How to use the removeItem function from localforage
Find comprehensive JavaScript localforage.removeItem code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
localforage.removeItem is a method used to remove a key-value pair from the localforage instance.
GitHub: micojs/MicoBot
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this.#storageId = storageId; } async destroy(storageId) { if (storageId || this.#storageId) await localforage.removeItem(storageId || this.#storageId); } init(values) { const listeners = [];
GitHub: PaaS-Shack/kube
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function rename (filename, newFilename, callback) { localforage.getItem(filename, function (err, value) { if (value === null) { localforage.removeItem(newFilename, function () { return callback(); }); } else { localforage.setItem(newFilename, value, function () { localforage.removeItem(filename, function () { return callback(); }); });
+ 77 other calls in file
How does localforage.removeItem work?
is a method in the LocalForage library that allows the removal of a previously stored item from the browser's offline storage.
When called, it takes a key string as its argument and returns a Promise that is resolved when the item is successfully removed, and rejected if any errors occur during the process. The method works by searching for the key in the storage and deleting the corresponding value, or doing nothing if the key is not found.
Ai Example
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// Assuming localforage has already been configured localforage .removeItem("myKey") .then(() => { console.log("Item removed from local storage"); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error removing item from local storage:", error); });
In this example, the removeItem() method is called on the localforage instance with the key of the item to be removed passed as an argument. The method returns a promise that resolves when the item is successfully removed, or rejects if there is an error. In this case, the result of the promise is logged to the console, along with any errors that occur.
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