converts HTML entities to their corresponding characters. It works by parsing a string and replacing all HTML entities with their corresponding characters. The resulting string is returned.
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return keywords; }; var _unescapeHTML = function (str) { try { return he.decode(str); } catch (e) { // console.log('WARNING: failed processing ' + str); // console.log(e); return str;
GitHub: LibreTexts/Libretext
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/* let ret = content.replace(/>/g, '>'); ret = ret.replace(/</g, '<'); ret = ret.replace(/"/g, '"'); ret = ret.replace(/'/g, "'"); ret = ret.replace(/&/g, '&');*/ return he.decode(content); } function encodeHTML(content) { /* let ret = content;
Ai Example
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const he = require("he"); const encodedString = "This & that"; const decodedString = he.decode(encodedString); console.log(decodedString); // Output: "This & that"
In this example, we're using he.decode to decode an HTML-encoded string ('This & that') and convert it back to its original form ('This & that').
GitHub: Tene21/Twitchcord
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message = youtubeJSON.users[userIndex].message } } } if(videoArray.length == 1){ videoString = "**[" + he.decode(videoArray[0].title) + "](" + videoArray[0].id + ")**" }else if(videoArray.length > 1){ for(i = 0; i < videoArray.length; i++){ //check if videoArray[i].type == "live" and videoString += "**[" + he.decode(videoArray[i].title) + "](" + videoArray[i].id + ")**\n"
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let match = regEx.exec(page); if (match !== null) { var actionUrlText = match[0].replace(actionPrefix, ''); let encodedActionUrl = actionUrlText.substring(1, actionUrlText.length - 1); session.actionUrl = he.decode(encodedActionUrl); session.cookie = response.header['set-cookie']; resolve(response); } else {
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GitHub: postalsys/emailengine
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let parsed = new URL(authServer); let username, password; if (parsed.username) { username = he.decode(parsed.username); parsed.username = ''; } if (parsed.password) {
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// // let search = match.findByHandle(`qq.${meta.userId}`); // let search = await matchapi.getPlayer({ handle: `qq.${meta.userId}` }); // if (search.length > 0) throw new UserDuplicateError(); // if (command[1] === undefined || command[1] === '') throw new NeedHelps(); // let handle = command.slice(1).join(" ").trim(); // handle = he.decode(handle) // let osuApi = getOsuApi(); // let user; // try {
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Array.isArray(decision.analysis.title) && decision.analysis.title.length > 0 ) { themes = => { try { item = he.decode(item); } catch (ignore) {} item = item.toLowerCase(); item = item.replace(/\*+\s*$/gm, ''); item = item.replace(/\s+/gm, ' ');
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const { items, hasMore, } = await this._propDefinitionsOptions(url, searchParams, context); const options = => ({ label: he.decode(question.title), value: question.question_id, })); return { options,
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"WITH s,a,e, count, cla " + "OPTIONAL MATCH (t:Torrent)<-[:DIST_AS]-(e) WHERE t.deleted = false " + "WITH s, a, cla, {edition: e, torrents: collect(DISTINCT t)} AS editions, count " query += "RETURN s, collect(DISTINCT a), collect(DISTINCT editions), collect(DISTINCT cla), count SKIP TOINTEGER($skip) LIMIT TOINTEGER($limit) " //SIZE((:Edition)<-[:PUB_AS]-(s)) var params = {uuid : he.decode(req.params.uuid), skip: req.body.start, limit: req.body.length}; , params).then(data => { session.close() var recordsTotal; var recordsFiltered;
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* @returns {String} the unescaped string */ HTMLFile.unescapeString = function(string) { var unescaped = string; unescaped = he.decode(unescaped); unescaped = unescaped. replace(/^\\\\/g, "\\"). replace(/([^\\])\\\\/g, "$1\\").
GitHub: muhamed-didovic/vmdown
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} const getPageData = async (data, page) => { let { link: pageUrl, downDir: saveDir, extension: videoFormat, quality, markdown, images } = data; const nhm = new NodeHtmlMarkdown(); pageUrl = he.decode(pageUrl) // console.log('----pageUrl', pageUrl); // await page.setViewport({ width: 1920, height: 1080 }); await page.goto(pageUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2', timeout: 61e3 })//waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
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}) } exports.CreateTag = async (req, res, next) => { if (he.decode( != "") { const newTag = new Tag({ name: he.decode( }); await .then(result => { return res.status(200).json({ message: `The tag ${} has been created.` }); }).catch(e => {
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trimValues: true, cdataTagName: "__cdata", //default is 'false' cdataPositionChar: "\\c", parseTrueNumberOnly: false, arrayMode: false, //"strict" attrValueProcessor: (val, attrName) => he.decode(val, {isAttributeValue: true}),//default is a=>a tagValueProcessor : (val, tagName) => he.decode(val), //default is a=>a stopNodes: ["parse-me-as-string"] };
GitHub: freewizard20/sonamu115
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if(data.length===0){'access to invalid item /mitem ' +; res.render('404'); }else{ if(data[0].adon==='Y' || (data[0].adon==='N' && jwtverify(req.cookies))){ data[0].detail = he.decode(data[0].detail).replace(/nbsp;/gi,''); data[0].views = data[0].views + 1; Item.updateOne({_id: query}, data[0]).then(()=>{}); User.find({name:data[0].user}).then((user)=>{ res.render('mitem',{data:data[0],user:user[0]});
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