How to use the createProxyServer function from http-proxy
Find comprehensive JavaScript http-proxy.createProxyServer code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
http-proxy.createProxyServer is a function in Node.js that creates a proxy server that forwards HTTP requests to a target server.
GitHub: LabsRS-Dev/AiEXifCool
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contentType: this.contentType, handleError: typeof options.proxy !== 'string' })) if (typeof options.proxy === 'string') { var proxy = nm_httpProxy.createProxyServer({}) before.push(function (req, res) { proxy.web(req, res, { target: options.proxy, changeOrigin: true
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GitHub: alanhg/express-demo
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} /** * 创建代理服务器,执行动态代理 */ const proxyServer = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ secure: false, ws: true, changeOrigin: false, hostRewrite: true, timeout: 20 * 1000, proxyTimeout: 20 * 1000, }); proxyServer.on('proxyRes', (proxyRes, req) => {
How does http-proxy.createProxyServer work?
http-proxy.createProxyServer is a function provided by the http-proxy module in Node.js that creates a new proxy server. This function returns an instance of a proxy server that can be used to intercept HTTP requests and forward them to a target server. The createProxyServer function takes an optional options object as an argument that can be used to configure the behavior of the proxy server. Some of the options that can be specified include the target server that the proxy should forward requests to, the SSL configuration for the proxy server, and the headers that should be sent along with forwarded requests. Once a proxy server has been created using createProxyServer, it can be used to intercept incoming HTTP requests by listening to the request event. The proxy server can then be configured to forward the request to the target server using the proxy.web method. The createProxyServer function also supports several other methods that can be used to configure the behavior of the proxy server, such as proxy.on and proxy.once, which can be used to attach event listeners to the proxy server, and proxy.close, which can be used to shut down the proxy server.
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const url = require('url'); const async = require('async'); const httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const backbeatProxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ ignorePath: true, }); const { auth, errors, s3middleware, s3routes, models, storage } = require('arsenal');
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}); httpServer.on('error', function (error) { errorProcessedRequests ++; cannotListen(error); }); proxyServer = new httpProxy.createProxyServer(proxyServerOptions); proxyServer.on('error', proxyErrorHandler); proxyServer.on('proxyReq', proxyRequestRewrite); proxyServer.on('proxyRes', proxyResponseRewrite); proxyServer.on('end', proxyResponseComplete);
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Ai Example
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const http = require("http"); const httpProxy = require("http-proxy"); const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ target: "http://localhost:3000" }); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { proxy.web(req, res); }); server.listen(8080); console.log("Proxy server listening on port 8080");
In this example, we create a new HTTP server using the built-in http module in Node.js. We then create a new instance of the proxy server using http-proxy.createProxyServer and configure it to forward requests to a target server running on http://localhost:3000. We then attach an event listener to the HTTP server for the request event. When a request is received, we pass it to the proxy.web method of the proxy server, which will forward the request to the target server specified in the options. Finally, we start the HTTP server and listen for incoming requests on port 8080. Note that this is just a basic example, and there are many more configuration options and features available when using http-proxy.createProxyServer.
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this._proxy = null } } _createProxy () { this._proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ target: }) }
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this.logger.error(errorMessage, requestHref, targetHref, err.code || err, errReference); }; this.config = config_factory_1.createConfig(context, opts); this.proxyOptions = this.config.options; // create proxy this.proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});`[HPM] Proxy created: ${this.config.context} -> ${}`); this.pathRewriter = PathRewriter.createPathRewriter(this.proxyOptions.pathRewrite); // returns undefined when "pathRewrite" is not provided // attach handler to http-proxy events handlers.init(this.proxy, this.proxyOptions);
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readStream.on('end', () => { readStream.close(); }); // Upgrade proxy const wsProxy = new httpProxy.createProxyServer({ target: { host: 'localhost', port: PORT, },
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var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; var exec = require('child_process').exec; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); var cors = require('cors') var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({}) var ejs = require('ejs'); var fileupload = require("express-fileupload"); module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app,io){ const {
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var wsInitialized = false; var config = configFactory.createConfig(context, opts); var proxyOptions = config.options; // create proxy var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});'[HPM] Proxy created:', config.context, ' -> ',; var pathRewriter = PathRewriter.create(proxyOptions.pathRewrite); // returns undefined when "pathRewrite" is not provided
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http-proxy.createProxyServer is the most popular function in http-proxy (92 examples)