How to use the default function from immutable
Find comprehensive JavaScript immutable.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: ethereumdegen/graph-cli
437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446
}); uploadedFiles.set(uploadCacheKey, hash); } const hash = uploadedFiles.get(uploadCacheKey); (0, spinner_1.step)(spinner, ' ..', `${hash}${alreadyUploaded ? ' (already uploaded)' : ''}`); return immutable_1.default.fromJS({ '/': `/ipfs/${hash}` }); } async _uploadSubgraphDefinitionToIPFS(subgraph) { const str = js_yaml_1.default.safeDump(subgraph.toJS(), { noRefs: true, sortKeys: true }); const file = { path: 'subgraph.yaml', content: Buffer.from(str, 'utf-8') };
immutable.Map is the most popular function in immutable (1575 examples)