How to use the RequestTimeout function from http-errors
Find comprehensive JavaScript http-errors.RequestTimeout code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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proxyAuthenticationRequired: function proxyAuthenticationRequired (message) { return new createError.ProxyAuthenticationRequired(message) }, requestTimeout: function requestTimeout (message) { return new createError.RequestTimeout(message) }, conflict: function conflict (message) { return new createError.Conflict(message)
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GitHub: nxtedition/nxt-lib
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resolve(null) } }) .on('error', reject) .on('timeout', () => { reject(new createError.RequestTimeout()) }) }), next().catch((err) => { if (!res.headersSent) {
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module.exports.Forbidden = new HTTPErrors.Forbidden() module.exports.NotFound = new HTTPErrors.NotFound() module.exports.MethodNotAllowed = new HTTPErrors.MethodNotAllowed() module.exports.NotAcceptable = new HTTPErrors.NotAcceptable() module.exports.ProxyAuthenticationRequired = new HTTPErrors.ProxyAuthenticationRequired() module.exports.RequestTimeout = new HTTPErrors.RequestTimeout() module.exports.Conflict = new HTTPErrors.Conflict() module.exports.Gone = new HTTPErrors.Gone() module.exports.LengthRequired = new HTTPErrors.LengthRequired() module.exports.PreconditionFailed = new HTTPErrors.PreconditionFailed()
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case 407: { httpError = createError.ProxyAuthenticationRequired(); break; } case 408: { httpError = createError.RequestTimeout(); break; } case 409: { httpError = createError.Conflict();
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http-errors.NotFound is the most popular function in http-errors (1819 examples)