How to use the camelize function from inflection
Find comprehensive JavaScript inflection.camelize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
inflection.camelize converts a string to CamelCase format.
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const logger = get(options, 'logger', { trace: noop }); const trace = logger.trace.bind(logger); const modelName = get(options, 'modelName', ref); const humanModelName = get(options, 'humanModelName'); const property = get(options, 'property', camelize(ref, true)); const hiddenApiIdProperty = get(options, 'hiddenApiIdProperty', `_${property}Id`); const hiddenDocumentProperty = get(options, 'hiddenDocumentProperty', `_${property}`); const loadRelatedMethod = get(options, 'loadRelatedMethod', `loadRelated${ref}`); const virtualHrefProperty = get(options, 'virtualHrefProperty', `${property}Href`);
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} generateRequestHandler(resource, action) { return (req, res) => { // Convert GRPC upper camelcase action to lower camelcase action of controller const controllerAction = inflection.camelize(action, true) const requestOptions = [req, res, { resource, action: controllerAction, errorHandler: this.errorHandler,
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How does inflection.camelize work?
inflection.camelize() is a function provided by the Inflection library which converts any given string to camelCase by replacing any sequence of spaces, underscores, or dashes with a single uppercase letter.
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} }); } } const methodName = || i8n.camelize(i8n.pluralize(anotherClass.modelName), true); const fk = params.foreignKey || i8n.camelize(thisClassName + '_id', true); this.relations[methodName] = { type: 'hasMany',
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Ai Example
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const inflection = require("inflection"); const myString = "some_example_string"; const camelizeString = inflection.camelize(myString, true); console.log(camelizeString); // outputs: 'someExampleString'
In this example, inflection.camelize is used to convert the myString variable from snake_case to camelCase. The second argument, true, indicates that the first letter should be lowercased. The resulting camelizeString variable contains the converted string.
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if (relation.modelThrough) { req['where'][relation.keyTo] = { inq: inValues }; _model = cls.schema.models[relation.modelThrough.modelName]; _through = i8n.camelize(relation.modelTo.modelName, true); } else { req['where'][relation.keyTo] = { inq: inValues }; req['include'] = subInclude;
GitHub: saagaar/uptrendly
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} function getName(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); name = inflection.dasherize(name).replace(/-/g, '_'); name = inflection.camelize(name, true); return name; }
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const pluralName = (name) => { return inflection.pluralize(name) } const singularVariable = (name) => { return inflection.camelize(inflection.singularize(name), true) } const pluralVariable = (name) => { return inflection.camelize(inflection.pluralize(name), true)
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if (definition.polymorphic && definition.polymorphic.invert) { filter.collect = definition.polymorphic.selector; filter.include = filter.collect; } else { filter.collect = throughRelationName || i8n.camelize(modelTo.modelName, true); filter.include = filter.collect; } }
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} function getName (name) { name = name.toLowerCase() name = inflection.dasherize(name).replace(/-/g, '_') name = inflection.camelize(name, true) return name }
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f._scope = typeof definition.params === "function" ? : definition.params; f._targetClass = targetModel.modelName; if (f._scope.collect) { f._targetClass = i8n.camelize(f._scope.collect); } f.getAsync = function (condOrRefresh, options, cb) { if (typeof condOrRefresh === "function" &&
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function polymorphicParams(params, as) { if (typeof params === "string") params = { as: params }; if (typeof !== "string") = as || "reference"; // default params.foreignKey = params.foreignKey || i8n.camelize( + "_id", true); params.discriminator = params.discriminator || i8n.camelize( + "_type", true); return params; }
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module.exports = { helpers: { camelizedPathName: (name, lower = false) => { // The camelize function only transforms underscores, so convert dashes to underscores name = name.replace(/-/g, '_'); return inflection.camelize(name, lower).replace(/::/g, '/'); }, /** * Converts a name to use camel case where the first character is uppercase *
inflection.titleize is the most popular function in inflection (146 examples)