How to use the default function from http-status-codes
Find comprehensive JavaScript http-status-codes.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
http-status-codes.default is a JavaScript library that provides a collection of HTTP status codes and messages as constants.
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function appendClipToWord(req, res, next) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (typeof req.file === "undefined") { return next({ code: http_status_codes_1.default.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, msg: http_status_codes_1.default.getStatusText(http_status_codes_1.default.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY), }); } const word = yield (prismadb_1.default === null || prismadb_1.default === void 0 ? void 0 : prismadb_1.default.clip.create({ data: {
+ 21 other calls in file
GitHub: Godinson1/iPoll
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const Error_1 = require("../Error"); const handleRouteError = (app) => { // setting fall back route and message for undefined route app.use((req, res, next) => { const error = new Error("Not found"); error.status = http_status_codes_1.default.NOT_FOUND; next(error); }); //Error handler helper app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
+ 134 other calls in file
How does http-status-codes.default work?
is a JavaScript library that provides a collection of HTTP status codes and messages as constants.
To use the library, you must first install it as a dependency in your project:
luanpm install http-status-codes --save
You can then import the library and use its constants in your code:
javascriptconst httpStatus = require('http-status-codes');
console.log(httpStatus.OK); // 200
console.log(httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.OK)); // "OK"
In this example, we first import the http-status-codes
module using require
We can then use the constants provided by the library to reference common HTTP status codes, such as httpStatus.OK
for a 200 OK response.
We can also use the getStatusText
method to retrieve the message associated with a given status code, such as httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.OK)
which returns "OK"
Overall, http-status-codes.default
provides a convenient way to work with HTTP status codes and messages in JavaScript, improving the readability and maintainability of your code.
Ai Example
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const http = require("http"); const httpStatus = require("http-status-codes"); const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { const { url } = request; if (url === "/success") { response.writeHead(httpStatus.OK, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); response.write("Success!"); response.end(); } else if (url === "/not-found") { response.writeHead(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); response.write("Not Found"); response.end(); } else { response.writeHead(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, { "Content-Type": "text/plain", }); response.write("Bad Request"); response.end(); } }); server.listen(3000);
In this example, we first import the http module, as well as http-status-codes, using require. We then create a new HTTP server using the createServer method of http. The server is configured to handle incoming requests by checking the URL and returning a corresponding HTTP response. If the URL is /success, the server returns a 200 OK response with the message "Success!". If the URL is /not-found, the server returns a 404 Not Found response with the message "Not Found". For all other URLs, the server returns a 400 Bad Request response with the message "Bad Request". We start the server by calling its listen method and specifying the port to listen on. This example demonstrates how http-status-codes.default can be used to handle HTTP responses in a Node.js application, making it easy to generate consistent and meaningful status codes and messages.
http-status-codes.StatusCodes is the most popular function in http-status-codes (2750 examples)