How to use the NotImplemented function from http-errors
Find comprehensive JavaScript http-errors.NotImplemented code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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error.explicitInternalServerError = true return error }, notImplemented: function notImplemented (message) { return new createError.NotImplemented(message) }, badGateway: function badGateway (message) { return new createError.BadGateway(message)
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GitHub: gardener/dashboard
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tlsHost: apiServerIngressHost, ingressAnnotations }) } default: throw new NotImplemented(`bootstrapping garden terminal host cluster for refType ${refType} not yet implemented`) } } async function ensureTrustedCertForSeedApiServer (client, seed) {
GitHub: eggjs/egg-router
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if (options.throw) { let notImplementedThrowable; if (typeof options.notImplemented === 'function') { notImplementedThrowable = options.notImplemented(); // set whatever the user returns from their function } else { notImplementedThrowable = new HttpError.NotImplemented(); } throw notImplementedThrowable; } else { ctx.status = 501;
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
if (!user) throw new createErrors.NotAcceptable('Verification code is not valid') const id = const result = await knex('users').where('id', id).update('verification_code', '').returning('name') if (!result) throw new createErrors.NotImplemented('Verification failed') await sendMail(, 'Account verified',
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
module.exports.PreconditionRequired = new HTTPErrors.PreconditionRequired() module.exports.TooManyRequests = new HTTPErrors.TooManyRequests() module.exports.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = new HTTPErrors.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge() module.exports.UnavailableForLegalReasons = new HTTPErrors.UnavailableForLegalReasons() module.exports.InternalServerError = new HTTPErrors.InternalServerError() module.exports.NotImplemented = new HTTPErrors.NotImplemented() module.exports.BadGateway = new HTTPErrors.BadGateway() module.exports.ServiceUnavailable = new HTTPErrors.ServiceUnavailable() module.exports.GatewayTimeout = new HTTPErrors.GatewayTimeout() module.exports.HTTPVersionNotSupported = new HTTPErrors.HTTPVersionNotSupported()
+ 41 other calls in file
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if (!~implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)) { if (options.throw) { const notImplementedThrowable = typeof options.notImplemented === "function" ? options.notImplemented() // set whatever the user returns from their function : new HttpError.NotImplemented(); throw notImplementedThrowable; } else { // 如果不允许包错的话 会返回状态501
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
if (!passwordResult) { throw createError.Conflict("User credential is not correct"); } else { const token = await generateToken(user); if (!token) { throw createError.NotImplemented("Invalid token! please try again"); } else { return res.status(201).json({ msg: "Login successfull", user: user,
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] result = await postUserModels(false, queryValueDatabase, queryAdditionalDatabase) } if (!result) throw new createErrors.NotImplemented('Registration failed!') await sendMail(, 'Verify your account',
+ 11 other calls in file
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template: true, }, }); if (!result) throw new createErrors.NotImplemented( "Request verification code failed" ); switch (data.type) {
+ 5 other calls in file
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api.register({ notFound: () => { throw new createHTTPError.NotFound('no such function'); }, notImplemented: () => { throw new createHTTPError.NotImplemented('function not implemented'); }, }); // register operation handlers
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const allowedArr = Object.keys(allowed); if (!~implemented.indexOf(ctx.method)) { if (options.throw) { throw typeof options.notImplemented === "function" ? options.notImplemented() : new HttpError.NotImplemented(); } else { ctx.status = 501; ctx.set("Allow", allowedArr.join(", ")); }
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...req.body, dbLangCode: langCode, countryId: countryId, }); if (!state) { throw new NotImplemented("state doesn`t created"); } const updateCountry = await Country.updateOne( { _id: countryId },
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case 451: { httpError = createError.UnavailableForLegalReasons(); break; } case 501: { httpError = createError.NotImplemented(); break; } case 502: { httpError = createError.BadGateway();
+ 41 other calls in file
http-errors.NotFound is the most popular function in http-errors (1819 examples)