How to use the transform function from inflection

Find comprehensive JavaScript inflection.transform code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

inflection.transform is a function in the inflection library that applies a set of string transformations to a word or phrase based on a specified transformation rule.

const singularTitle = (name) => {
  return inflection.transform(name, ['underscore', 'titleize', 'singularize'])

const pluralTitle = (name) => {
  return inflection.transform(name, ['underscore', 'titleize', 'pluralize'])

const singularLabel = (name) => {
  return inflection.transform(name, ['underscore', 'singularize', 'humanize'])
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How does inflection.transform work?

Sure! inflection.transform is a function in the inflection library that applies a set of string transformations to a word or phrase based on a specified transformation rule. To use inflection.transform, you pass a word or phrase as the first argument, and a transformation rule as the second argument. The transformation rule is an object that maps a set of keys to transformation functions. Each transformation function takes a string as input and returns a transformed string. Here's an example of a transformation rule: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const transformationRule = { singularize: (word) => word.slice(0, -1), capitalize: (word) => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1), }; In this example, we define a transformationRule object with two keys: singularize and capitalize. The singularize key maps to a function that removes the last character of a string, and the capitalize key maps to a function that capitalizes the first character of a string. We can then use this transformation rule with inflection.transform to transform a word or phrase. Here's an example: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">const inflection = require('inflection'); const input = 'apples'; const transformed = inflection.transform(input, transformationRule); console.log(transformed); // 'Apple' In this example, we first require the inflection library. We then define an input variable with the value 'apples'. We call inflection.transform with input and transformationRule as arguments, which applies the singularize and capitalize transformations to input. The resulting transformed variable is 'Apple'. This is because the singularize transformation removes the last character of 'apples' to create 'apple', and the capitalize transformation capitalizes the first character of 'apple' to create 'Apple'. This code demonstrates how inflection.transform can be used to apply a set of string transformations to a word or phrase based on a specified transformation rule.

Ai Example

const inflection = require("inflection");

const input = "apples";
const transformationRule = {
  pluralize: (word) => `${word}s`,
  capitalize: (word) => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1),
const transformed = inflection.transform(input, transformationRule);

console.log(transformed); // 'Apples'

In this example, we first require the inflection library. We then define an input variable with the value 'apples'. We also define a transformationRule object with two keys: pluralize and capitalize. The pluralize key maps to a function that appends an 's' to the input string to create a plural form, and the capitalize key maps to a function that capitalizes the first character of the input string. We then call inflection.transform with input and transformationRule as arguments. This applies the pluralize and capitalize transformations to the input string, resulting in the transformed string 'Apples'. Finally, we log the transformed string to the console. This code demonstrates how inflection.transform can be used to apply a set of string transformations to a word based on a specified transformation rule.