How to use jimp.quality:
1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199
.then(img => { console.log(` getting ${fileName} map image...`); return img.quality(70) // set JPEG quality .write(outputPath + ".jpg"); // save }).then(async () => { console.log(" Jimp.quality(70).write()"); await sleep(100); // del old local resource if exist if (fs.existsSync(outputPath)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputPath); }
How to use jimp.distance:
1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716
case '!imgdiff':{ if (msg.attachments.length===2&&msg.attachments[0].content_type.startsWith('image/')&&msg.attachments[1].content_type.startsWith('image/')){ var attachmentsUrls =>{return u.proxy_url})[0], (err,img1)=>{[1], (err,img2)=>{ var distance = jimp.distance(img1,img2) var diff = jimp.diff(img1,img2) var newMsg = 'Image 1 hash: `'+img1.hash()+'`\nImage 2 hash: `'+img2.hash()+'`\nHash Distance: `'+distance+'`\nImage Difference: `'+diff.percent*100+' %`' diff.image.getBuffer(jimp.MIME_PNG, (err,buffer)=>{ if(err){debugLog(err)}
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How to use jimp.default:
421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430
let usr = await prisma_default.user.findFirst({ where: { id: } }); if (import_lodash5.default.isNull(usr)) return { status: 404 }; let imgname = `${(0, import_uuid.v1)()}${import_path.default.extname(body.icon.filename)}`; let imgpath = import_path.default.resolve(API_UPLOAD_DIR, "profile-images", imgname); body.icon.toBuffer()).then((img) => { img.scaleToFit(128, 128); img.writeAsync(imgpath); });{ data: {
How to use jimp.intToRGBA:
GitHub: PRRQRC/commander
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
console.log("Processed " + (((i + 1) / this.width) * 100) + "%"); for (let j = 0; j < this.height; j++) { let color = this.image.getPixelColor(i, j); var importance = this.importances.importances.find(el => el.x === i && el.y === j); importance = (importance) ? importance.importance : 255; color = Jimp.intToRGBA(color); this.pixels.push({ coords: [i, j], absCoords: [parseInt(this.x) + parseInt(i), parseInt(this.y) + parseInt(j)], color: color, converted: this.colors.convertColor(color), importance: importance }); } }
How to use jimp.diff:
1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717
if (msg.attachments.length===2&&msg.attachments[0].content_type.startsWith('image/')&&msg.attachments[1].content_type.startsWith('image/')){ var attachmentsUrls =>{return u.proxy_url})[0], (err,img1)=>{[1], (err,img2)=>{ var distance = jimp.distance(img1,img2) var diff = jimp.diff(img1,img2) var newMsg = 'Image 1 hash: `'+img1.hash()+'`\nImage 2 hash: `'+img2.hash()+'`\nHash Distance: `'+distance+'`\nImage Difference: `'+diff.percent*100+' %`' diff.image.getBuffer(jimp.MIME_PNG, (err,buffer)=>{ if(err){debugLog(err)} try{bot.createMessage(, newMsg, {file: buffer, name: 'imgdiff.png'})}catch(err){debugLog(err)}
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How to use jimp.rgbaToInt:
GitHub: PRRQRC/commander
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
} getImportantByHeatmap() { if (!this.colored.length) { return []; } this.colored.forEach((pixel, i) => { let importance = 255 + (pixel.color / Jimp.rgbaToInt(this.color.r, this.color.g, this.color.b, 255) * 20); this.importances.push({ x: pixel.x, y: pixel.y, importance: importance, heatmapImp: importance }); }); this.importances.sort(this.importanceSorter); console.log(this.importances[0]);
How to use jimp.loadFont:
1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670
var newMsg='<@''> used `!text`' if (!creditsDisabled){ chargeCredits(,0.05) newMsg+=', it cost :coin:`0.05`/`'+creditsRemaining('`' } jimp.loadFont(jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK).then(font => { //var newTxtWidth=jimp.measureText(jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK, newTxt) //var newTxtHeight=jimp.measureTextHeight(jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK, newTxt, 100) var txtObj={text:newTxt,alignmentX:jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER,alignmentY:jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP,background:0xffffff} switch(c){
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How to use
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case '!crop':{ if (msg.attachments.length>0&&msg.attachments[0].content_type.startsWith('image/')){ var attachmentsUrls =>{return u.proxy_url}) attachmentsUrls.forEach((url)=>{ log('cropping '+url),(err,img)=>{ if(err){log('Error during cropping'.bgRed);log(err)} img.autocrop() var newMsg='<@''> used `!crop`' if(!creditsDisabled){
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