How to use the dump function from js-yaml
Find comprehensive JavaScript js-yaml.dump code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
js-yaml.dump is a function that converts a JavaScript object into a YAML string.
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} } var ymlContent = yaml.dump(requestJson); var ymlBuffer = Buffer.from(ymlContent); requestYmlBase64 = ymlBuffer.toString('base64'); }
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to: 'LICENSES.chromium.html', }, ); } const configFileContent = yaml.dump(config); grunt.file.write(outElectronBuilderConfigFile, configFileContent); grunt.log.writeln(`generated ${outElectronBuilderConfigFile} from target config`); });
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How does js-yaml.dump work?
js-yaml.dump() is a method in the js-yaml library that serializes JavaScript objects into YAML format. It traverses the input object and converts each key-value pair into a YAML string. It supports various options for controlling the output format, including line width and indentation.
GitHub: tropy/tropy
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const open = (file, locale = 'en') => load(join(MENU, `${file}.${locale}.yml`)) const save = (data, file, locale, dst = MENU) => write(join(dst, `${file}.${locale}.yml`), yaml.dump(data, { noRefs: true })) const flatten = (menu, prefix = '', into = {}) =>
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GitHub: agateblue/tempo
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export function yamlToJson(str) { return yaml.load(str) } export function jsonToYaml(data) { return yaml.dump(data) }
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Ai Example
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const yaml = require("js-yaml"); const data = { name: "John Smith", age: 42, occupation: "Software Developer", hobbies: ["reading", "running", "traveling"], }; const yamlString = yaml.dump(data); console.log(yamlString);
This will output the following YAML-formatted string: yaml Copy code
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noArrayIndent: false }; var todayDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10); output = "# AUTOGENERATED FROM PUBLIC API. DO NOT EDIT\n" output += "# sources last updated " + todayDate + " \n"; output += yaml.dump({ items: sourcesUpdated }, options); fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `../src/_data/catalog/sources.yml`), output);
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if(!isSnapshot) { // bump docker-compose.js version const dockerComposePath = 'docker-compose.yml'; let dockerComposeYml = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(dockerComposePath)); = `${newVersion}` fs.writeFileSync(dockerComposePath, yaml.dump(dockerComposeYml)); console.log(dockerComposePath); const majorMinorVersion = `${newVersion.split(".")[0]}.${newVersion.split(".")[1]}`;
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for (let i = 1; i <= seedsCount; i++) { config.seed_nodes[`seed-${i}`] = {}; config.seed_nodes[`seed-${i}`].node_key = generateTenderdashNodeKeys(); } const data = yaml.dump(config); await fs.writeFile(`networks/${networkName}.yml`, `---\n\n${data}`); }
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// Write updated changelogs.yml file console.log("Writing changelogs file"); fs.writeFileSync( `../../${process.env.CHANGELOG_DIR}`, "Entries:\n" + yaml.dump(updatedChangelogs, { indent: 2 }).replace(/^---/, "") ); console.log(`Changelog updated with changes from PR #${process.env.PR_NUMBER}`); })();
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GitHub: flomesh-io/traffic-guru
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kubeconfig.users[0].user.token =; kubeconfig.clusters[0].cluster.server = registry.address; kubeconfig.clusters[0].cluster['certificate-authority-data'] = registry.content.certificate; await fsWriteFile(kubeconfigPath, yaml.dump(kubeconfig)); } } } const optionsPath = path.join(KUBE_CONFIG_DIR, `${}.options`);
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privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, }); res = await elvContract.PaymentDeploy({addresses, shares}); console.log("\n" + yaml.dump(await res)); } catch (e) { console.error("ERROR:", e); } };
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GitHub: mytaptrack/samtsc
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}'Writing file', buildPath) this.fixGlobalApiPermissions(template); this.mergeGlobalPolicies(template); let templateString = yaml.dump(template, { schema: cfSchema.CLOUDFORMATION_SCHEMA}) const versionMatches = templateString.match(/\:\W*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\W*(?<=\n)/g); if(versionMatches) { logger.warn("Replacing non-string version numbers with strings"); versionMatches.forEach(m => {
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GitHub: CAFECA-IO/TideBitEx
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const doc = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(p, "utf8")); return doc; } static yamlUpdate(object, filePath) { const editedYaml = yaml.dump(object, { flowLevel: 3, styles: { "!!int": "decimal", "!!null": "empty",
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await printServerlessFunction(templateFile, apiSpecList, stage, version); } async function generateExportFile() { const apiSpecList = await getApiSepcList(); let yamlStr = yaml.dump(createPostmanImport(apiSpecList)); fs.writeFileSync(`export.yml`, yamlStr, 'utf8'); } async function uploadToNotion(secret, stage, ver) {
GitHub: lyz05/danmaku
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async function setchatidbyuser(user, chatid) { const database = await oss.get("SUB/database.yaml"); const data = yaml.load(database); data.user[user].chatID = chatid; oss.put("SUB/database.yaml", yaml.dump(data)); } // function sleep(ms) { // return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
GitHub: helson-lin/ffandown
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
* @description create yml option file * @date 3/14/2023 - 6:01:54 PM * @param {object} obj */ const createYml = (obj) => { const yamlString = json2yaml.dump(obj, { lineWidth: -1 }) const filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), './config/config.yml') fse.outputFileSync(filePath, yamlString) }
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GitHub: Arash4567/nuxt3
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// translate const t = await translateFile(file, locale) // save to file fs.writeFileSync(locale.path, yaml.dump(t)) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }
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}); }, GATEWAY_STARTUP_WAIT_TIME); }); testGatewayConfigData.pipelines.adminAPI.policies.shift(); fs.writeFileSync(testGatewayConfigPath, yaml.dump(testGatewayConfigData)); }); }); describe('uses previous config on reload of invalid gateway.config.yml', function () {
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*/ function outputDiagnostics(diagnostic) { const prefix = " "; let output = `${prefix}---\n`; output += prefix + yaml.dump(diagnostic).split("\n").join(`\n${prefix}`); output += "...\n"; return output; }
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GitHub: angeldeejay/mm-swarm
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console.error(' Only LAN/WiFi connections accepted'); process.exit(1); } console.log('► Binding to ' + ipToBind.address + ' (' + + ')'); const instanceTemplate = yaml.dump( { version: '3', services: { '${INSTANCE}_mm': {
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describe('when policies defined', () => { beforeEach(() => { const initialConfig = { admin: { port: 0 } }; fs.writeFileSync(config.gatewayConfigPath, yaml.dump(initialConfig)); config.loadGatewayConfig(); return adminHelper.start({ config }); });
js-yaml.dump is the most popular function in js-yaml (432 examples)