How to use the pluralize function from inflection
Find comprehensive JavaScript inflection.pluralize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
inflection.pluralize is a function that returns the plural form of a word in English.
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return inflection.singularize(str); } exports.singularize = singularize; function pluralize(str) { return inflection.pluralize(str); } exports.pluralize = pluralize; function format(arr, dialect) {
GitHub: th317erd/mythix-orm
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/// Return: string /// The name the model in plural form. /// /// See: Model.static getSingularName static getPluralModelName() { return Inflection.pluralize(this.getSingularName()); } getPluralModelName() { return this.constructor.getPluralModelName();
How does inflection.pluralize work?
inflection.pluralize is a function provided by the Inflection library that returns the plural form of a given word or phrase, using pre-defined rules or custom rules defined by the user. The function takes a string as input and returns the pluralized string. The pluralization rules are applied based on the language specified or the default language used by the library. The library can handle irregular plurals and uncountable nouns.
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const singularName = (name) => { return inflection.singularize(name) } const pluralName = (name) => { return inflection.pluralize(name) } const singularVariable = (name) => { return inflection.camelize(inflection.singularize(name), true)
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if (typeof(opts) == "function") { callback = opts; opts = undefined; } var self = this; //connector info var connectorType = inflection.pluralize(this.get('type')); var connector = this.getEntityId(this); if (!connector) { if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { var error = 'Error in getConnections - no uuid specified.';
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Ai Example
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const inflection = require("inflection"); const singular = "person"; const plural = inflection.pluralize(singular); console.log(plural); // "people"
In this example, we first import the inflection library using the require statement. We then define a string variable called singular with a value of 'person'. We then call the inflection.pluralize function, passing in the singular string as an argument. This function returns the plural form of the string, which we store in a new variable called plural. Finally, we log the value of plural to the console, which should output 'people'.
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*/ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, settings, parent) { const modelBuilder = this; const args =; const pluralName = (settings && settings.plural) || inflection.pluralize(className); const httpOptions = (settings && settings.http) || {}; let pathName = httpOptions.path || pluralName;
GitHub: ember-cli/ember-cli
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blueprintName = options.blueprintName.slice(0, options.blueprintName.indexOf('-test')); } if (options.pod && options.hasPathToken) { return path.join(options.podPath, options.dasherizedModuleName); } return inflector.pluralize(blueprintName); }, __root__(options) { if (options.inRepoAddon) { let addon = findAddonByName(project, options.inRepoAddon);
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var name = this.wzName; = name.toLowerCase(); this.nameCap = inflection.capitalize(name); this.sqlName = isEmpty(this.sqlName) ? name : this.sqlName; this.label = isEmpty(this.label) ? this.wzName : this.label; this.namePlural = isEmpty(this.namePlural) ? inflection.pluralize(name) : this.namePlural.toLowerCase(); this.namePluralCap = inflection.capitalize(this.namePlural); this.labelPlural = isEmpty(this.labelPlural) ? inflection.pluralize(this.wzName) : this.labelPlural;, ctx); }
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}); Handlebars.registerHelper("camelCase", function (input, type) { return `${inflection.camelize(input.replace("-", "_"), true)}${type || ""}`; }); Handlebars.registerHelper("pluralize", function (input) { return inflection.pluralize(input); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("camelize", function (input) { return inflection.pluralize(inflection.camelize(input.replace("-", "_"), true)); });
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inflection.titleize is the most popular function in inflection (146 examples)