How to use the use function from i18next
Find comprehensive JavaScript i18next.use code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The i18next.use function is used to add a plugin to the i18next translation framework.
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loadPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '../languages/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'), }; const { namespaces, languages } = await walkDirectory(path.resolve(__dirname, '../languages/')); i18next.use(Backend); await i18next.init({ backend: options, debug: false, fallbackLng: 'en-US',
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const dir = await FileUtils.readdir(dirPath) return new Promise((resolve) => { try { i18next.use(translationBackend).init({ ns: ['categories', 'commands', 'commons', 'errors', 'music', 'permissions', 'regions', 'moderation', 'lolservers', 'languages', 'countries', 'game'], preload: dir, fallbackLng: 'en-US', backend: {
How does i18next.use work?
is a method provided by the i18next library in JavaScript that allows you to add a plugin or middleware to the i18next instance.
It takes a single argument, which is the plugin/middleware function that you want to add to the i18next instance.
This method enables you to add extra functionality to i18next, like loading translations from a remote API or caching translations to improve performance.
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jsonIndent: 2 }; let dirs = await this.getDirs('rem_translate/'); this.list = dirs; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { i18next.use(Backend).init({ backend: backendOptions, lng: 'en', fallbacklngs: false, preload: dirs,
GitHub: zelferry/karinaTwo_bot
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client.webhooks = new webhookStructure_(client); } async loadLocates(){ let path = `${process.cwd()}/locates` try { await i18next.use(Backend).init({ ns: ["commands", "events", "permissions"], defaultNS: "commands", preload: fs.readdirSync(path), fallbackLng: "pt-BR",
Ai Example
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import i18next from "i18next"; import myPlugin from "./myPlugin"; i18next.use(myPlugin).init({ // options });
This code imports the i18next library and a custom plugin called myPlugin, and then uses i18next.use to add the plugin to the i18next instance. The init function is then called with options to initialize i18next. The myPlugin will then be used by i18next during translation.
GitHub: srirams19/UCAlexa
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// if it can't find a matching language. const LocalizationInterceptor = { process(handlerInput) { const { requestEnvelope, attributesManager } = handlerInput; const localizationClient = i18n.use(sprintf).init({ lng: requestEnvelope.request.locale, fallbackLng: 'en-US', resources: languageStrings, });
GitHub: 444748104/oa
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function init(settings) { if (!initPromise) { // Keep this as a 'when' promise as top-level red.js uses 'otherwise' // and embedded users of NR may have copied that. initPromise = new Promise((resolve,reject) => { i18n.use(MessageFileLoader); var opt = { // debug: true, defaultNS: "runtime", ns: [],
+ 35 other calls in file