How to use the titleize function from inflection
Find comprehensive JavaScript inflection.titleize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
inflection.titleize is a function that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.
GitHub: ozum/vuepress-bar
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if (stripNumbers) { // "" or "001-guide" or "001_guide" or "001 guide" -> "guide" name = name.replace(/^\d+[.\-_ ]?/, ""); } return titleize(name.replace("-", " ")); } // Load all MD files in a specified directory and order by metadata 'order' value function getChildren(parent_path, dir, filter, recursive = true) {
+ 56 other calls in file
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throw new Error(`“${datum.short_name}” doesn’t have a category.`); // Retrieve emoji information. let unified = datum.unified.toLowerCase(); let native = unifiedToNative(unified); let name = inflection.titleize( || datum.short_name.replace(/-/g, " ") || "" ); let unicodeEmojiName = inflection.titleize( unicodeEmoji[native]?.name || ""
+ 87 other calls in file
How does inflection.titleize work?
inflection.titleize is a function that takes a string and capitalizes the first letter of each word, while leaving the rest of the word in lowercase, following title-case formatting rules. It is often used for formatting titles, headings, and subtitles. Internally, it splits the string into words by detecting spaces and underscores, capitalizes the first letter of each word using String.prototype.toUpperCase(), and converts the rest of the word to lowercase using String.prototype.toLowerCase(). It then joins the words back together with spaces and underscores in their original positions.
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} const createEnumerator = (enumerator) => { const newEnumerator = { name:, title: inflection.titleize(, label: inflection.humanize(, comment: enumerator.comment } return newEnumerator
Ai Example
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const inflection = require("inflection"); const title = inflection.titleize("the great gatsby"); console.log(title); // "The Great Gatsby"
In this example, the inflection.titleize() method is used to convert the string "the great gatsby" into title case, resulting in the string "The Great Gatsby".
inflection.titleize is the most popular function in inflection (146 examples)