How to use inflection.transform:
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const singularTitle = (name) => { return inflection.transform(name, ['underscore', 'titleize', 'singularize']) } const pluralTitle = (name) => { return inflection.transform(name, ['underscore', 'titleize', 'pluralize']) } const singularLabel = (name) => { return inflection.transform(name, ['underscore', 'singularize', 'humanize'])
How to use inflection.humanize:
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
schema.methods[loadRelatedMethod] = loadRelatedHref; schema.pre('validate', loadRelatedHref); function getHumanModelName() { return humanModelName || humanize(mongoose.model(ref).modelName, true); } function getRelatedHref() { if (!this[property] || !this[property].href) {
How to use inflection.dasherize:
GitHub: saagaar/uptrendly
108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
return deferred.promise; } function getName(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); name = inflection.dasherize(name).replace(/-/g, '_'); name = inflection.camelize(name, true); return name; }
How to use inflection.classify:
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const createError = require('http-errors') const { classify } = require('inflection') module.exports = options => { return async (req, res, next) => { const modelName = classify(req.params.resource) try { req.Model = require(`../models/${modelName}`) next() } catch (err) {
How to use inflection.underscore:
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return str.trim().replace(/[-_\s]+(.)?/g, (match, c) => c.toUpperCase()); } exports.camelize = camelize; function underscore(str) { return inflection.underscore(str); } exports.underscore = underscore; function singularize(str) {
How to use inflection.capitalize:
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for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(githubCustomEmojis)) { if (CustomKeyWords[key] === undefined) throw new Error(`“${key}” doesn’t have a keyword.`); const emoji = { id: key, name: inflection.capitalize(key), keywords: CustomKeyWords[key].keywords, skins: [{ src: value }], }; githubEmojis.emojis.push(emoji);
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How to use inflection.camelize:
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const logger = get(options, 'logger', { trace: noop }); const trace = logger.trace.bind(logger); const modelName = get(options, 'modelName', ref); const humanModelName = get(options, 'humanModelName'); const property = get(options, 'property', camelize(ref, true)); const hiddenApiIdProperty = get(options, 'hiddenApiIdProperty', `_${property}Id`); const hiddenDocumentProperty = get(options, 'hiddenDocumentProperty', `_${property}`); const loadRelatedMethod = get(options, 'loadRelatedMethod', `loadRelated${ref}`); const virtualHrefProperty = get(options, 'virtualHrefProperty', `${property}Href`);
How to use inflection.pluralize:
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
return inflection.singularize(str); } exports.singularize = singularize; function pluralize(str) { return inflection.pluralize(str); } exports.pluralize = pluralize; function format(arr, dialect) {
How to use inflection.singularize:
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// normalize aggregatable const $aggregatable = common.mergeObjects({}, aggregatable); // normalize unwind const unwindPathName = isArray ? inflection.singularize(pathName) : pathName; const unwindDefaults = { path: `$${unwindPathName}`, preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true, };
How to use inflection.titleize:
GitHub: ozum/vuepress-bar
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
if (stripNumbers) { // "" or "001-guide" or "001_guide" or "001 guide" -> "guide" name = name.replace(/^\d+[.\-_ ]?/, ""); } return titleize(name.replace("-", " ")); } // Load all MD files in a specified directory and order by metadata 'order' value function getChildren(parent_path, dir, filter, recursive = true) {
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