How to use the Base64 function from js-base64
Find comprehensive JavaScript js-base64.Base64 code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
js-base64.Base64 is a JavaScript library that provides functions to encode and decode data in Base64 format.
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}); } /* istanbul ignore next */ renderPdf(pdfBase64, renderFinished) { // @ts-ignore const loadingTask = (0, pdfjs_dist_1.getDocument)({ data: js_base64_1.Base64.atob(pdfBase64) }); loadingTask.promise.then((pdf) => { // console.log('PDF loaded'); this._totalPages = pdf.numPages; this._renderedPdf = pdf;
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}); } /* istanbul ignore next */ renderPdf(pdfBase64, renderFinished) { // @ts-ignore const loadingTask = pdfjsLib.getDocument({ data: js_base64_1.Base64.atob(pdfBase64) }); loadingTask.promise.then((pdf) => { // console.log('PDF loaded'); this._totalPages = pdf.numPages; this._renderedPdf = pdf;
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How does js-base64.Base64 work?
js-base64.Base64 is a class that provides methods for encoding and decoding strings using Base64 encoding. It provides several static methods that allow you to encode and decode strings, and also allows you to create an instance that can be used to encode or decode strings with specific options. The encoding uses a set of 64 characters to represent the binary data in ASCII format, resulting in a shorter representation of the data that is easier to transmit over networks or store in databases.
GitHub: imgix/js-core
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value = _ref2[1]; if (value == null) { return prev; } var encodedKey = useCustomEncoder ? customEncoder(key, value) : encodeURIComponent(key); var encodedValue = key.substr(-2) === '64' ? useCustomEncoder ? customEncoder(value, key) : jsBase64.Base64.encodeURI(value) : useCustomEncoder ? customEncoder(value, key) : encodeURIComponent(value); prev.push("".concat(encodedKey, "=").concat(encodedValue)); return prev; }, []))); return "".concat(queryParams.length > 0 ? '?' : '').concat(queryParams.join('&'));
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GitHub: HappyBeautysmile/scss
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_class.prototype.addAnnotation = function addAnnotation() { var content = undefined; if (this.isInline()) { content = 'data:application/json;base64,' + _jsBase.Base64.encode(; } else if (typeof this.mapOpts.annotation === 'string') { content = this.mapOpts.annotation; } else { content = this.outputFile() + '.map';
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Ai Example
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const Base64 = require("js-base64").Base64; const message = "Hello, world!"; // Encoding the message const encodedMessage = Base64.encode(message); console.log(encodedMessage); // "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" // Decoding the message const decodedMessage = Base64.decode(encodedMessage); console.log(decodedMessage); // "Hello, world!"
GitHub: damin-zhang/qms-core
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exports.formatFillString = formatFillString; var encodeBase64 = function encodeBase64(str) { return _jsBase.Base64.encode(str); }; exports.encodeBase64 = encodeBase64;
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var base64 = 'data:application/json;base64,'; if (this.startWith(text, uri)) { return decodeURIComponent(text.substr(uri.length)); } else if (this.startWith(text, base64)) { return _jsBase.Base64.decode(text.substr(base64.length)); } else { var encoding = text.match(/data:application\/json;([^,]+),/)[1]; throw new Error('Unsupported source map encoding ' + encoding); }
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_class.prototype.addAnnotation = function addAnnotation() { var content = undefined; if (this.isInline()) { content = 'data:application/json;base64,' + _jsBase64.Base64.encode(; } else if (typeof this.mapOpts.annotation === 'string') { content = this.mapOpts.annotation; } else { content = this.outputFile() + '.map';
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var uri = 'data:application/json,'; if (this.startWith(text, uri)) { return decodeURIComponent(text.substr(uri.length)); } else if (this.startWith(text, b64)) { return _jsBase64.Base64.decode(text.substr(b64.length)); } else if (this.startWith(text, utf64)) { return _jsBase64.Base64.decode(text.substr(utf64.length)); } else { var encoding = text.match(/data:application\/json;([^,]+),/)[1];
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js-base64.encode is the most popular function in js-base64 (425 examples)